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Everything posted by SimonBones

  1. What activity is enjoyed by 10 out of 11 people? Gang rape! 108 way head down world record!!! Hit me up on Facebook
  2. I had a recent memorable one. A young couple, college students, came out to do tandems. Myself and another young TI are taking them. They were very friendly and talkative. In the plane we hop the students up on our laps to start clipping them up tight (I was taking the girl). As the boyfriend student was being tightened in, the GF joked and said something along the lines of, "ride him ride him!" I jokingly said something to her along the lines of, "well you know, if he's interested, I might be able to talk ti (TI) and get some matchmaker going." The GF student turned around and said to me, "that would be funny, that's kind of how we met. He dated my brother for almost a year." I didn't really know what to say back other than, "wow," I was kind of speechless. Later on in the day we speculated some of the questions we should have asked after the couple had left like, "have you asked him who gives better head?" 108 way head down world record!!! Hit me up on Facebook
  3. Hot! 108 way head down world record!!! Hit me up on Facebook
  4. Depends on what it is you think I'm trying to prove 108 way head down world record!!! Hit me up on Facebook
  5. What do you think this is? Twenty Questions? Thanks! That's all I needed to know. You've proven my point beautifully 108 way head down world record!!! Hit me up on Facebook
  6. Thank you Mr. Kallend. So why do you feel Tim Berners-Lee is more deserving of a Nobel Peace prize than President Obama? 108 way head down world record!!! Hit me up on Facebook
  7. None of the above I don't know everyone in the world. What a stupid question. Mr. Kallend, Obama was on that list. You responded 'none of the above.' You would not have picked him? Why not? Question to your second response, there is not one living person in the world you have met, read of, heard of, etc that you feel deserved the Novel Peace Prize? If so, why not? If the choice was up to you, you could not think of one person you think deserves it the most of the people you are aware of? 108 way head down world record!!! Hit me up on Facebook
  8. Mr. Kallend, my question to you still stands: Who would be your pick from that list of individuals and why? If you could choose from any person (or organization) in the world, regardless of whether or not they were nominated, who do you feel deserved a prize like this the most and why? 108 way head down world record!!! Hit me up on Facebook
  9. This website included a list of known nominees: Who would be your pick from this list of individuals and why? If you could choose from any person (or organization) in the world, regardless of whether or not they were nominated, who do you feel deserved a prize like this the most and why? 108 way head down world record!!! Hit me up on Facebook
  10. Mr. Kallend, let's assume for a moment we were in a parallel universe and instead of a committee, in this particular case, you alone were the decider of who receives the award. Would you have chosen Obama as the recipient over the list of other nominees for the award? Why or why not? 108 way head down world record!!! Hit me up on Facebook
  11. No, I'm sure you have too many accomplishments. 108 way head down world record!!! Hit me up on Facebook
  12. I think it's an even worse day for many of those who've already received the award. This has completely devalued it. There are a lot of people out there that received the award through significant accomplishment over a life's work with lots of personal sacrifice. People who've taken a lot of pride in receiving what was thought to be a prestigious awards now have to open their newspapers to find out that they're just giving these things away 108 way head down world record!!! Hit me up on Facebook
  13. I think at the next Olympics we should hand out all the gold medals to those who just really wanted to win the most, that way none of them will actually have to compete for it. Who needs accomplishments when you have hope? 108 way head down world record!!! Hit me up on Facebook
  14. There is now a facebook event thingy: 108 way head down world record!!! Hit me up on Facebook
  15. My personal opinion watching your video, your use of hips seems fine as it seems you have figured out control of the forward and back. Good progression so far, you're heading in the right direction. You seem to be having a heading control issue though that you are constantly fighting. It appears to me to be due to some 'lazy legs'. Your calves should be some of the most valuable control surfaces while flying on your head. Unfortunately, your calves are in the burble of your body for much of the video. A good way to gain more control surface and minimize the heading control battle is to try rotating your heels more outward. Notice that your heels are pointing towards each other for most of the video. This leads to a very bent knee, heels under you position in flying. When you rotate your heels out a little more and take them out of the burble of your body, you give more controlability and stability to your legs. Then you will have a lot more positive input in your flying. It can be a bit difficult at first to really think about getting those calves out there into the relative wind, kind of like an AFF student has to learn the muscle memory of applying legs out. But once you really mentally force yourself to spread'em more, you'll find the head down orientation easier to control. Sometimes people can do this just fine when they're doing solos and have nothing to think about but their body position, but seem to drop their positive muscle inputs the moment someone else starts flying around them. It could just be a matter of getting excited about a dock and forgetting about leg input, I don't know, haven't seen you do solos! Good luck! 108 way head down world record!!! Hit me up on Facebook
  16. I will be there doing some Load Organizing. Freefly, belly, tracking, whatever. As long as you learn some new tricks! So be there! I love freeflying I'll also bring out all my spaceballs so if you want a chance to get your photo chasing the ball, or just want to test your skills, be there! Ever turned 4 way with a vertical flyer? It's not a Hybrid, it's an Inbred! Want in? Be there! Can't find anyone to help you with what you need to know to take your flying to the next level? I'll be around every evening available for seminars on Intro to freeflying- basic to advanced, small ways to bigways, advanced tracking techniques for track dives, and more! 108 way head down world record!!! Hit me up on Facebook
  17. .....Wait, you mean to tell me that the solution was as simple as contacting the DZO? Man, I sure wish someone had suggested that at some point in this thread. I'm sure it will all work out for you Mr. Dsaint. Good luck with your new reputation. 108 way head down world record!!! Hit me up on Facebook
  18. 108 way head down world record!!! Hit me up on Facebook
