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Everything posted by Sick_Of_It_All

  1. Those books were the shit when I was a kid, I still remember the one with dinosaurs, that was the best. This one is all right, the choices and story is ridiculous and at the same time hilarious. CliCkY
  2. You're always trying to start some shit with Warpedskydiver, get over it man.
  3. I wouldn't be surprised. Those sick fucks are everywhere. I worked with a guy for over a year, one of the nicest guys you could ever meet. Nothing odd or off about him at all. Couple years after quiting that job I was looking up sex offenders around my house and saw his picture. Was arrested for two counts of rape, and two counts of sodomy on minors under 16. I felt sick to my stomach when I saw it. He isn't the first person I've known that I later found out was a sex offender/pedofile.
  4. That lamb was asking for it! Look at it prancing around naked. I heard it had just shaved for him too.
  5. Holy crap that's a lot of eagles! That lady should be stopped, that would get annoying.
  6. Ok then, back to the boob he goes!
  7. He's got the right boob on lock-down too!
  8. He surely wouldn't hurt your left boob. He's just there to shoot any punk that tries to touch it.
  9. It's alright, SoCo is just so damn sweet! I get SoCo 100 proof, easy to drink since it's sweet, good drink for the flask.
  10. I would not condone killing an alligator because it poses a threat to a dog. The dog was brought into it's habitat, it's gotta eat something since all the houses are keeping other animals that use to come to the waters edge away. I'd rather someone would just call animal control and have the alligator/crocodile moved to another location. If it was killed though I'd hope it would be eaten and some cool stuff made out of it's skin, at least it wouldn't go to waste. I would have to agree, PETA is a bit fanatical. Humans are meant to eat meat, i.e. we have canine teeth for eating meat, we are animals and part of the food chain. On a side note, I have a T-shirt that say "For every animal you don't eat, I'm going to eat three." Meat is tasty.
  11. My picture clearly shows two together. I've seen more than two together though, but I don't think eagles "flock" they seem pretty independent. They have to breed somehow though. The coolest thing I've ever seen was an eagle waiting for an osprey to catch fish. Every time the osprey would get a fish the eagle would fly up under him, invert himself and snatch the fish right from the osprey's talons. Awesome to see, I bet that osprey was getting pissed though.
  12. I'm not a tofu eating PETA member or anything, but I don't think it is right to kill animals because you built a house in their habitat. Poisonous or not, no animal deserves to be killed for simply existing. If an alligator has your leg in its mouth or a poisonous snake is doing it's best rendition of the white rabbit from Monty Python's Holy Grail, then by all means kill the damn thing. If it's just chillin in the water or in your yard leave it alone or call a game warden. My neighbor as a kid killed an Indigo snake, said he thought it was a rattlesnake... Little did he know that carries a $2000 fine. The irony of the whole thing is that indigo's eat other poisonous snakes. Not to mention an indigo looks absolutely nothing like a rattlesnake, never mind it doesn't have a rattle. edit: note that indigo's are not poisonous.
  13. In his defense, that is one sexy lamb! Hot damn!
  14. I live in central FL and grew up in a rural area. "City folk" were always killing poisonous snakes and calling to have alligators removed from the lakes. Some people are just plain ignorant assholes. Humans and their homes, comfort, and safety are much more important than anything else on earth
  15. You should seriously stop. Sometimes the things you post upset me so much I contemplate suicide. All day long I think of the things people post on here and I feel like I just can't take it anymore. SC affects my life so much... what am I going to do?!
  16. Bald Eagles are a magnificent bird. They look awesome flying around, like they own the sky. Here is a few pictures of some Bald Eagles I saw at work one day. They are in Orlando. I took them while working on Shaq's house in Isleworth. They would be much better quality but the attachment size is so low!
  17. Why can't people accept that a home coming king is a male, and a lesbian is a female. I don't see why everyone is turning this into an anti-gay protest. I'm all for equal rights for everybody, but do we have to be so damn PC that we are afraid to tell a female lesbian she isn't a guy and can't be king? Really her being a lesbian has nothing to do with it. It's the fact that a female has won what should be a male's position. The fact that she is a lesbian however is the only reason she was able to run for and win king. Why would a straight women do this? She wouldn't. I can't fathom what this girls reason for doing this is.
  18. Geez, take a breather dude. I'm just f-ing with ya, no hard feelings ok? Just having a little FUN.
  19. No. But I bet some people would be upset that you called a woman "FIRE FIGHTER" a Fireman...
  20. Glad I amuse you. Why the sarcastic remark about poor oppressed straight men? Why any remark if you don't care? You must care just a wee-little-bit to have posted. You amuse me. Denial is funny.
  21. That's right! Actually its a band, but there are a lot of things I'm sick of.
  22. I'm not getting worked up, I'm just ashamed of the state of our society. This is just one little incident of many that is changing things for the worst. What ever happened to tradition? And when did the line between male and female cease to exist based on someone's sexual preference?
  23. Do I detect some sarcasim? What if a gay man won Queen, beating out 3 lesbians and other straight women in the running and they made a stink about it. How would you feel about it then?
  24. This shit is going to far, what the hell is wrong with everyone in this country. To afraid to say "No you can't be King, a King is male. You can be Queen, a Queen is female." How the f--k does being a lesbian qualify her to be King? When she removes her vagina and gets a penis installed and starts taking male hormones, then *maybe* it could be considered. Wow, that is really stupid.
  25. As hobbes said, FedEx is a great part-time job, as is UPS. Good pay and great benefits. And as you said, Bartender. I just started a second job working nights at a fine dining restaurant. If you go to the right place you'd be surprised the amount of money you can make at a fancy restaurant.