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Everything posted by Kinaa

  1. Kinaa

    largest arms

    He has a web page where he say that he used steroids. (at picture section) Blue sky I.P.
  2. LOL I owed a Yugo, man that was the worst car I ever owed. You just cant be bored whit that car. Something is always happening whit it. Almost like it has a soul...of a devil. I would not take it again even if it was free of charge. I think that I read somewhere, that it was chosen for worst car of all times on some internet poll. I would choose Mazda 6.
  3. I had problems with PTSD, depression and anxiety. I participated in war here in Croatia, and I (and my whole family) lived for about 4-5 years about half a mile from enemy positions. That left some scars on me. After returning from war, I had problems whit returning to society, I felt like I came from Mars when I was whit my old friends, I went to college, but unsuccessfully, the differences beetwen me and those students were just to great. I started to use drugs. It helped me whit my resociallisation, I was re born. At first. But that did not last long. I hooked myself fast on ecstasy, and to cut the long story, I ended whit 5-8 pills per night. I weighted at that time 115 and 8 pills was really much. I did not stop using E until I started to having problems whit "cataplexic wakings". Sometime at that time I started skydiving, and after first jump I was sure that I will do it whole my life. I could not afford myself to live life that I had before. I started running and gym to improve my condition which was ruined by drug use. I did not want to find myself in high risk activity such is skydiving not mentally and phisycally prepared, especially 'cos I was afraid of heights at that time. Then thing started to change. I first bought myself computer, 'cos I wanted to learn more about skydiving, then I changed my old car (25 y.o. VW beetle) 'cos it wasn't suitable for long trips to DZ. I wasn't satisfied whit my english, and I started to learn it at home just to not miss anything. I started white water kayaking, I figured it could help me whit balance, so I can improve my skydiving...Actually every thing that I did after starting skydiving is somehow conected whit it. Where I'm now? I run three time per week 7km, and I go in gym tree time per week. I don't even think on drugs anymore. I'm not sure that skydiving cured PTSD, cos I still sometimes wake up in fear. But I'm not depressed and I don't feel anxiety anymore. Only bad thing is that I'm always broke, like I was when I was drug user, and I feel like I fell from somewere when I'm whit my wuffo friends. I.P.
  4. Well I guess it is really that good in Guantanamo 'cos America would not have 13 year old children there in captivity if that is bad place. Guess they are in school there? Keeping 13y.o. children there is shame for your country. And you know what is really sad? The fact that some of you don't think that. Igor
  5. Kinaa

    King Kahones

    I think that was the our moderator who did it.
  6. Mat Ridley - Genome (for a third time) Stephen Hawking - The Universe in a Nuthshell Skies... I.P.
  7. I did... 5: SL 2: 3' 2: 5' 5: 10' (we did not have a plane that could go higher at that time, it was used for accuracy training only, so I was stuck at 3500ft for some time) 3: 15' All jumps was on rounds.
  8. Kinaa

    No silicone

    LOL I suspect that the girl on the left is having trouble seing how low are they. Pic NSW. Sorry if it was posted before.
  9. "Chescka Zbrojovka"- Man, that was the most wanted handgun during the war here. It did showed the best of all hg's that was used here.
  10. Kinaa


