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Everything posted by hisgoofyness

  1. I am personally found of sharks with frickin lasers on their heads! Goudha is for Buddha, and that's good enough for me!
  2. Looks like he was stable and held a good body position until impact... Goudha is for Buddha, and that's good enough for me!
  3. Goodness gracious ... Great balls of fire! Goudha is for Buddha, and that's good enough for me!
  4. No - No it's not - it's somewhat new and different - definately bigger - yes - i'd have to say that it is MUCH bigger - I hope it is good though. Bigger = Yes / Shinier = Yes / Good = Yes The double in and double on standby is where it's at!!! Goudha is for Buddha, and that's good enough for me!
  5. Makes me want to stay far away from there then. Your ok your dating someone that is impotent anyways. You know... I thought he was always telling people how "important" he was. I guess I misunderstood... Goudha is for Buddha, and that's good enough for me!
  6. I was only trying to help correct your lawn issues... I will not allow that much teal in the house! Teal is ghey! Goudha is for Buddha, and that's good enough for me!
  7. Send the dog off to TN! Goudha is for Buddha, and that's good enough for me!
  8. Now if you could do all that while riding a white pony, you'd be in heaven!!! Goudha is for Buddha, and that's good enough for me!
  9. Now I have this song stuck in my head: "I got a basketball jones!" Goudha is for Buddha, and that's good enough for me!
  10. Mushrooms and Gouda... She's swell!!! Goudha is for Buddha, and that's good enough for me!
  11. Very good point J! We were even looking at baby harnesses last night, and Jen was the first to say "Yeah, that will get him or her used to being in a harness for their first tandem..." Goudha is for Buddha, and that's good enough for me!
  12. I am quite certain her tandem days are long over since she has been jumping her own rig for the last couple of years... Goudha is for Buddha, and that's good enough for me!
  13. Jen and I were married on April 13th, 2006! Don't you know I have to do something "extra special" to be able to attend the boogie... I am sure it will cost me, but hey she's worth it! Goudha is for Buddha, and that's good enough for me!
  14. Ahhhh... The power of cheese! What's for dessert? Goudha is for Buddha, and that's good enough for me!
  15. ohh sweetheart, don't do that. his baggage is large and his package is small. If that were true, the mere fact that you know it to be true... is ghey! Goudha is for Buddha, and that's good enough for me!
  16. 2.) BigWays 3.) Pumpkin passes at Halloween! 5.) Aardvarks Goudha is for Buddha, and that's good enough for me!
  17. My persuasive speech was on the benefits of pornography... It was FUN!!! Goudha is for Buddha, and that's good enough for me!
  18. We are Siamese and we Please!!! Goudha is for Buddha, and that's good enough for me!
  19. Fly fat ass... Fly! Is it just me or does Turtle's avatar look like Kevin Smith? Goudha is for Buddha, and that's good enough for me!
  20. "The Sheriff is near???" Goudha is for Buddha, and that's good enough for me!
  21. Why are you sideways? I thought thats the way its sposed to be done? Sideways. Horizontally Counter clockwise Double Anti-Clockwise? I see where youre going here. Lets see what happens. Tomorrow! Hopefully Tomorrow the one with "The Power" will allow me to test this theory!!! Goudha is for Buddha, and that's good enough for me!
  22. Uh-oh...look out now! Yup, there goes the boogie. of course if it is anything like the Christmas boogie... most people won't even know you are there!!! Goudha is for Buddha, and that's good enough for me!
  23. Well, if somethings changed would they really only be nothings or would they still just be somethings and not really be able to change? Actually of somethings changed, woulding they just be different somethings not nothings. To be nothings it would have to have been a something that is no longer a something? were nothings ever truly somethings, were they not always what was not? somethings that are now not have become has beens of what once was Goudha is for Buddha, and that's good enough for me!
  24. Buddha is in place... you must make a pilgrimage to the anniversary boogie to honor him properly! Goudha is for Buddha, and that's good enough for me!
  25. uhh no... seperate issue all together! all this talk of warming things up, i figured i would at least be kind enough to preheat the oven... Goudha is for Buddha, and that's good enough for me!