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Everything posted by Richards

  1. Coffee and Beer Richards My biggest handicap is that sometimes the hole in the front of my head operates a tad bit faster than the grey matter contained within.
  2. Sorry you didn't enjoy your experience. Maybe it was because of the anniversary or you were there during peak season. I was there several years ago and had a much better experience. Give it another try sometime, and hopefully you might find it quite enjoyable. Cheers, Richards. PS. you are obsessed with seeing Donald Duck without perve! My biggest handicap is that sometimes the hole in the front of my head operates a tad bit faster than the grey matter contained within.
  3. hey...speak for yourself I was. You must be one of the advanced upright homo-sapien models. Richards (cro-magnon man) My biggest handicap is that sometimes the hole in the front of my head operates a tad bit faster than the grey matter contained within.
  4. It is not an issue of who it applies to, so much as how it is interpreted and applied. The protesters do not need to deliberately hurt the families of soldiers. I am not suggesting that they cannot offer that opinion but human decency says that you do not torment someone who has just lost a son by holding up a placard saying that the son will burn in hell. I'm sure the letter of the constitution and the spirit in which it was intended often conflict with each other and that is why we do allow for constitutional ammmendments when the letter of the constitution is being perverted. I am not sure why you interpret that as suggesting that the constitution should be selective in who it applies to. I am merely pointing out the obvious fact that it was written by humans, and therefore is not perfection redefined, an we must be prepared to ensure that the constitution is used in the manner in which it was intended and not perverted to serve the needs of someone who intends harm. Can you come up with a reason why the protesters need to aim these protests at the families? In theory when someone is on the ledge of a building contemplating suicide and the police psychologist is trying to talk him off the ledge, I do have the constitutional right to yell "Jump you pussy". Instead of playing bar-room lawyer, try to see that I am merely trying to curb behavior that is deliberately and needlessly harmfull. As I have stated before I realize that it is important for the constitution to protect someones right to say that which is in complete opposition to my values, and I would fight to protect that right, but these protesters are being incredibly cruel to the families of soldiers at their funerals. Can we not as a society stand up and say this is wrong, or are we automotans who merely quote the constitution as though it was the ten commandments every time someone is hurting someone else? Richards My biggest handicap is that sometimes the hole in the front of my head operates a tad bit faster than the grey matter contained within.
  5. Do I detect some sarcasim? What if a gay man won Queen, beating out 3 lesbians and other straight women in the running and they made a stink about it. How would you feel about it then? Often these issues are a matter of perspective. For example there was a famous case (which many of you may remember) where a white female was suing a university due to the fact that a black female with a lower average was accepted because she was black and they wanted to enforce diversity through entrance standards which gave preference to minorities who were under-represented. I can see her frustration but I couldn't help wonder what the white females perspective was on preferential treatment being given to female applicants in male dominated areas where females are underrepresented. People tend to change their perspective depending on their needs. Richards My biggest handicap is that sometimes the hole in the front of my head operates a tad bit faster than the grey matter contained within.
  6. I do not know what to say. I can see that your intention is commendable, but I cannot agree with your perspective, so with all due respect (and I mean it respectfully) we will have to agree to disagree. Cheers, Richards My biggest handicap is that sometimes the hole in the front of my head operates a tad bit faster than the grey matter contained within.
  7. Regardless of what they are protesting, these people are sick for doing that to the families of soldiers. I would love to get a good look at these bastards....through a rifle scope! Richards My biggest handicap is that sometimes the hole in the front of my head operates a tad bit faster than the grey matter contained within.
  8. The best retort that I read about from a judge went something like the following. A convict was about to be sentenced and he was allowed to make a statement before the judge sentenced him. CONVICT- "Your honour I would like to remind you that I grew up in an unsupportive hostile environment" JUDGE- "Then you will feel right at home where I'm sending you!" I just about pissed myself laughing when I read that! Richards My biggest handicap is that sometimes the hole in the front of my head operates a tad bit faster than the grey matter contained within.
  9. Thats not new. Half the people in Toronto still walk on all fours! Richards My biggest handicap is that sometimes the hole in the front of my head operates a tad bit faster than the grey matter contained within.
