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  1. This must be one of the most non-sensical posts I have ever seen. Mike (Altico = Dolphin) and Harry (Sunrise = Wings) were the original designers of the Javelin. Offending other gear maufactures the way you do is a clear sign of your understanding of those "other" designs. You know you have a problem when maggot is the voice of reason at the exit points
  2. Don't go x-braced at such WL...Mamba, XF2, Katana... You know you have a problem when maggot is the voice of reason at the exit points
  3. Again, it's not a chick, more like a dude dressed like one. You know you have a problem when maggot is the voice of reason at the exit points
  4. The ranger lied about his identity during the fist account...I don't know the first fuck about law...but somehow I thought this could be used in court in favor of the defendants...anyone? You know you have a problem when maggot is the voice of reason at the exit points
  5. tiny Beech 18 dz You can thank the Internet as well as Maggot who dispite the fact he started to skydive in the tiny red-neck dz he was able to make it to Arizona Airspeed. You know you have a problem when maggot is the voice of reason at the exit points
  6. This is one of my creations...just another Velcro rig, nothing like the ultra cool hybrids of yours. The only difference is the flap. I like the look of a plain flap like the Vision, SC, and the original Perigee. However with those designs there is the "possible" problem of the top of the flap peeling during terminal jumps and/or aerials. The P2 solved that problem with the triangular top piece that IMO can look pretty ugly if the rig is not packed right (80% of the ones I have seen). The Medusa design suffers from closure problems as well. I called my flap the "Tree Flap" named after the greatest and most humble rigger the world has ever seen. It's nothing but a double layer of type 17 with a lexan core, one per side. It can be retro-fitted to any conventional Velcro rig and it works like butter. As for pin rig I am working now on a design where the side flaps stay on top all way to closure giving the rig a very smooth profile. It seems that the hybrid from southsidebase implements this design but I cannot quite tell from the pics. Also those guys seem to build some pretty cool stuff. I like the real 4-point articulation using a ring instead of a d-ring. Does anybody in here jump their stuff? Edited to add: Did you guys see the anti-slip friction adapter in the pic? Some exotic hardware those guys use. You know you have a problem when maggot is the voice of reason at the exit points
  7. Does any of you know the angle of the leg wings on the Mach 1? It looks anywhere from 60-70. Thanks. You know you have a problem when maggot is the voice of reason at the exit points
  8. No doubt about that, Maggot rhymes with Faggot. Anyway, all that and no cokeHCL? I just talked to Maggot and that lady you slept with, ain't no lady at all...welcome to the city bro! You know you have a problem when maggot is the voice of reason at the exit points
  9. Please all do not confuse Stane with Dan... You know you have a problem when maggot is the voice of reason at the exit points
  10. Do you have a theoretical (math) or empirical (data) proof of this claim? You know you have a problem when maggot is the voice of reason at the exit points
  11. You sound like a savvy guy building hybrids and such. I'm actually quite impressed. Here is one of my creations. The good looking fella in the pic is my twin bro Otto. You know you have a problem when maggot is the voice of reason at the exit points
  12. That sounds interesting You know you have a problem when maggot is the voice of reason at the exit points
  13. What's that? You know you have a problem when maggot is the voice of reason at the exit points
  14. Neither, duck tape. No doubt. Dumb, dumb and beyond dumb. Wrong he is the father. Because only idiots get banned (Johnny, Shane, Nick, Trucker, etc.) Tom never hurt himself, AFAIK. You know you have a problem when maggot is the voice of reason at the exit points
  15. Builing stuff is fun! I do love the lines of the Pro. The thing is sexy almost as sexy as Maggot. I like how the Gargoyle closes but the contaier looks like a carton box and I don't like the one peice leg strap but I do like the ring they use for articulation. The DP looks like a pear or a fat chick, I don't dig fat chicks. They are all well built, no doubt. Just build a container that has all the features you want ripping off ideas from other ones, no shame in that, we all got to start some where. Once you have build a few you might come up with your unique design. The funny thing is that the thing that actually saves your life takes ten minutes to be built. Please post pics when you're done! You know you have a problem when maggot is the voice of reason at the exit points