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  1. I’ve always wanted to fly but I jumped to face my fear. It’s scary at first but once you’re out the door it’s almost orgasmic. Your mind is clear and focused only on flight, everything else fades away. It’s total freedom and self reliance. After a good trip, you're confidence is up and energy's surgin through your body... It's a blast. It’s not for everyone but it’s a hell of a rush and the view’s amazing.
  2. Agreed...TaeKwon-Do focuses mainly on your core and lower body. I think it’d be most beneficial. Personally, I like kickboxing. It’s simple and effective if you just want improve strength, balance and awareness. Stretching will increase flexibility.
  3. I agree. We give to a few different charities, when we have it. $3K’s a lot of cash; I’d rather see it spent on more than one person...But for friends or family, absolutely.
  4. I think everyone should receive care when needed; and in emergency situations they do. In many cases, not all, government provided welfare encourages capable people to give up. Why work when food, housing and healthcare are provided? Resources are often overused by people that live off the government instead of adding to the economy. I don’t think that those of us that choose to work and support ourselves should have to sacrifice quality healthcare so that everyone receives equal benefits. Insurance is expensive for everyone and we need reform but I don't think fully socialized healthcare is the answer. There are many different plans available for these people if they choose coverage.
  5. Child molesters without doubt…They’re gone. I do feel the ones that have acted on their sick shit, deserve more painful attention.
  6. Absolutely…Nothing’s free; we’d still pay for this through taxes. With “free” healthcare and lack of personal responsibility; people will be less active, eat more and have more pregnancies, it’s called Medicaid. And it is usually abused and counterproductive to a healthy society. In an emergency, medical care is vital for those in need…regardless of finances. In the US, we have the best healthcare system in the world and the highest obesity rate on the planet. Socialized healthcare sucks. We should never even need to go that route.
  7. Yea, they have to want help. Sometimes removal from the situation and knowing that someone cares about them is enough to change a person. If you really love them, give them a little time to focus and work through their problem. It’s easier with support but you must be able to realize when you’ve done all you can do. Addiction is self-inflicted and resolved.
  8. I usually follow my heart. It’s led me to many great decisions… It is also thoughtless, impulsive and irrational. It's gotten me into a few bad situations as well. I would probably save myself and those around me a lot of time, pain and frustration if I could get my brain and my heart to co-operate. All I do know is that you can't change the past no matter how bad you want it. Every decision has consequences and they should be more carefully considered...Especially when they involve someone else's life.
  9. I don’t know about depression. They’re normally taken for fun. There’s a drive to push your limits. It’s an escape of reality. Meth & coke are stimulants that are quickly burned through. They cause paranoia, appetite suppression and they usually fuck up lives if you let it control you. Ecstasy is mind expanding if used correctly. It is a different type of drug entirely, and is absolutely un-comparable to the above. For some people, exploring every aspect of consciousness is a way to further appreciate life. Every drug has side effects and consequences…Eventually you decide when it’s no longer worth the effort or the money. In any case, to quit, is a personal decision made by the user, once they realize how much pain they’ve caused to everyone in their life.
  10. I’ll bite… I believe that when a person dies, the strengths of their soul are re-born into a new life. The re-birth is dependant on personal development of virtues and karma. With karma, what goes around comes around. We all have strength and weakness, don’t treat people like shit. Just making the effort to help someone usually has a positive affect. I also think that the longer a soul has been around the less it has to fear. It takes mad courage to face your fears. I have no proof to back this up and I don’t like to argue…It’s just an opinion. Feel free to rip it up.
  11. You are highly intelligent, you always have the answers and you know exactly who you are. All we can do is improve our minds, our bodies, and our lives. It’s awesome that you’re back in school. Listen to your heart and do whatever you want to do. I have some knowledge in math and anatomy, if nothing else I could offer my opinion. I’ve been frustrated lately too. You still have that damn sexy new car. When life gets to you, remember the good times and try not to focus too much on the bad. If anyone can do this…You can. I have faith in you.
  12. Sorry, I've been proven wrong. Don't let me kill it. Continue the convo.
  13. Fortunately, it's getting alot thicker. Thanks to quite a few people on this site.