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Everything posted by chickenhawk420

  1. a new skydive mantra, BOOBIES, BooBIES, bOObIES, say it, BOOBIES.
  2. Ruffryders vol 3 FUCKN TIGHT. Check it!
  3. so needed that... do you think she ever got blackeyes off them big BOOOOOBBBIIIESSSS. I said the word, happy now , must sleep.
  4. Not pro or anti gun, i beleive if someone wants to do something (for wrong or right) they will guns or no guns. Over here we had dunblane which was horrible and it changed our gun laws (only rifles, shotguns and small calibre, .22, can be owned). The problem is this, at the time the police openly admitted that leagal ownership wasn't the problem because guns used in crime where nearly always blackmarket, it was unusual for people to use their own or steal them. Now does it strike anyone else how stoopid this is, so a .22 can't kill, a shotgun (the choice weapon for armed robberies) can still be legally obtained and very deadly. Even with gun laws, it won't stop the inconspicous houses doing a trade.
  5. OK, just askin... need a boobies, asss and beer thread that must get you going
  6. Id go for aqua fresh brushes for the long lasting freshness.
  7. Weapons, don't make me fuckn laugh. Ive got a punch powerful enough to kill, i have the knowledge of where to strike to score a critical hit. Remove the weapons? They are my hands (the same things that can be creative) what cut em off? What stops me from from kicking you to the jaw with just enough uplift flick to break your neck back- chop my legs off? Alternativley i could just buy a gat (i live in england and its still as easy as that). Prohibition don't work when will you learn stoopid, it isn't the weapons (if someone wants to do somethin the biggest hurdle is using brain to overcome obstacles), The only reason i haven't killed someone is not because of lack of weapons, or lack of balls simply i don't fuckin want to. What world you been living in? its all bout motivation.
  8. So true man, so true
  9. People do stoopid things, people with seemingly straight lives will be the ones who you can't turn your back on, friends turn to enemies, life deals shitty hands and people are left to do what ever they can to carry on the game. Seen people from "nice" backgronds turn out to be fucked up, I have friends from all sort of backgrounds (dysfunctional r us), so we smoke dope do some crazy shit (ok not the types to walk the line, been in some dubious shit) but they're some of the most dependable, creative poeple who i trust and love. We support each other, that with hard work means we're gonna go far. If i ever see a dog crashin i could never let them burn. Maybe its not mean't to make sense, i know though that there are people who try and emulate this- we do it coz its who we are, thats why we do it, coz we love it, the other types ain't going far. If you too love it then do it but i hate fuckers who do it just for the image of it, stop frontin. Lisa, sounds like you've got a son to be proud of. Im guessing hes seen you smoke, probably seen people smoke but hes choosen not to. Then theres those who smoke coz they've never been arround it and its like, "Wow, now i too can be another steroetype and rebel". When things are excluded, hidden and pushed into secrecy then it usually comes back arround and bites Just my 0.02$ "Together we stand, divided we stand tall."
  10. Posted about getin info on DZ's in south england, wondering about doing packing course pls some practice (Camping at DZ or B&B thing). Jump if i find the cash. Looking for info myself but just wondering if anyones got anything i should know or needs recomending. What about places in spain/portugal for summer jumping if i can't get to the states? Where do uk brethren migrate to? "Respect the unexpected"
  11. Step into the crack house..... another addict is born (evil ggrrrr hhhhhaaahhhhaaaa type echoing laugh)... Welcome NEED TO FNUCKN JUMP!!! A Hot steamy fart, now vented, not feeling much better, just lessened the rise in excited pressure.
  12. someone say hash.... with a cold wet nose and pricked ears he was once again on the sent.
  13. Plus anyone know of good night course in music producing, beatmining, MC?
  14. Right time to get shit started, so im callin on any brethren in london to help a brotha out. What i want to do is come down to a DZ (a soon as the weather releases my balls from protective retraction) and camp/crash at it and do some packing for a weekend, maybe even a bit longer if i can get some cash after my compulsory free packs to jump would also be fnuckn awersome. Why not up here? better weather down south plus a little holidy. Any help which gets me somewhere from it will be guarnateed an ass slapin or beer (which ever appeals more). Im back, grimey and ready to prove things can be achieved, Tommorrow back to job searching. "How high, so high i could kiss the sky" Meth + Red (meth original)
  15. "2. I would not allow this student to breed." Your mom should of swallowed you
  16. good on ya man, one day ill think about it just not today, tomorrow or the day after.Maybe next week, month- guess where my weakness is
  17. I agree with you totally, but when you still live with them its hard. Im usually the type to not give a fnuck about what im thought as.
