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Everything posted by d123

  1. 872.2 Lock, Dock and Two Smoking Barrelrolls!
  2. I have a name for the 2nd one God fingers waiting for a Hi5 I had some god fingers in the sky when I was doing my level 2 or 3. It was an exit with 2 instructors and I was so focused on the exit that I didn't see what was in front of me. The exit for me was like: Ready, Set, Go.... Wow.... ok COA ... wow ... Lock, Dock and Two Smoking Barrelrolls!
  3. The 2nd one it's really good! Lock, Dock and Two Smoking Barrelrolls!
  4. This one? http://www.dropzone.com/safety/emergencies/photos/114-l.jpg Lock, Dock and Two Smoking Barrelrolls!
  5. South of France or Ireland or Australia or New Zealand diff reasons Lock, Dock and Two Smoking Barrelrolls!
  6. This is BIG !! I want to thank everybody who made this possible !!! Question: I know that officially his peak speed in freefall was 1,149 km/h very close to speed of sound at sea level (1238 km/h). Did he felt a sonic boom building? Was the Transonic speed (0.8M to 1.2M) a major factor in the suit design and in the experiment itself? Did he try tracking at peak speed Lock, Dock and Two Smoking Barrelrolls!
  7. This is awesome !!!! Are you guys going to take some question for Joe K from DZ.comers? Lock, Dock and Two Smoking Barrelrolls!
  8. d123

    Baby Bunnies

    I'm not a big fun of the product itself I just like the name It's a funny word We know from Simpsons that radish "It's like an apple did it with an onion". Somehow the horse it's added in that previous equation to make it Horseradish. Horseradish birth might be the ultimate interspecies threesome. Lock, Dock and Two Smoking Barrelrolls!
  9. d123

    Baby Bunnies

    It's all of question of balance. If they are in excess they tend to chew everything up. Where I live/work, just like in your case I'm sure, they are not in excess. Lock, Dock and Two Smoking Barrelrolls!
  10. d123

    Baby Bunnies

    There's an big empty terrain next to my working place and sometimes during my lunch break I see rabbits running around. I've start leaving around for those rabbits some baby cut carrots. I like rabbits Lock, Dock and Two Smoking Barrelrolls!
  11. Hi Mircea, I'm currently jumping with a NEW NAV260, Wings container same WL as you. From the moment I'm beginning my opening sequence(I'm still in the box position at that time) until I'm saddle, it takes around 500ft (152m) and 3-4 sec. I've timed it a lot of times. I never had a hard open! It's always soft, predictable and on heading. One time it snivel to long so I've pull on my back risers to bring the slider down. Some of my friends are renting NAV260 from my DZ and they are experiencing the same opening sequence like me. Those NAV* are used a lot and still gives good results. Cheers, Jean-Arthur Deda. Edit to add: our packers are always rolling the nouse. That's how I've been thought to do! It might be this.
  12. d123

    I hate crows!

    I hate spiders ... not afraid but really hate !!! Lock, Dock and Two Smoking Barrelrolls!
  13. Go to the hospital !!!! There are beautifull nurses there who are naked underneath their cloths.... Lock, Dock and Two Smoking Barrelrolls!
  14. Well, depends .... but if it makes you happy ... it can't be that bad
  15. oh yeah ?.... well it's called football not soccer !!!! Lock, Dock and Two Smoking Barrelrolls!
  16. Somebody didn't love you enough on the cliff ... runs and hide ... Lock, Dock and Two Smoking Barrelrolls!
  17. - Black light/inflared tatoos. - Inside body jewelry. This is a fashion derived from skydiving hazards. Think silver ankle bracelet but inside the skin. Madona wants one!!! - Artificial Apendix. For all those who had a appendicectomy, an artificial appendix will be inserted back, so they can feel whole again. Lock, Dock and Two Smoking Barrelrolls!
  18. .....Victoria C-crete Lifting bra ... ... good video
  19. Seal it in a small plastic bag then wrap the whole thing in toilet paper and flush that shit away. This way if it's going to explode its going to explode in the sewers and I'm sure that the sewer rats & crocs can handle better that situation!!! Now can I have the 1$ ? Lock, Dock and Two Smoking Barrelrolls!
  20. Thanks DSE, I was sure it had a deeper meaning, I wish you soft landings on your new wing! Lock, Dock and Two Smoking Barrelrolls!
  21. Stop, Hi5, friendship shake, palm kung-fu, palm reading, etc from all of the possibility out there you've chosen to free associate safe sex.... Interesting I wonder what would Freud think about this Lock, Dock and Two Smoking Barrelrolls!
  22. Really Cool !!! I'm happy for you! What's the meaning of the hand and what's the size? Lock, Dock and Two Smoking Barrelrolls!
  23. Wow ... that was close, man .... thanks a lot !!!! Lock, Dock and Two Smoking Barrelrolls!
  24. 20% it's a lot!!! It's like a 1/4 of your meal.... 10% for the takeout if the service was good 15% for regular serving That's Montreal Strandards.... Lock, Dock and Two Smoking Barrelrolls!