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Everything posted by JohnDeere

  1. Nothing opens like a Deere! You ignorant fool! Checks are for workers!
  2. He cant say you never gave him anything Nothing opens like a Deere! You ignorant fool! Checks are for workers!
  3. About 200 a year. Nothing opens like a Deere! You ignorant fool! Checks are for workers!
  4. I jump on friday's and answer my phone and check voice mail between jumps. Also call my guy's as needed between jumps. It works great for me. Nothing opens like a Deere! You ignorant fool! Checks are for workers!
  5. Good try but complete diff. Nothing opens like a Deere! You ignorant fool! Checks are for workers!
  6. Sorry Bill but he can be linked to both. Might want to use another word Nothing opens like a Deere! You ignorant fool! Checks are for workers!
  7. Not when he has indoctrinated so many people. He need's his BS called out. Nothing opens like a Deere! You ignorant fool! Checks are for workers!
  8. Doesn't matter. He is a very wealthy man because of the system he down's so much! He's no better on that front than Gore & global warming, or the dumb ass rich libs that say the rich should pay higher taxes but they dont pay more to the IRS than they owe. There all fucking hypocrites! And dumb sons of bitches
  9. Hmmm maybe others are catching on to his BS? Nothing opens like a Deere! You ignorant fool! Checks are for workers!
  10. Oh were in luck cause they got some stimulas money and congress just voted them some more money Nothing opens like a Deere! You ignorant fool! Checks are for workers!
  11. He is a worthless piece of trash that has been ignored for far to long!
  12. Yea Bill she was such a republican she backed the dem. after she pulled out She is no were close to a true republican, but its about all that we have had to choose from for many years. Nothing opens like a Deere! You ignorant fool! Checks are for workers!
  13. Thats funny little boy! Does your mom know your on here all the time? If you didnt act like a little girl scout and block my PM's you would have a clue. Pick up your skirt and grab your balls! Act like a man, instead of a coward. Nothing opens like a Deere! You ignorant fool! Checks are for workers!
  14. My two little one's both wanted to be spider girl, but finally my wife talked one into being bat girl. Nothing opens like a Deere! You ignorant fool! Checks are for workers!
  15. Me and my wife didnt dress up but here my girls. First 2 are my youngest all decked out Third pic is my oldest Fourt is my oldest on right before she got dress up at a church event. Nothing opens like a Deere! You ignorant fool! Checks are for workers!
  16. What kind of courses you need? Nothing opens like a Deere! You ignorant fool! Checks are for workers!
  17. Whew! I was afraid you'd say it was part of Michelle Obama's staff funding. It will come out in the open sooner or later. The Taliban got their cut out of the first lady's booze, prime rib, and caviar. You forgot the banks robbed by her domestic terrorist comrades. You two have no clue! It comes from Acorn of course...... Nothing opens like a Deere! You ignorant fool! Checks are for workers!
  18. When i was 14 (till 16) I sacked at a Winn Dixie and by far blacks were the worst tipers! I never was a waiter so I dont know on that front. Nothing opens like a Deere! You ignorant fool! Checks are for workers!
  19. Are you ever gonna jump whufo? Damn 2 jump wonders Nothing opens like a Deere! You ignorant fool! Checks are for workers!
  20. Why dont you call down to Dallas and see when the next canopy course is. I did my first canopy course at 70 something jumps and it helped alot! Or get one of your locals to video a landing of yours and get someone (an exp. canopy pilot) to review it with you.
  21. You should try and gather your own idea's outside of party lines! I normally dont waste my time replying to you but i thought i would let you know your same old BS was old aloooooong time ago. You are now in the same category as Amazon, and Kallend. But go ahead and keep talking to yourself if it make you sound better to yourself!
  22. My side isnt sinking..... the other side is floaty! Nothing opens like a Deere! You ignorant fool! Checks are for workers!
  23. And this Nothing opens like a Deere! You ignorant fool! Checks are for workers!
  24. Nothing opens like a Deere! You ignorant fool! Checks are for workers!
  25. Your right, I wish the govt. would learn how to kill people from Mao. He was much more efficient at killing alot of people. We leave them on death row to long. Other than that Im sure he was a great person! Nothing opens like a Deere! You ignorant fool! Checks are for workers!