  10. Im even for these assholes protesting the soldiers, just not at the funerals. Why protest the soldiers? If you don't like the war, then protest the government, or the white house but not the poor guy who did what he believed to be his duty and went over their to face horrors most of us cannot imagine. These young soldiers are willing to die to protect you and me. Regardless of ones position on the war, their selflessness deserves our gratitude and respect. Richards My biggest handicap is that sometimes the hole in the front of my head operates a tad bit faster than the grey matter contained within.
  11. I think you have missed my point. I completely agree with freedom of speech even when it does allow someone to say something I despise, as I realize I may need to rely on that freedom someday myself. My problem is with the fact that these protesters deliberately picked the time and location of there protest to coincide with the funerals, and their message was designed to deliberately inflict the most pain on families who are already shattered by greif. They are kicking someone when they are down. There is a saying that says "The freedom to swing your arm stops just short of your neighbors nose". What that means is that while we have rights we also have responsibility to respect the rights of others and in this case the protestors are not respecting the rights of the soldiers families to be spared needless pain. Sometimes the rights overlap and lady justice has to make a command decision in the interest of human decency. It would be like me walking into a childrens hospital and going into the ward for terminally ill children and chanting "You will all die slow terrible deaths" and saying I have a constitutional right to do that. There is no need for these protestors to deliberately time their protests and message to specifically inflict cruelty on soldiers families, and therefor the constitution could be applied in a common sense manner to show compassion for people who are hurting terribly due to the loss of a loved one. If that means that these protesters have to exercise some tact (and compassion) while exercising their rights then so be it. Richards My biggest handicap is that sometimes the hole in the front of my head operates a tad bit faster than the grey matter contained within.
  12. I think that this is a case of apples and oranges. Enemy soldiers simply human beings who were performing their duty (albeit under a leadership we despise) and therefore deserve to be treated with dignity and humanity, after they have been captured or killed. Spoiled people in a privileged society (we in the west are privileged) who are cruel and callous enough to protest at a funeral knowing how much pain they are inflicting on the family of the dead soldiers do not deserve the respect that we give enemy soldiers. They deserve the utmost contempt and absence of humanity. I agree wholeheartedly. You do not need to inflict cruelty on the parents/spouse/children of a dead soldier to voice your opinion on a war. People who like doing stuff like that probably liked torturing small animals when they were kids. They are sick, cruel, and subhuman. Richards My biggest handicap is that sometimes the hole in the front of my head operates a tad bit faster than the grey matter contained within.
  13. No, I will not put them aside. If you consider yourself an American, neither should you. I am not saying to ignore it completely. I am merely saying we should differentiate between the letter of the constitution and the spirit in which it was intended. The constitution and laws were designed to support justice. When dirtbags like that can manipulate the letter of the constitution to pervert the very justice it was intended to support, the constitution fails. At what point do we stop allowing people who truly hate our society to use it's laws against us? Richards Richards My biggest handicap is that sometimes the hole in the front of my head operates a tad bit faster than the grey matter contained within.
  14. Terribly cruel. If they catch the bastards who did it they should tie them face down ass up in the hardest maximum security federal penetentiary, and give the cons a full week to ream their asses out! Richards. My biggest handicap is that sometimes the hole in the front of my head operates a tad bit faster than the grey matter contained within.
  15. Or ...; -People who drive slow in the left lane -Pushy telemarketers -Cellphone users who show no courtesy to those around them -Agressive panhandlers -Criminals in general -Those idiots flower salesmen who walk around downtown with roses and approach you when you are with a girl and put you on the spot to buy one...."Isn't the lady worth it?' sound familiar -Neighbors who are too loud -Litterbugs -People who come to my door and pester me to join their church ...The list is endless. What a fantasy! In fairness there would be people who would argue that I should be shot to but I would simply shoot them first. What a pleasant respectful world that would be. Regrettably we do not live in the wild west. can fantasize. Richards My biggest handicap is that sometimes the hole in the front of my head operates a tad bit faster than the grey matter contained within.
  16. Too many people are waving the "freedom of speech" flag on this one. It goes without saying that if soldiers were not willing give up their lives there would be no free speech. It is worse when one thinks beyond the mere death to the fact that many of these troops died horrible agonizing deaths. At least people could show the courtesy of allowing their final goodbye to be caried out with a degree of respect. There is no need to express ones freedom of speech in that manner at that time. It is needlessly cruel to the families who have often lost the most precious person in their lives to not be allowed peace in the moments they say goodbye. To see their loved ones sacrifices being mocked by these ingrate fucks. It's not as though they can have a second funeral when the protesters are gone...that was the last opportunity to say goodbye... and it is now gone. Legal constitutional semantics aside, common decency says that these asshole protesters should be dispbursed with machine gun fire, but that of course would be wrong because it would be a waste of perfectly good bullets. Richards My biggest handicap is that sometimes the hole in the front of my head operates a tad bit faster than the grey matter contained within.
