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Everything posted by RB_Hammer

  1. I too looked at the pro-track. Around Christmas time, my girlfriend asked me for some stuff I wanted. I saw the new Alti-track and really liked that because it did the tracking the pro-track does except I get the analog display for the altimeter as well as the fact that it stores more jumps. I thought the Alti-track/Solo combination was a great fit. She, being the best girlfriend in the world, as well as the best friend a person could want, got me both! "I'm not lost. I don't know where I'm going, but there's no sense in being late." Mathew Quigley
  2. Don't have a lot of jumps yet, but I do have a Solo. On a jump I have only heard the first two alarms, so far, and as long as things go right, I should never hear the third. I hear them very well and I have this mounted inside a Pro-Tec with the speaker facing out. I like the simple operation as well as the tones letting me know it's working that I get at about 1K. "I'm not lost. I don't know where I'm going, but there's no sense in being late." Mathew Quigley
  3. Turning it off is actually pretty easy. Push and hold the square button on the back until you get a display that says BEEP and some other stuff. Push the left arrow once, you will get a display that says OFF in the upper left and has a number on the right and zero on the left. Push the left arrow button until the number on the right matches the one on the left and push the square button. This turns in off. You have to do this so you don't turn it off by mistake. To turn the backlight on, push the right button on the front. When the green light comes on, push and hold the square button on the front until it goes off. Then push the left button once. The backlight is now on. Like the first reply says...RTFM!!! "I'm not lost. I don't know where I'm going, but there's no sense in being late." Mathew Quigley
  4. I resisted a reply to this, because it is so very off topic, but I finally have to. Ubuntu is not 'by Linux'. Ubuntu is a Linux based OS. Frankly, I am not entirely sure most Windows based software would run on it, but who cares? Why bother? My laptop came with Windows XP Home. I use a couple of firewalls, a good security suite with anti-virus, anti-spam and the rest and I have never had any problems. I perform the updates when Mircosoft puts them out, again no problems. When I do have a problem, I have someone in America I can call that WILL help me. When I get ready to upgrade my laptop, in about a month, I will use PC clone software. Why bother with it? I have other things to do with my time than mess with a computer, after all, it is simply a tool not a social statement. "I'm not lost. I don't know where I'm going, but there's no sense in being late." Mathew Quigley
  5. Thanks, I have already done that. I expect they are out 4 the holidays... "I'm not lost. I don't know where I'm going, but there's no sense in being late." Mathew Quigley
  6. I got a new Alti-Track with the USB Track and JumpTrack 3.0. I am running on XP Home, latest with all updates/service packs applied. When I start JumpTrack, I get the start-up logo and then nothing. After about 5 minutes, it simply terminates. When I check the task manager, it shows JumpTrack using 99%+ CPU until it finally dies. Anyone have a similar problem, and even better, a solution? "I'm not lost. I don't know where I'm going, but there's no sense in being late." Mathew Quigley
  7. Thanks WildBill. I did two jumps today and did 3 good tracks on each. I think I have figured out what my problem was. I still need to do more practice though, but that's what it's all about isn't it? Practice the skills that make jumping fun and keep us alive and unhurt. "I'm not lost. I don't know where I'm going, but there's no sense in being late." Mathew Quigley
  8. I would agree on the statement about tunnel time teaching you to fly faster per dollar than jumping. I did AFF and spent 25 minutes in the tunnel. The tunnel time got me able to belly fly very well for a student. I did have 3 repeats on my AFF though, for a skill the tunnel could not teach me, tracking. I had a hell of a time getting that done. Finally did with the guidance of a couple of instructers that finally saw I was not keeping my legs at the same height. "I'm not lost. I don't know where I'm going, but there's no sense in being late." Mathew Quigley
  9. Yes, I would straighten my legs then bring my arms back. I was having two different problems that I 'fixed' with two different corrections. One problem, rocking back and forth , left and right, was from having my hands too low, below my hips. The second, not having a straight track, was from my legs not being the at the same level. I 'fixed' the turning problem by clicking my heels together before I started the track to get my legs at the same level. I did not even consider this as a potential problem since I do not turn in an arch, but I guess I must have been countering this with my shoulders and/or arms. I plan on doing a lot of tracking practice on my first few solo jumps to get this skill much better. "I'm not lost. I don't know where I'm going, but there's no sense in being late." Mathew Quigley
  10. 4-A, US Army, 1972-1975 "I'm not lost. I don't know where I'm going, but there's no sense in being late." Mathew Quigley
