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Everything posted by psychokiwi_base

  1. That's all well and good with the season pass and all but hows about somewhere to camp out now that Olav and najette have gone totally psycho-billy on us? With all that and a bag of chips I'll be in it to win it. Cheers SBK, see ya next summer.
  2. You should move back to Santa Cruz mate, they just passed a bill that would allow you to purchase, own and wear all the fishnet stockings and clear heels you could ever want and live within 2000' of schools and parks. You can now rock out with your cock out bro...I mean SIS.
  3. You're such a fag. Jess also wants to know when our goddam reception video's gonna be ready. PS. It's 6' and light offshore right now. How's the surf in Boulder??? Surf's up Ace.
  4. Ray, that is so utterly retarded, I believe it.
  5. I can't believe you just said "Perfect insertion". But then again Chris tells me that's what he always loved about you mate. Love ya work and look forward to seeing you with or without you "INSERTION AIDS" Matt
  6. Too right. Just in case we forgot, you can be killed jumping from this bridge. What's all this EFS nonsense? EAT, FUCK, SKYDIVE???? I thought this was BASE. Get a grip kids, your mates ARE going to die, so learn how to deal with it whilst respecting everyone, deceased included.
  7. Never had a reason to jump a small hole mesh slider with my MOJO 280 or 310. Large hole works like a charm. Consistent opening speeds and heading performance. Sail slider, different story. Horrible. But then again you didn't ask about them any way. I've used small hole on my vented canopies for obvious reasons but my EXPERIENCES with Mojos are all good. For all it's worth.
  8. I fully agree Tim. My popst was never wholly directed at you but at the vast throngs of readers many of whom have very a very distinct view point but seeing as you asked for "One good reason" I figured I'd give you mine. I know we've jumped a lot of the same objects and I relish the memories I just choose the Air In My Hair. Impact is always iminent, in everything we do I guess it all boils down to how each of us mentally prepares for it. See at an exit some day soon eh.
  9. Tim I won't attempt to speak for your experiences but for me I prefer to jump without. I have been involved with some of the worst the sport has to offer. In every incident I have witnessed where we lost a friend a helmet would have done nothing...correction, the helmets did nothing. I'm not saying that helmets don't work but in the big picture they are only good for impact up to a certain speed. We get off on chucking ourselves off objects that without a timely deployment of equipment, we would be killed. Everytime we step off we are moments away from total annihilation and we know it. Yet we hope that by protecting our vital organs we will somehow avert potential catastrophe. Well we might or we might not. I strongly believe as I have experienced over the years, that if we continue to jump we will eventually secumb to plain old bad luck. "Pad up and pound in" all you want but your number is out there,it's just a matter of time. That goes for any incident in BASE. The only way to prevent serious injury and or death is to not jump. I personally prefer the minimalist approach to jumping. I do on occasion wear protective gear if the event requires it but for me it's purely decorative. If it's in the cards that I bash my head and become a vegetable then so be it and that could be said for surfing big waves at reef breaks too but no helmet either. It really is everyones choice how they want to live their lives but when I hear people say how they think anyone who doesn't wear a helmet is an idiot that kinda bums me out. This sport for all intents a purposes is an outlaw sport. There is no controlling government body to regulate what we do or how we do it. It's my right to do as I please so for someone to criticise my actions doesn't bode well for the future especially if we do find ourselves facing regulation. We've all had brushes and been touched by death but we're all still here. I will continue to jump with nothing but some comfortable shoes and a rig, it's my life and I love it. Matt
  10. AMEN to that. And that's something coming from an Atheist. And BTW Kev, I think that might have been my soapbox you were on. I've been looking for it for ages. I figure it must be mine since it's rated for the larger jumpers in our fair sport. Some real truth to Kevin's post. Fade, it does and fade, it will.
  11. Too right he looks like a student. That suit and all. I guess theres no accounting for dress sense in this sport.
  12. Mick were those photos taken at ASIA SF???
  13. Fucking A man that's some cool shit. Gotta love CH. I'll be saving that movie for a while. btw is that you jumping out of the Schweiser?
  14. Too bloody right sister. We never did get that surf trip off the ground did we. BUGGER. Matt
  15. Yeeaaah well actually you are totally wrong.
  16. psychokiwi_base

