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Everything posted by Kelly

  1. Sorry I missed this post. There is a great summary right above my post
  2. I just read this in detail. wow, what a boogie we are going to have! great job on organizing it all Mel. I think I have to start getting ready now.
  3. Hell yeah. I've seen him 4 times in the last 2 years. It's been worth it everytime and I've gone through some stuff to get the tickets. These minor league baseball field shows are unreal. This is the second year he's doing them. Two years ago he played all small arenas. Saw him at the Troc in Philly. Some shows are better than others but he's a good act and the other bands always rock too. I'm going to the August 23rd concert in Reading PA. Go to that one too
  4. Get a pack of twizzlers and some abesol. open the pack of twizzlers. Pull one out. Put some ambesol on the twizzlers, squeeze it down near the bottom of the wrapper. Rub together. Let dry (10ish minutes) Walk up to the kid as you appear to pull a piece of twizzler out. Offer him a piece. He eats it, starts drooling on himself. Harmless fun. Edit to add: Unplug his phone. Tape the phone cord to the bottom of the phone. When it doesn't work he will pick up the whole phone, seeing (thus, thinking) that the cord is plugged in he won't be able to figure out whats wrong.
  5. Jack Baum, a long time jumper at Skydive Cross keys, is getting deployed to Iraq soon. We are organizing a weekend of jumps, parties, and other fun stuff as a send off for our dear friend. Jack loves the idea of seeing all his old friends and partying it up before he leaves. So come out the weekend of July 14th-16th. Tiki bar will be open (even if I have to bar tend myself!), Jack will be jumping, and some old friends will be coming out of hiding. Who knows, maybe those old monkey boys will come on out too
  6. Val did win the rock paper sissors freefall comp but I would have won the stare off, had we had the altitude (and Val the balls ) to do it
  7. You can use the subway to get yourself to a train out of the city and into Philadelphia. Don't go Amtrack unless you want to spend a lot of money. Check out and and and The River LINE can take you from Trenton to Camden, and many convenient locations along the way. Plus you can connect to NJ TRANSIT trains, AMTRAK, SEPTA and PATCO — so it’s easier than ever to get to Philadelphia, Atlantic City, Newark Liberty International Airport and New York. You might do best to catch a subway to Penn station, then catch 2 trains to 30th St station. From there you should be able get onto the high speed line (Patco) and get that within 15 minutes of the dz. It's going to be a hassle because you will have to switch transportation types. 10 people are too many for someone to pick you up at the train station. I say rent a car, Take the NJ turnpike South to exit 3 or 4. Go left off the exit, drive for 15 minutes (lots of traffic lights) when you see the walmart on your right go down that road. Through two traffic lights. DZ is 2nd or 3rd street on Right.
  8. I went to Copenhagen by myself this weekend and I was walking around Tivoli gardens singing that song in my head, laughing to myself. I must have looked like a loon
  9. Hey Mark! Don't be jealous because Andrea gets me now! I still love all my Elsinore friends
  10. I'm actually out at DeLand for the past week and for a few more days too! Find me so we can do a jump
  11. Where is Shark? He just did a wonderful water training class for a bunch of us at Elsinore last week. ~Kel
  12. Hi. If you check out there is a way to watch a video. Thanks for the feedback. I do appreciate it.
  13. Hello everyone. I am looking for feedback from camera staff, AFF instructors, and tandem masters who work at dropzones currently using RealXstream. Please email me your opinions to [email protected]. I like to use feedback to adjust my current training & integration program and to make suggestions to the IT guys. Thanks for your time and I look forward to your emails
  14. Hello everyone. I am looking for feedback from staff using the RealXstream media publisher software. I like to use feedback to adjust the training and integration procedures and to give suggestions to the IT guys back in Australia. Thanks in advance for helping me help the company improve
  15. Hey, that was Mike in the RV; I had to fly home to NJ for some family stuff. I really missed Skydance though; I was looking forward to getting there, hanging out, and seeing the Guano guys again and everyone else. Those RV's get some pretty cool reactions; I've been stopped at red lights, had pictures taken while driving down the road, been distracted out of my mission to find directions when the person I asked got me off topic talking about the RV's, I had a whole night shift of local police checking it out in North Carolina. lot's of funny stories with those RV's. Hey, check out the other RV and the bus.
  16. Hello. I’m Kelly Evans. I just wanted to let you know that I work for as the U.S. Training & Integration Coordinator. I dabble in sales but mostly do the implementation of the software and train the staff. Let me know if I can answer any questions you may have. Thanks for your interest.
  17. In response to your question why dropzones shouldn’t just do this themselves…. It is actually quite obvious. If we can pool our numbers (without threatening the individual DZs business model), we can quantify and measure our exposure for commercial advertising. Read the sport section on the concept site What this means is that if we can work together, in a friendly manner, then we can produce the numbers necessary to gain corporate sponsorship. Individual dropzones, no matter how great their numbers, cannot justify corporate sponsorship on the levels were talking because they just don’t have that large an audience. By combining the audiences of all dropzones we are producing a vastly larger audience then if we worked individually. This answer is in addition to the fact that it’s also too hard, too time consuming; the end product will not have the quality of RealXstream etc etc. RealXstream did not just pop up out of nowhere. The team has been developing the website for many months, actually years. Keep your questions coming! We love your interest!
  18. Hi guys. Wanted to remind everyone that Mike McGrath, CEO of just did an interview with skydive radio. Check it out! It Answers many questions and gives lots of information about our company, what our goals and intentions are, and what it takes as a camera flyer/ dropzone operator to run RealXstream. Cheers! kel
  19. Sorry guys, I forgot to include my contact info in that one post. My mobile is (856)625-5176 my email is [email protected] Cheers, Kel PS: Miami, I knew I knew what you were up to
  20. JOhn, The reason that EMS persons dont rush around scenes is simple. Ever do breathing exersizes to calm yourself down? ever be in a rush? note the difference in feelings, emotions, actions, and reactions. The calmer the EMT/ police/ firefigher the more they will "have their head on their shoulders" and be able to think. As a side note, I ran one time as an EMT. The call was for a 40 year old woman in cardiac arrest. I tripped, flew about 10 feet in front of me and almost took out 2 other rescuers, a car and I could have seriously injured myself. Now, where would we have been with an additional patient (who the rescuers know quite well as opposed to the stranger) or even multiple more patients? Its all a matter of staying calm and doing the best job possible, which only results from calm, orderly thought processess. PS: I've been an EMT for 6 years and have been on DZ's since 2001. I don't run around scenes with strangers, I don't run around accident scenes with friends. I get there quickly, then calm down and assess and provide care.
  21. Miami, Are you cyber stalking me? Cause I showed up in the forums after ages of being away and suddenly you show up.... hmm..... well, at least your fun and you're into realxstream Thanks for the nice words all around
  22. Hey guys. Figured I should step in and try to answer a few questions here. It is possible to run realxstream software without an internet connection. You simply enter in the information for the student and begin the capture process. The software compresses the footage and gets the process to the point where it needs an internet connection. Repeat this for as many tandem videos as needed. Once you take the PC home and plug it into a high speed connection (or wireless) and open the software it wakes itself up and continues the process. You don't have to do anything but open the software and let it continue what it was doing before. More questions PM me or call me. Kelly Evans
  23. The drill went awesome. I am working on writing an article about it, with pics. Learned a lot, recognized weaknesses and strengths. Overall a huge success. 1 is a pic of a made up howard during the drill Pic number 2 is pre-drill during makeup application. his forehead says "protec" enjoy! ps: anybody else with pics from the drill.. get them to me and i will make a CD with everybodys pics.