  19. I used to be an instructor at Skydive Suffolk until I moved away. There was a period about a year and a half ago where we had what we called the "care bear" thing going on. Basically I was teaching an AFF ground course and there was one student who was soo thick, so out there, he just didn't get it. Nothing I tried could make the course material make sense to the guy. He was the first and only student I've ever had that I had to say, "hey man, maybe you should just do a tandem." And he did. He kept coming back wanting to do AFF jumps, but could never get his EPs right, he could ever remember what handle did what, etc no matter how many hours we spent going over stuff. I was too afraid to take him in the air. Even on the tandems he was stiff as a board, had no altitude awareness, and never deployed. He was just hopeless. He kept getting passed from instructor to instructor and nobody wanted to deal with him anymore, everybody was scared of him. This went on for a few months. Maybe you make the instructors feel in a way that they don't want to take you up? I don't know, I don't know who you are or what the deal is, but there are always two sides to every story. There are always more than just 3 instructors at Skydive Suffolk. But think about this, it is a weekend dropzone. That means that most of the jumpers there work during the weak. They'll come to the DZ on the weekend to fun jump with their friends. They don't want to work, teach, or any of that. They are not full time staff for Larry and are under no obligations to work for him. Just because they are licensed instructors does not mean they have to work on the weekends for Larry. When I was there, there were some days that I didn't want to work. I just wanted to fun jump with my friends. And when I came in in the morning, manifest would ask me if I wanted to work that day. If I said no, they would respect that and I would go have fun and jump with my friends. I don't care if some tandem is upset because they feel they've waited too long or some AFF student is upset over the same, it's not my business, and I owe them nothing. I have the right to not show up and work if I don't want to. I chose the students I worked closely with base on their attitudes. If a student was always out having fun, chatting it up meeting new people, buying beer to fill the beer fridge, I always went out of my way to help that student out in anyway I could. If the student was a guy with a piss poor attitude who bitched and complained a lot, then I'll just go fun jump with my friends. Putting up with some jerk with some inflated sense of entitlement is not worth my time on my weekend. I hope it works out for you, but I know first hand that the problem is not with the people who jump there. 108 way head down world record!!! Hit me up on Facebook
  20. I'd hit it. 108 way head down world record!!! Hit me up on Facebook
  21. I ordered some silicon tubing once in order to try and make my own. The product I got was too firm and inelastic for practical use, even though I bought the "softest" tubing I could find. Since brand name tube stoes are made from rubber, don't you think it makes more sense to by rubber tubing? 108 way head down world record!!! Hit me up on Facebook
  22. Never disagreed, in fact this is what I said in post #43 of this thread: And here in Post #45: You are just not reading the arguments. Instead you keep bashing tube stoes with no further argument than the one which has been disproven (A rubber band WILL break) by every baglock involving a rubber band. Finally! Something I can agree with! Pretty much every baglock I've seen involved either lines getting pulled into the grommets, or flat rubber bands laying flat against the lines and locking the stoe. When lines get sucked into the grommet, it's usually because part of the canopy started coming out of the bag prematurely and wedged part of the lines into the grommet. Neither of these things are caused specifically by having tube stoes. And as I've repeated again and again, that likelihood of an event (baglock) does not increase because of using tube stoes, it lowers it, assuming people use their gear correctly. I'd explain the reasoning, but I'd just be repeating something I've explained more than once in this thread. I'm sure you didn't read it. And I'm sure there is no more point in trying to explain it to you, as you won't listen. 108 way head down world record!!! Hit me up on Facebook
  23. I disagree. As I've cited numerous times, when a bag locks with rubber bands, the rubber bands do not break even though they have a lower break force. According to your reason for using rubber bands (lower break force), one might conclude to your math that rubber bands should break. But as the skydiving world knows, they don't. I disagree. It was caused by improper packing and improper use of a system component. Double stowing tube stoes eliminates their ability to roll and defeats the purpose of using them (see attached). The instructions that come with tube stoes have clear instructions on how to attach them to the bag so that they will be tighter. Saying that the baglock was the fault of tube stoes is like saying that it's a sliders fault if the packer doesn't uncollapse it. It's like saying that it's a pilot chutes failure for a container lock if the packer doesn't cock the pilot chute. Should we advise everyone to not using collapsible sliders collapsible pilot chutes because improper usage can create problems? The truth is that if you improperly use tube stoes it can lead to problems. This is true for every part of your gear. You can run into problems with improper use of rubber bands too! Would that make it the rubber bands fault? I'm not going to condemn tube stoes because some packer out there packed with them improperly. Just like all gear components, if you use it right, it will should work just fine. You're not going to get a baglock from tube stoes if you use them right just because you're using tube stoes. They themselves do not cause baglocks. I don't use packers. I always pack my own gear. I choose to use tube stoes because I respect my gear and am willing to pay a few extra bucks for their benefits. 108 way head down world record!!! Hit me up on Facebook
  24. Lots of reading here:;search_string=sitfly%20exit;#1835946 And;search_string=sitfly%20exit;#3269506 Just a quick forum search for 'sitfly exit'. Good luck
  25. Again, nothing in that chain had anything to do with tube stoes. Nothing in that chain provides any evidence that the myth of tube stoes causing baglocks even when used properly has any truth to it. The entire incident you posted is completely irrelevant to the original point of this thread. Tube stoes were in no way involved or relevant. To refresh your memory: Go back and read through every post. You will not find one with evidence to say that simply having tube stoes will cause a baglock, where a rubber band could not have, even if used correctly. Most people use rubber bands. Most baglocks occur with rubber bands. Some people use tube stoes, some people have had a baglock using tube stoes. Using tube stoes will not increase your chances of having a baglock. In my opinion, using them properly will even decrease those chances. 108 way head down world record!!! Hit me up on Facebook