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Everything posted by Zeppo

  1. lol...I love it. Thanks for the advice...keep it coming. I'll take it all in and start making some changes. I think the first thing is to darken it abit. What goes up, must come DOWN!!!
  2. Hi all. I'm working on the colour scheme for my pre-second jumpsuit. I don't really know what I want, but I thought I'd go with some bright colours. I'm looking for general opinions, good or bad regarding the style, colours, and design. Feel free to offer recommendations or changes. I really didn't have much to go on. Keep in mind that I'm a 6', 200lbs male. All comments welcome and appreciated as this is my second most expensive purchase (next to my rig), so I want to make sure that it looks half decent, both in my eyes, and the eyes of others...what can I say...I'm vain What goes up, must come DOWN!!!
  3. Just now...as soon as I saw this thread. I try to update after every weekend though. What goes up, must come DOWN!!!
  4. I recommend that if you are planning on drafting a tight document that can hold up in a court of law, then your best bet is to pay a lawyer to do it. They will have the knowledge specific to that juristiction. A skydiving waiver is not something I would recommend just throwing together without direct consultation with a lawyer. As for what should be in it... List any and all direct and indirect hazards and dangers involved in skydiving and they willfully and freely accept the risks involved, and that no-one else will be held laible regardless of the outcome of the skydive. Where is this new club? What goes up, must come DOWN!!!
  5. This is especially true for students...it took me all weekend...every weekend...all summer, to get where I am today (an incredible 16). All my friends know now, if it's the weekend, I'm at the dropzone...rain or shine. Rain is a great time to learn how to pack. What goes up, must come DOWN!!!
  6. Yea, I rememer those too when I was younger. I used to get so scared when I was falling. Now most of those dreams involve me jumping off something, either a plane or a building. Including one dream in which I jumped in between two buildings, only about 10' apart. It was exilerating. Sweet Dreams all...blue skies. What goes up, must come DOWN!!!
  7. I've sold a few things on E-bay...but i've listed a whole bunch more. Sometimes items just wont sell. There could be a number of reasons for this. But you shouldn't worry, just keep an eye out for what you're selling online, and see how popular/unpopular it is. Good Luck. What goes up, must come DOWN!!!
  8. I wonder how much money it took for her to be released so easily... What goes up, must come DOWN!!!
  9. Zeppo

    New Orleans

    Got this in my e-mail...got a good laugh out of it. http://www.aspirenterprises.com/Videos/orleansbattle.wmv (PS...no offense is meant by this, so if anyone does take offense, my apologies) What goes up, must come DOWN!!!
  10. Now that's funny. Now how many people look at that and say..."yea...she left me too" What goes up, must come DOWN!!!
  11. Hi Everyone As a newcomer to the sport, I'm itching to always learn more about skydiving. Are there any key books that I should pick up that will help me learn more of the basics. Thanks. What goes up, must come DOWN!!!
  12. Hi All I'm heading over to Abu Dhabi/Dubai in a couple weeks on business and I of course want to try to get a couple jumps in while I'm there. http://www.uaqaeroclub.com (sry...I don't know clicky) This is the only one (that I know of) in the area...has anyone jumped here before. As you can see...I'm still a student. I've passed my AFF, but I don't have a license yet. What do you think of this dropzone and how they would treat a person of my minimal experience. Are they friendly and open to newcomers, or is it more business like and cold like a couple DZ's I know of around here. Thanks. What goes up, must come DOWN!!!
  13. Live...electrical...cable. and even getting electrocuted doesn't stop her. Strange little kitty. What goes up, must come DOWN!!!
  14. I agree with scoop. In a sport such as this, you just need to understand that anything can happen, and no-one can be at fault. All risks must be assumed by the diver. If that results in the loss of your main canopy, then just be happy you're alive to complain about it. What goes up, must come DOWN!!!
  15. Zeppo