    prism 2

    Tom That's just crazy talk. Matt
  17. Ray ol buddy, I think he PILATES, as in kind of like yoga but with different bells and whistles.
  18. First off Olav I would like to say how much I have enjoyed staying at Lysebotn over the years. I thought Bjorg and Iwar were great hosts and I was dissappointed when they sold it but when I met the new owners 2 years ago I was totally stoked. It seemed as though everything would be business as usual but I guess nothing is forever, eh? Personally Olav I enjoyed my interactions with yourself, Christina and Najette but after a while I could see attitudes change. Maybe it was the stress of all the people showing up but what really got me was the cavalier attitude Najette exibited in just walking into peoples rooms or cabins without invitation. You may own the campground and yes you do have the right to refuse service to anyone but as a paying guest I have the right to privacy. I know Najette took those pills from my room. Why? because she was the only one who knew I had them or where they were. The story she gave me, the day after I gave her one for Christina's migraine, which conveniently seemed to have not affected her in the least, nor did she even take the pill, conveniently labeled one of my room mates as a thief. He wasn't. Her enquiries of others about pain meds or sleeping pills makes the situation pretty clear. If you are going to tell me otherwise then you need to check yourself. I've been around the block more times than I care to remember and I know a rat when I see one. I thank you for your generous portions of food at the Cafe. But if that is meant to make up for everything else then fuck it. keep your campground and your French mistress, that Paragon of virtue. I know for sure a large contingent of BASE jumpers will not be coming back to your campground. Try this for basic math, it's pretty simple. I spent about US$1,200.00 and that was just staying in the white house, eating at the cafe, drinking beers and using the showers. That's $1,200.00 a year I won't be spending at your establishment ever again. I would however like to finish this on a positive note though. When the 2 of you break up and you get your act together and the campground starts running better then I'll come back and we can have a couple of cold beers and laugh about all this shit. Stay stong Olav, you're gonna need it.
  19. Triax will formerly be changing the Name of the new Handbag Deployment System (HDS) to the Maxi Bag Container (MBC) also marketed as the: Precision Operable Parachute Extraction System-Accessory -Containment Unit New To-Triax Owner Operators.(POPES-A-CUNT-TOO) It's a bit long winded but then again so are the people behind this venture. It wil come in Pink, Mauve and of course Rainbow. A must have for any Jumper with Gender Dysfunction Projection issues. Keep smiling and don't forget Lies make baby Jesus cry.
  20. Actually that was a typo. The container isn't called the Strickland, he's way too hard. It's called the "Wanker". However Ray is correct. The "Wanker" is rather small and shrivelled but can be used in conjunction with the "Soft Cock". When used correctly the and at the right speed a certain measure of hardness may be attained. For a demo contact Ray Losli. He will gladly show up and show you exactly how not to launch and exactly how feet can slip off of anything.
  21. Yes she's a bitch and half French but she's not a bitch because she's French. I knew it wasn't just myself a few others. The truth is finally coming out. but as it has already been said, let this not reflect on the SBK as a whole. I know they have no control over this situation but let this just be their heads up.
  22. Just remember that to jump is human but to accessorise is DIVINE DARLING...stay tuned for the new BASE concept from Triax. It looks like a handbag but actually is a fully functioning BASE container. No need for clumsy ill fitting harness contraptions, unless your in the comfort and privacy of your own home, just stuff everything in the top and stagger off your nearest exit point. If you're sufficiently attired then the relative wind blowing through your fishnets should fascilitate a perfect onheading opening giving you plenty of time to fix your lipstick and reapply some blush. Triax Chief Test Pilot Chris Pope has this to say. "Aaah...errr...well if you were to ahh...errr..umm...err. ..well what I'm trying to say is errr...umm...ahhh well but...but I want...errr...eerrrr..." "OH FOR CHRIST SAKES CHRIS, FUCKING SPIT IT OUT ALREADY!"
  23. Let this post serve as a warning for anyone about to Travel to beautiful Lysebotn. Having gone to the heliboogie just this last month and this year being being my 5th at Kjerag, I would like to say that this years good times were tempered by the treatment I recieved at the campground. Anyone who may have been witness to any of the activities by the management can add their 2 cents also. Outwardly everything has the illusion of being great and happy but the truth is that Najette is fucking ripping off BASE jumpers in the cafe and is stealing from us aswell. Anyone with a vested interest in defending her antics can PM me for particulars but if this lovely spot is under the same management next year or in the future I will not be staying there. Unless the SBK feels like stepping up to the plate to help organise an alternative then I can honestly say that jump numbers will be down in the future. Too many people had shit experiences this year and it can only reflect poorly on this spot as a BASE destination. As BASE jumpers go I'm hard pressed to find jumpers that can afford outrageous prices let alone outrageous prices and shitty dishonest service. There are a ton of places where the jumps are awesome without the extra drama. This really bums me out because Kjerag is one of the finest. So to all of those going, enjoy the jumps but keep your stuff locked up. DON'T buy the BASE jumper 500nok punch cards from the cafe. When your not looking you might get charged double for something your buying. It happened to me several times. DON'T leave any prescription pain meds accessible. Those will go for sure. Be wary of of what your being charged in terms of accomodation and know what agreed to in the months prior to your trip. Most of all GOOD LUCK. You'll need it. If things start to go sideways just remember that Norwegian law allows you to camp anywhere as long as you are 150m away from any building.
  24. Ditch that reserve son, we'll be jumping low. Isn't that a quote from Sergeant "Bull" Randleman from "Band of BROTHERS"???
  25. Ray you bloody great big tosser. I don't think you're that great and you still owe me 50 Ringint