  17. It happened up here in Canuckistan. The extreme left has an even stronger grip on everyones balls here than they do in the U.S. It has gotten to the point that I do not voice my opinion too often as I do not want to be on welfare. Richards Wow now that adds a whole other light onto the subject... Changed title Now the question is, if the whole world becomes this way (which we know is not the case) how would that change things? It would change things for the worse. I am not suggesting that we be callous with regards to students feelings. I am merely suggesting that students need to be able to discern a relationship between their actions and their consequences. They also need to realize that sometimes you will put your heart into something and not get a good grade...that is because failure can be a great learning experience and character builder. It encourages people to always strive for improvement while instilling in them that life does not always provide a positive outcome. this will enable them to enter the real world with the tools neccessary to survive. Richards My biggest handicap is that sometimes the hole in the front of my head operates a tad bit faster than the grey matter contained within.
  18. It happened up here in Canuckistan. The extreme left has an even stronger grip on everyones balls here than they do in the U.S. It has gotten to the point that I do not voice my opinion too often as I do not want to be on welfare. Richards My biggest handicap is that sometimes the hole in the front of my head operates a tad bit faster than the grey matter contained within.
  19. Yes they do. They can come to the negotiating table. There is no need to indoctrinate your children to hate Isrealis and encourege them to carry on the cycle of hate and violence for another generation. ***Or maybe you have never experienced anything like the pain and hate they have felt. Maybe no one has ever taken something from you like your home or the life of someone you love. So you basically have no clue what they have been threw. There will always be an imbalance of past wrongs when peace is acheived but it requires cooler heads to decide that there has been enough blood shed. If you are angry about your brother dying do you deal with this anger by encouraging your son to go and die? Many societies have learned to let go of hate in the interest of progress, there is no reason why the Palestinians cannot. There are too many leaders there with their own agenda who have a vested interest in encouraging a continuation of the attrocities. Richards My biggest handicap is that sometimes the hole in the front of my head operates a tad bit faster than the grey matter contained within.
  20. I was working for Student Services and dealing with probationary students and I was not allowed to mention to them that they would need at least a B average to be considered for grad school as that would place undue pressure on them ( better to find out the hard way after graduating when it is too late I guess). Some of the other pleasures of our new "Lets not make them feel bad about themselves" mentality; >When I was a TA I routinely had people senior to me force me to accept late assignments (despite the fact that the course outline said that was not allowed) because my expecting students to meet deadlines put undue pressure on them (of course deadlines would not happen in the real world) > When conducting probationary seminars I could not deny people credit for for attending despite the fact that they showed up 15-25 minutes late (one hour seminars) because they "had at least made the effort of trying to show up" >Was told to mark easier despite the fact that there was a clear marking scheme and I was already willing to give students almost full marks so long as they showed their work ! > When running a course I was not allowed to make reference to failure rates (which I always did in a positive encouraging manner) because that might intimidate students (Kind of like not addressing malfunctions during a jump course since it is an unpleasant subject) > Could not ban people from the Help Centre for repeated disruptive conduct, because "they need to be counselled as to how they should behave" Subsequently, our students act as though they have no personal responsibilities and unlimitted rights, and I myself have regrettably become complacent to this because I am sick and tired of fighting for permission to do my job well. It makes me cringe when I think of what kind of people we are sending out into the world. Richards My biggest handicap is that sometimes the hole in the front of my head operates a tad bit faster than the grey matter contained within.
  21. In fairness the U.S. has not been screaming for the extermination of specific countries as Iran has with Isreal. Given Irans history I don't think it would be in the best interest of all concerned if they had such a capability. Using the gun analogy, I would not want some wife battering psycho with a history of random violence getting a gun. Regarding the N.R.A. screaming that inner city blacks should't own guns, is that real or were you being faecetious? Sounds a bit extreme but again anything is possible. Cheers, Richards My biggest handicap is that sometimes the hole in the front of my head operates a tad bit faster than the grey matter contained within.
