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Everything posted by chickenhawk420

  1. chickenhawk420


    And a monpoly get out of jail free card
  2. At leats try it, takes five minutes to send an email.
  3. Is it me or does it sound like the bear says "Where?" in a gruff bear voice?
  4. chickenhawk420


    Sorry, I wasn't getting at you you've just been lucky with boss's (and the fact you've got a job your doing better than me). Ive had experience with the A holes of boss's thats all
  5. Got to be my favourite advert of last year
  6. A few years back i was reading, ummmmm, readers digest. Anyway they have this jokes page with readers jokes and they offer £250 per joke. Got me thinking so i read the small print and it can be any joke from anywhere (books, films, word of mouth) and you get the cash if its published and the first time the jokes been entered. doesn't even have to be your own as long as you put your name to it. Me being me i got an old kids joke book copied a handful out and sent it via email. Few months later jackpot! And if your thinking its got to be a great joke just check out the one that earned me the cash. Q: Why did Henry VIII have so many wives? A:Because he likes to chop and change. HAHAHAHAHAHA Just imagine all those free jumps [idea]
  7. chickenhawk420


    Wish i could say the same had a couple of cool boss's (like my team leader when doing door to door) to some right upthemselves, loves to pull rank BEEP BEEP. Its just a case of whether they are the sort to act human and actually muck in and act like one of the lads OR all superior. The latter i can't stand and ive been employed by one (nearly punched him twice, all agressive body language and all comming at me). It not the job its the person.
  8. Ummmmm, just a little point but unless rabbits discovered scuba gear how the fuck did they get there
  9. chickenhawk420


    Canopy opens and he lands on an LAPD Patrol car - Employee under breath "Bugger" -"Officer, nice officer, easy boy, whats that, fetch" [Idea] Runs like hell
  10. chickenhawk420


    Enter the board room..... CEO - "Blah, blah, blah, yada, yada" Bored employee "Must go to the toilet" Two minutes later, door burst open, crazed guy/gal with rig bursts in.... CEO- "What... strange toilet break, what the hell is that" Employee " I can't take this no more, im leaving" CEO- "You can't resign! not at this moment of fantastic corperate takeovers..." Employee "Fuck that, take my death cirtificate as my resignation, im jumping ship." With that the employee Knocks the fat bastard off his chair (always nicked the custard creams before we went on break), smashes the window on the 40th floor... "CYA Suckers" Well i can dream can't i
  11. Least i still get the good stuff (if i was a woman id be a lesbian)
  12. Just getting in posisition, ready to recieve.
  13. droping from sky high, bomb falling by, freefly headown, feeling all supafly, Newbie, never want skygod status coz jealous haters, Chickenhawk swoop the sqwark, i can taste this, 13 grand exit, the game play, never dis different tatics, from 120 belly fliers to the freaks fallin headfirst blastin, Pond swoopers, electric dreams, blade runnin thesis, birdmen, surfers to accuracy landings on 20 p pieces, flared landings, some crash some burn, derimental to wealth, open bottles of suds, campfire spuds, essential to health. Then i opened my eyes, realised i was in front of my computer. Bollocks. Cant skydive so going to reach a different high, herbal remedy time. Sorry bored so i wrote a daft rhyme in a few minutes. Blues sky, black death Rooftops and sunsets
  14. How High- Meth and Red Outkast- think andre 3000 skydives or is it big boi?
  15. Go, GO!!!! don't even think about it GO!! Mardi Gra (ive heard from friends) is tight.
  16. Hey wasn't your brother on the news recentley about this? It just rings a bell. Anyway goodluck, skydive monkey gave me this website ( which offers various packages and an awersome tandem deal (£260 for everything accomadation, travel to spain and jumping, considering a tandems normally arround £200 its not bad)- dont know if this is the sort of thing you where looking for. Are you getting sponsorship money from people on here? Id be glad to put a couple of £ (not much but hey everything helps)
  17. If it ain't potatoes its the guiness, mmmmmm guiness extra cool...... pub time
  18. And im not kidding it fnuckn hurts!
  19. Read a scary thing in the news (from a few different papers) that in london your six times more likley to be involved in muggings or violent crime than.....wait for york. My only two thoughts - damn and WTF. Totally o f f the subject, got i mesh and not to keen on it, used to have morpheus. Not sure which to go for (then theres gnuttella aswell). So anything- i know theres techie heads in here
  20. Born: Darlington NE UK Live: After a stint in South Africa, middlesbrough, NE UK First Jump: Merlin parachute centre, Topcliffe DZ: Nowwhere at mo, broke, but if you know how to party ill jump there, fnuck ill jump anywhere.
  21. Apply some pressure to her throat from me, seriously hate fuckers like this. Starve the animals (probably won't take much after what shes already done) cover her in blood and treacle and set the pack on her. Deny everything... lol
  22. Congrats! Lucky duckling "I hope to see you all in the sky someday" Hell yeah... well as soon as i get to where you are, aff here i come (well summer isn't too far off)