    Well, fuck you too. I just saw the jump, you are one bald motherfucker. Get well soon. I.P.
  11. Thanks Wendy. I know that I could write it shorter, and write that what you did, I just could not find out how at that moment. It could spare me of two our writing, and that spell check, that thing is killing me sometimes. I apologize for my bad english, I'm doing the best I can. I.P.
  12. If that what you wrote is truth, what it is speaks about your country politics? Is there any moral? All i can learn from that is that I should not trust your country. (Maybe it is why shiit muslim mutiny against SH fail to come, cos they learned from history on a hard way) I am aware that your country is protecting your interests, but that does not make it right. There is good book to read 9-11 by Noam Chomsky... I don't think that you know what is war, and civilian casualties, and i don't think that you know what is terrorism. You might think that you do, but you aint. We had war here in Croatia, and only half of country was directly affected whit war (my town was first line - or last, depends how you look at it) and you can se difference between people who was directly affected by war and dose who was not. Even if it passed 8 years from end of war. We still talk, think, or have political, moral opinions different. You should see our political newsgroup, it is much like those war threads that we have here at :-) Yes that is what the book says. But can you explain what is then bombing of Iraqy or Serbian TV houses? Is that terrorism? You could say that those houses are serving the regime, but where is the line then? You could say that for any other target in Iraq, but someone could say that for any target in USA. This war is maybe called modern because of use new weapon but it is same as every other war that was on. Innocent people die. Who's good? Maybe yours. But I don't think it is for Iraqi poeople. They are still fighting against your army. So I guess they don't want that freedom that you are bringing, and I guess they think that S.H. is lesser evil than J.B. That is my point. You have your country, and you have right to do whatever you want in it. I don't get it? Isn't that their business? Isn't it about fathers and mothers of that children? I still don't see them fighting on your side against S.H (no matter how I would like to see it) And if you think that you bringing them freedom, by destroying their towns, and killing their fathers, brothers, you are my friend wrong. A asked a citizen of Serbia couple weeks ago about your intervention there (Situation could be related whit Iraq, they had Milosevic, a dictator, whit exception that he was not killing their own nation, only others in whole ex Yugoslavia) about how hard would be their resistance in Serbia if your army would invade them. His answer was (you can find it at hr.soc politika in thread called "Hoce li Amerika izgubiti rat", but it is on Croatian :-p) His answer was... ...Unity against "NATO aggressors" lasted for a couple of days right until people did not see child of political (unless they stayed in country) driving "hot cars" everywere in Beograd while others are losing their lives on Kosovo Highest revolt was on Milosevic son Marko. He kept using heavy mecanisation that army needed for making trenches while building amusement park. Now about land invasion. Part of army would surly accept that battle, but others would fled like rabbits. i think that good part of people choosed between two evils and pick lesser. So they would not put his own body at service to Milosevic. I remember clearly whole army units fleeing from Kosovo. Those men were talking clearly that they don't afraid to die, but that the battle under that circumstancens is pointless. Mutiny against Milosevic was not likely to happened, maybe cos Americans whit their barbaric behavior cause not to happened. I would like to find out why it was that way. The same story is now in Iraq Their bombing of Serbia and Crna Gora 1999 had few phases. Maybe it will be interesting to compare it whit Iraq. Thewir military logic is simple. Make it situation worse, until they surrender. 1. "Knock knock were here" couple of missiles falling way of the cities. There is no civilian casualties and maybe even no military. The message is clear - If you surrender you will be spared. 2. The show goes on" - now it is serious. Army is destroyed everywhere, destroyed buildings all around us, bridges...It is really barbaric and vandalic cos the collateral damage thing start to happend to frighten the public. Remember Aleksinac, Grdelica, burned train on tracks, hospital "Dragisa Misovic" in Belgrade, center of city Nis scatter all over whit cluster bombs, PRChina embassy. Americas spokesman justify the atrocity ("legitimate military target") and openly lie, and propaganda of our home dictator enjoys and showing civilian victims " The worse -the better" says both sides. 3. Middle ages - carbon bombs are cutting our electricity, places are without water. The whole western comfort disappear. It was our capitulation. It is hard to believe that grafit bombs which can't hurt a bird did so more than couple of megatons of crap that fell all over us. BTW Mcd's started to work again couple of days after war. We had Coca Cola all the time. Hatred against Americans dissapeared even before october happenings while Milosevic went down ... You see - they did not want to die for Milosevic (even tough he is pussycat for Saddam), and they capitulated without your land invasion, but Iraqi people are still fighting. That should tell you something. You might be doing something wrong. Who are that 1000 innocent, and who are those 1000000? And who has the right to decide? I'm not (nor the 80% of my country an large part of the world) convinced that you are in Iraq because humanitarian reasons. Well you did not came to help my country. Not in WW2. Nor ever. My own people liberated my country from Germans. Not USA, not Russians. And the fact that you came as liberators at WW2 does not put you automatically on rightous on every other war. I understand. And I cant find any reason to justify your war against Iraq. The fact that you are protecting your way of life in the foreing country at the other side of globe scares me. And when I read that James Woolsey words, it scares me more. And when I see pictures from Guantanamo...And when I remember that UN is become evolution luxury... I.P.
  13. First, see what is the name of thread, and my response to it. Second, if I don't support the war, does that automatically make me supporter of S.H. or his actions? Oh, and If the S.H. actions against Iran and Kurds justify your actions in Iraq and those civil victims in Iraq, then is there really differnece between S.H. and Bush? It is a matter of point of view. The reason is irrelevant Who has a right to decide about lives of that children? Do you really think that in this world subsist some cause, or treasure, or reason, or political belief that could justify that dead children? If you think that there is, then you are the same as the war criminal Saddam Husein. He also thought that there is reason that justify his actions against Kurds, Iranians or his own people. I almost is funny how your country was not disturbed when that genocid against Kurds happened? Maybe 'cos at that time S.H. was USA partner? Now you can say that USA is trying to repair mistakes from past, but it sure doesn't look so. (at least to the majority of the world.)
  14. Well I don't really know what to say on that... Try look here and see if it's fake.
  15. While you are there you are doing that (see pic) I just hope that someone won't use that picture as a reminder why he is in New York whit truck full of explosive. I.P.
  16. Kinaa