  18. Not former member of mensa still am, the loss of intrest in the subjects was because i didn't enjoy them and there was other things but i couldn't switch. After a year and a half of that who wouldn't loose intrest in subjects they hated and thoroughly didn't spark my brain, who wouldn't be bored. I smoke all throw school (minus two years) and came out with wicked results at a time when physiclly damage should have been seen because this is during puberty when a body is most effected by foreign substances. Im not goona stop My jobs well, been laid off (last in first out) how the fuck is that coz of the weed? I get fired from one (but it turns out because my best mate still works there that they did it to make themselves more cash by lowering the wages- which they couldn't do while i was there becoz of my contract. so they viod the contract now they can) so how the fuck did weed effect this? Resigned from another- i was a salesman that could'nt sell ummm my doorstep persona must have been effected by weed hey? Military, hell no. But as i did say ive got on the road to be a bodyguard (very well paid) with inside contacts. Only problem is to do this and to do the one thing that ties us all together here, skydiving, is to get money, ummm no job i know ill get a job. Just i wish it was that easy, especially with our unemployed going through the roof, and its not like im trying. All i need is a job, save 5000 and im set to follow my dreams- if skydiving money gets tight then simply go to BG school, month later im there. Couldn't aggree with you more on your last point, but shit, just need that job thing hey. Sorry about using both english slang and american slang just mulitculural in that way. Thanks for advice, not gettin at you, but you do the weed culture alot of injustce, if you used to smoke and don't now cool good on ya but don't be that person who you used to hate, remember the one who said don't do that i don't like it. And lastly how is this not real life, im livin it, im alived if all you are concerned about is work (and thats the only real life thing) you've lost.
  19. Tanks for replyin, just need to talk through this stuff. On the pot thing, im not gonna stop just becoz my family wants to (even if it is the most sincere reasons on their behalf) because i know that what they are saying about the weed is bullshit. I haven't changed becoz of the weed, if changed (if i even have ) becoz ive grown. Im not addicted, its isn't addictive, i even proved that to them when i went on holiday with them for a week and didn't smoke any weed (for just over the week) it didn't bother me, no shakes nothin like that. I came back and smoked coz i like it theres no other reason for it. If it was coz of my health then still i would smoke (my mum smokes cigarettes and is already gettin failing health becoz of it, and even though i would like her to stop, its her choice but she does it becoz shes addicted). Even when i try to show them my point of view i get theirs back at me- fair enough. But they stick to the misguided view about weed where as i have an intrest in it so look at its history and future, they hit me with the government says this, the scientists say this when im the one who is activley trying to find out about it. For example driving and smoking, recently its been showed that it doesn't effect driving (and this is a government backed study) yet they can't except it (just old views). Weed is addictive, no it isn't it has never been found to be the only studies that have come to that conclusion have been thrown becoz they used rats that had been given cocaine for weeks then introduced the thc atagonist (1000 times stronger) in the same place they got the coke from while withdrawing it. What gets me is even though i do learn for myself my opinions are dismissed then i get attacked for it, calling there own son stupid (you've lost your intelligence becoz of weed) even though ive gone and found out for myself, which they've always encouraged, yet if my opinion comes back different then i am wrong? It doesn't make sense, they go from super son brag to there friends to hes just a dope head and attack me on the one thing they had always been proud of (how can i go from being intelligent to a thick retard and all arround the same time i decide not to go to uni and persue skydiving, and of course the weed?) It just seems to me that they are delibratley attacking the things they used to be proud of becoz im not following their path. They say i am self centred but when my friends are in trouble whos the first to be there for them in any situation, if i can help i will if i can't i find a way to. When my mum wants something doing i usually do it but if i can't (coz ive made arrangements or am not in the house) she gets pissed off even if ive done the kitchen for them the passed five days so that they can come in without mess and sit down, it doesn't matter i didn't do it then the other times get forgot about. If i do a job i can gaurantee that therell be extra suprise jobs (While your there, do this extra running about for me). I have a life and it seems that its just not good enough for my parents or it conflicts too much for me to do a job for them then i get serious shit. There is no respect. I do what i can but at the end of the day, my life, ive got other things to do aswell. Im just sick of the constant character assasination, they have no idea how nasty they are being. And if they do its always becoz its somethin ive done or not done. Never do they think maybe we're the ones who done somethin or that the reason i may get pissed off is coz of what they are doing to me. For fucksake, today in an ardument because i spent time at my friends instead of at home i get further down the argument "Your dads given up on you". How the fuck is that meant to make me feel, coz i can't be changed, well maybe im happy and don't want to change things and the things i want to change i will but it will be me doing the changing not someone else becoz they feel its the right thing and mine is the wrong. But i do see what your sayin, its just difficult when you have got to this and still despite everything (even trying to change bits to make them happier) i still get the same shit. You feel like you work your arse off to get somewhere with them then they do something that makes you realise nothings changed.
  20. chickenhawk420


    welcome to the comunity, bitchin happens but its always in the best possible taste