    Get Busy with the Zeppo. What goes up, must come DOWN!!!
  16. Welcome to the forum. Skydiving is an amazing experience. You'll never regret it. Blue Skies. What goes up, must come DOWN!!!
  17. Welcome...and I know you'll love your first jump. Now I'm new to the sport myself, but I've been told that the reason you don't get that feeling is that you don't have a big change in velocity. You go from 100mph across the sky in the plane to 120mph straight down. However, if you watched the jump from the side, you would see a giant curve in the air as your body transitioned from forward motion to downward motion, which included a change on only 20mph. In a rollercoaster, you're going from 2 or 3 mph, to 60 or 70...and it's certainly noticeable, but not really the case when jumping from a plane. I suspect like skymama said, that a heli or balloon would be a littel different. Anyone feel free to correct me if I'm wrong in any of this. My $0.02 What goes up, must come DOWN!!!
  18. I must say that I have a little beef with the instructors at my DZ. In my 9 student jumps I've had two landing briefings. I think I could land on my own if I needed to, but I also feel that there should be alot more focus put on landing briefings. During AFF, you are given a series of specific tasks...and get a chance to practice them. But once I pull them off, and I'm under canopy, then suddenly I get the radio instructor coming on having me to a variety of different things. There's no consistancy, and I find little is learned. I find the only thing that I've had a chance to really learn, is the time to flare. I have also brought this up with my DZ, but it hasn't seemed to have helped. Although they are great on the freefall portion review brief/de-brief and preparation. Now maybe it's just me, and I should pay more attention under canopy, but frankly, I wish that there could be more on ground briefing of the canopy ride. I know that the student is ultimately responsable, but I think a little more focus on the canopy and landing (at my DZ anyway) is necessary for better and more rewarding (and educational) experience throughout the AFF, and possible the IAD program. My $0.02. What goes up, must come DOWN!!!
  19. I've actually been to Cuba a couple times (as a Canadian, it's a hot vacation spot) The people there are super friendly, I've spoken to the locals, and sure, some of them do want to leave, but many others are happy. They view Castro as someone who shares the wealth of Cuba with all Cubans. I know you might say that Castro lives in such a huge mansion (and he does...it's very nice) but what presidential leader doesn't? I remember discussing (and sorry if this offends anyone) that when Castro took over all those years ago, there were a significant number of wealthy families who had everything taken from them (as with a communist government, no one is allowed to own anything) and shared everything with the entire population. Other comments that I have heard from the locals (a couple whom I consider friends) is that crime rates are very low, and cuba is a very safe place (except when the US decides to bomb them, which I heard happened a decade or so ago) I also have seen (from a third country perspective) is that the USA and Cuba tend to villify each other, tailoring their stories to make the other country look bad in the eyes of their citizens. I've even asked a number of them if they wanted to leave Cuba, and most of them told me no, they'd much prefer to stay. I do know that the Cuban people do not have much, as it is still a poor country, but they are mostly happy. They have friends and family, and sharing is common place. And the Cuban people really know how to PARTY. Along with their excellent (and free) medical system and a socialist education system (providing university education to any cuban, free of charge) As the old saying goes, money can't buy happiness. I expect to get alot of trash from this, but this is from first hand experience, from speaking with current residents, and a but of my own personal opinion. I welcome your comments. What goes up, must come DOWN!!!
  20. Thanks a bunch, this sounds like the ideal wind tunnel...although I may need to make that trip a long weekend sometime. Thanks much, and Blue Skies What goes up, must come DOWN!!!
  21. Hi I'm up in Toronto, and am progressing through my AFF training. I have a problem that a wind tunnel will help solve (and hopefully cheaper). Does anyone know of a wind tunnel close to Toronto? I think there is one in Michigan, but I'm not sure. Any help, as well as a contact number would be much appreciated. I'm willing to drive, 7 or 8 hours one way, so that opens up pretty much all the states around western Lake Ontario and lake Erie. Any help is much appreciated. What goes up, must come DOWN!!!
  22. Hi I'm relatively new to the sport, and working my way through the training program. I'm at a point now where I'm asked to fall in a stable belly position, which I have done a few times, but it seems to be by luck instead of skill. I just did my last jump, and I was having drifting issues. I've always been told to relax my body and lie on the air to become stable. I obviously must be having issues with relaxing. As I said, I've been able to do it twice, but not since. I was wondering if I could get some advice on relaxation techniques while in freefall, and any additional tips to pass the remainder of my training. Thanks. What goes up, must come DOWN!!!
  23. As someone who's new to skydiving, I must say that what I love about it most is facing my fear, and overcoming it. I've had a fear of heights for a very long time, and skydiving helped me face that in a very controlled and "relativley" safe manner. There are other aspects too, including being in complete control of my own fate (except for packing, I'll be learning that in the next couple weeks) and knowing that experience of floating on air. While I was on the drop zone for my first and second jump, I realized that each drop zone is really it's own family, and it becomes really easy to meet lots of different people, from a huge variety of backgrounds, all coming together to share a common interest. In all, I would say that it's the social and psychological aspects of skydiving that has got me hooked. What goes up, must come DOWN!!!
  24. I just heard about this convention taking place in July. I'm still a student, so I don't really know how much jumping I'll be able to do there. I think I'd be a little intimidated by having a number of other jumpers in the air with me. Would I be able to continue my free fall training at the convention at my current level? What other types of activities, booths vendors are there that could be of interest to a beginner? If I'm going to go, it's something I need to plan for early...for both saving cash, and time off work. Any insights into the con would be great. Thanks much. What goes up, must come DOWN!!!