    Shit, i missed your sister pic. You wanna trade? I'll post my sister pic, and you post your again? Please? (Quick, while mine is still at work, she would kill me if she could know what I'm doing)
  17. Kinaa

    Post your rig

    Here is mine :-) I.P.
  18. And if this Washington post article is truth, then your government really made military mistake by attacking Iraq so early.
  19. I asked a frend of Z. Beric about a book, he sad that the book was not published in Cro but he will call his wife to ask if she has some books at home... I'll send you PM when I will know more - in a day or two.. Blu Skaj Igor
  20. Well listen to yourself! What or who gives you the right to decide about lives of those civilians that live in Iraq? You are now thinking about dropping the 10t bombs on populated area?? Isn't that use of weapon of mass destruction? A war crime? And you wonder why people of whole world are start to hate you?? BTW You are underestimating their will to fight. Cos as we can see they have strong will to fight against your army, no matter how the Saddam was dictator. Unless you don't destroy the whole city and kill them all you will never concur it. Bombs will not demoralized them. BTW I've lived in city, that was bombed whit anything, half ton bombs, heavy alt. planes...enemy was less then a mile from my apartment, I could see their positions from my window. They had MIG 29's we had nothing, they had thanks, they had everything, we had only infantry weapon. But we still won the war. There is no bomb or explosion that could cut up my will to fight. 'Cos my whole family is behind me, whole my life, everything that I have, my way of life. You are really underestimating them. 5mil city...It is impossible. We had a battle in war... Battle for Vukovar (35 000 ) in Croatia 1991. Edited to add: It was the border town with Serbia. 40 000 Serbs were attacking, 600 tanks, APC, planes full army, their guard brigades, paratroopers, special forces...At that time the JNA (serbs) was third army in europe. ~3000 defenders whit only infantry weapon, largest caliber was few anti tank rocket launcher OSA, you fire it from you shoulder...some RPGs They did not have any support, nor the artyllery, not air, nor did they get any supllies...The town was in total siege. After 3 months of siege and total destroying of town Serbs capture the city: Serbian loose: 10 000 -13 000 soldiers killed ~25 000 wounded ~200 Tanks, APC, ~25 airplanes Croatian lose: 1000+ soldiers 1500civilians 760 missing (civ. and sold.) 7000 captured (mostly civ.) So fighting against heavy armed 5mill city...
  21. Can someone explain to me? You are in foreign sovereign country to bring Iraqis people freedom from his own dictator. At least that is what is the title that is shown on your TV. He might use WMD (if he have it then he broke UN resolution - you did not find it yet, so he is still clean)against your soldiers (who did break UN resolution) so you will bring freedom to Iraqis by dropping the nuclear bomb on 5mill city?
  22. The one who did it really had some time to waste.