  11. I finally finished my AFF last Sunday. I was doing really great with levels A-E, I had spent time in the tunnel learning to fly on my belly and can do turns and get stable with no issues at all. Then came leve F, needed to do a good tracking. I really sucked. Had to repeat level F. I did get a barely passable tracking and moved on to level G. For passing level G and get to solo, I needed to do a backflip, frontflip, L and R 360 turns, then a 180 turn and track. Flips we easy and no problem, turns a piece of cake as well. Tracking really sucked again. I had a real problem with this and would track in a turn and potatoe chip like crazy. Ending the track, I could get stable in an arch right away, but each time I tried to track I would turn. I had to do level G three times before I finally got passed. I was getting really frustrated with this since everthing up to this point had been so easy. We looked at one of the videos and we saw that I had my hands below my hips, so on my 2nd try at level G, I moved my hands back and this helped keep me from flying like a potatoe chip, but I was still turning. I would pick a point on the horizon and look to that point when I would start to turn and this did not keep me straight. Before my 3rd attempt at level G, they had me lay down and show them my tracking body position. One of the instructors noticed I would have one foot lower than the other. He suggested I toe tap before I started the track. We went up for the 3rd try and I poped out the turns, flips and such really fast and well. Tapped my toes and went into a track and it was STRAIGHT!!! Did a 180 and another track, another straight one. Yes!!! One more 180 and another straight one and a good wave off and pull. Finally passed AFF and I can solo now. I am sure the 25 minutes I have spent in a tunnel helped me get the stable belly position and the turns and forward/back movement down. No way to practice tracking in the tunnel though. Hope someone else that is in AFF can get pass the tracking more easliy than I did, tap them toes. "I'm not lost. I don't know where I'm going, but there's no sense in being late." Mathew Quigley
  12. Jeez, I am really new at this, as you can see from my profile. I am attaching pictures of the canopy and the label. Does it look like 7 cells? Thanks for all of your replies. "I'm not lost. I don't know where I'm going, but there's no sense in being late." Mathew Quigley
  13. I have seen a picture of the reserve, it has 7 cells. The container has a picture of a gorilla upside down holding a barbell and says, "Vanilla Gorilla". "I'm not lost. I don't know where I'm going, but there's no sense in being late." Mathew Quigley
  14. Can someone tell me about a some gear here? I would like to know about the Vector Wonderhog harness, a PD-230 9-cell Main canopy, and a ParaFlite R4 square reserve. "I'm not lost. I don't know where I'm going, but there's no sense in being late." Mathew Quigley
  15. Never happen... "I'm not lost. I don't know where I'm going, but there's no sense in being late." Mathew Quigley
  16. Reported on CNN: School Board abandons... Cobb County GA school board finally gives up it's ridiculous attempt to inject religion to science. "I'm not lost. I don't know where I'm going, but there's no sense in being late." Mathew Quigley
  17. Arch Look Reach Peel Right Pull Right Peel Left Pull Left Arch "I'm not lost. I don't know where I'm going, but there's no sense in being late." Mathew Quigley
  18. Yeah, he'll be gettin' out in June... June Parole "I'm not lost. I don't know where I'm going, but there's no sense in being late." Mathew Quigley
  19. Looks to me like the first paragraph this sticky post in the Incidents formum should address your concerns about loved ones reading posts there... billvon sticky "I'm not lost. I don't know where I'm going, but there's no sense in being late." Mathew Quigley
  20. I hope you get some replies from the experienced people here, but I did 15 minutes of tunnel time between AFF 1 and AFF 2. On my AFF 1 dive, I got the "legs out" signal about 7 or 8 times and on AFF 2 I got it once. I did some turns on AFF 2 as well as forward movement. I have absolutely no doubt that the tunnel time REALLY helped me, especially with the leg position. I do know that the 15 minutes I did was a major work out and it was really getting hard to hold a good position after about 10 minutes. I did learn to do 360's in both directions, move forward and back, up and down and laterally left and right during 15 minutes with my coach. I can't believe the tunnel time won't help before your first jump though. "I'm not lost. I don't know where I'm going, but there's no sense in being late." Mathew Quigley
  21. RB_Hammer

    who are you?

    Cheetah Gila Monster Nice hot shower Cold "I'm not lost. I don't know where I'm going, but there's no sense in being late." Mathew Quigley
  22. I saw this term in the incidents forum. Being new to the sport and having just had my first lessons in packing last Sunday, I am really curious to know what Psychopacking is. "I'm not lost. I don't know where I'm going, but there's no sense in being late." Mathew Quigley
  23. Being new to the sport and having just had my first lessons in packing, what is Psycopacking? "I'm not lost. I don't know where I'm going, but there's no sense in being late." Mathew Quigley
  24. I am not quite sure if you are being sarcastic or not here, but I don't see the difference. My first AFF jump, and the FJC, there was a lot of time spent on body position and leaving stable. You're more likely to learn how to pack and spot with s/l than AFF, which are both as much a part of skydiving (or should be anyway) as being able to do turns, four ways or flips. At the DZ last Sunday, I did another AFF jump and was preparing for my next. I was hoping to get at least three in if not more. The wind started and was not able to get up again. Spent the rest of the day talking about the effects of the wind on the spot and learning how to pack...
  25. What are the average temperatures there that time of year? "I'm not lost. I don't know where I'm going, but there's no sense in being late." Mathew Quigley