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  • AAD
    Cypres 2

Jump Profile

  • License
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  • First Choice Discipline
    Formation Skydiving
  • Second Choice Discipline
    Freefall Photography

Ratings and Rigging

  • Tandem
  • USPA Coach
  1. I think the Air Force Academy in Colorado uses a Cypres reserve and a FXC main combination.
  2. What I see is that he is trying to fly the students body. He is so concerned with the students feet and leg position that he is wrapping his legs and feet around the students legs, trying to pull them back. It also appears he is holding the students hand to the harness. My guess is something scared him pretty bad early in his career. In my opinion he does understand the importance of a good arch. However, he does not understand that it is far more important that he arches and flies his body. Once he fully understands that he will learn that a solid instructor can out fly even the worst student body positions. I would strongly encourage some re-training. It will be a hard habit for him to break.
  3. Good job surviving!! Sounds like your situational awareness was pretty good. You might re-think your decision altitudes a bit. At 50 something jumps and a spinning malfunction 2 grand is a bit low to take action. I have seen some pretty scary stuff in similar situations! Sounds like your mal may have been a little more than simple line twists, and hard cutaway pulls often accompany spinning and/or violent malfunctions. Glad you're here to tell the tale!!! Live and continue learning.
  4. It doesn't matter who was at fault... both people screwed up!! Camera flier crossed the center line of the landing area. High guy wasn't looking out below. If you end up dead because you felt like you had the right of way, you're still DEAD!!! Do everything you can possibly do to never get into a situation like that.
  5. why would getting their feet on the step be an issue? If their feet are not on the step put them there... grab their jump suit/ pant leg , situate there feet safely in position, and exit. Why take the risk and hope no one gets hurt?
  6. We have a hang glider problem at our DZ, too. I hate to put it that way. Those guys typically don't understand the danger they put themselves in when they overfly our drop zone, and usually get defensive when approached. They have communication with each other via small consumer grade handheld radios, but we never know what frequencies they're on. They do not make any attempt to communicate with any other aviation. I can usually pick them out from the plane, but I've missed them, too. I watched a tandem open less than 500' from a hang glider a few months back. He never saw the guy until he was under canopy. It's a big sky but sooner or later someone will get bit.
  7. Absolutely not! I have way too much respect for the pilots I work with and their tickets, as well as the safety of my students and myself. Even with GPS you would be limited to very few instruments and no communication for IFR flight.
  8. Looks like a Rebels jump suit, and that's D.C. not Alaska Skydiving in Wasilla!!!
  9. Same thing happened to me, It was hooking on the webbing wrapping the middle ring on my left riser. It grabbed immediately after exit. It was impossible to free until I deployed. I ordered a new chin cup and helmet quick release that night. Aaron.
  10. What about creating a drogue with a staged collapse, or building pockets into the main d-bag that could catch some extra air the event of a rare low-drag mal??
  11. I've got 110K Miles on my '06 Dodge Cummins and I regularly pull 15K lb trailers. I get about 17-18 in town and 20+ driving to Eloy and back. I have never had a problem with my current truck and very few with any Cummins I've had before. Aaron.
  12. If you go up you are lifting +/- double your own weight. However, I could not imagine flaring a tandem on risers with much success.
  13. Does anyone know any jumpers that are Costa Rican or live in Costa Rica??