  22. I do not have a whole slew of statistics at this time to back what I am going to say but here I go anyway. During my life I have come across numerous thugs, bullies , and general fuckmonkeys. If there is one conclusion I could arrive at about these clowns is that they are cowards who are not willing to risk personal injury while stalking real human beings. It is worth noting that the cheif of police in new york at the time of the Bernard Goetz vigilante shooting said that during the week that Goetz was at large there were no muggings. Therefore it stands to reason that armed citizens will provide a deterrent to some of these fuckbags. Unfortunately too many people want to restrict our ability to exercise our most basic right, that being the right to self defence. Again too many on the extreme left would rather lament endlessly about root cause bullshit, and insist that putting a basketball court in a bad neighborhood will magically make all the gangbangers see the light and become churchgoing productive model citizens. It is though it is politically incorrect to suggest that gangbangers getting plugged occasionally by their intended victims might actually serve a socially usefull purpose. It is really bad up here in Canada where gun owners are more despised than the most depraved criminals for some silly reason It is a shame because most criminals support gun laws (surprise surprise), and presently they are laughing at our weak criminal laws and strong gun laws. Anyway had to rant My biggest handicap is that sometimes the hole in the front of my head operates a tad bit faster than the grey matter contained within.
  23. Then the simple solution is to not confess to something you did not do. I would not agree with limitting punishment due to failings in process. Adjust the process to eliminate those flaws and then move on to increasing the punishment. Richards My biggest handicap is that sometimes the hole in the front of my head operates a tad bit faster than the grey matter contained within.
  24. Good dropzone, nice equipment. It is always good to get around and see what else is out there. When you get off of student status it might be worth your while to go out to chilliwack and check out Fraser Valley Skydiving. They are nestled in beautiful mountans, with at least one of the nearby mountains peaking at around jump altitude so you get groundrush (to some extent) upon leaving the plane. When I first started jumping in another province I stuck to the DZ where I learned, and only realized upon trying another one that it was more suitable to my needs than the one I started at (not neccessarily better). Again it will be in your best interest to try multiple dropzones as you will then have a better idea which dropzone is better suited to your needs (not neccessarily better overall.....I do not want to get into that). That said there are some very nice people at Pacific and they have a big plane, so you may just stick with it once you have seen what else is out there, but it is in the interest of any new skydiver to try multiple dropzones (upon liscensing) so as to find what suits them. Anyway, welcome to the sport, and nice to speak to you Cheers, Richards My biggest handicap is that sometimes the hole in the front of my head operates a tad bit faster than the grey matter contained within.
  25. Ok, that makes sense. Common ground has to be reached via compromise. Again that makes sense. Too many people justify their hatreds on events that are long past. No-one ever said that it did (including the Isrealis). They are not however randomly torturing palestinian youth. They are not attacking randomly. They do have the right of self defence (as did Britain during the blitz), and unfortunately the cowards who terrorize innocent Isreali citizens hide amongst civilians intentionally. Every time Isreal hits a schoolyard or hospital while aiming bombs at a legitimate military target the world go's nuts but fails to ask the following question..."why does the hamas leadership always "coincidentally" place their high value targets right beside a scholyard or hospital, when they know that Isreali counterstrikes will likely cause harm to the abovementioned non-military targets?" In the middle east our troops don't place their high value targets right beside hospitals. Isreali's do not put their command centres right beside daycare centres. Why? because they know that that places civilians at risk yet Hamas always places their high value military targets right beside civilians so that when they hit Isreal, Isreal cannot possibly respond without creating collateral damage and thus upsetting the world. Should Israel not respond? They have no choice if they wish to survive as a nation. They are being placed in a lose-lose situation. Furthermore our western media has an anti-Isreali mentality to it and while they are more than willing to condemn isreal's actions they overlook the following facts. The Isreali goivernment does place high emphasis on avoiding civilian casualties (contrary to popular misconception), and have on numerous occasions court-martialed their own officers when they have broken the law in that respect (how many Hamas members have been tried by Palestinian courts for attacking Isreali citizens). Furthermore, several Isrealis have opposed certain military interventions and refused to follow orders when they felt those orders were unethical und unneccessarily harmfull to the palestinians (how many Hamas members have done the same). Whenever the Isreali military has gone too far Isreali citizens have actually protested on the streets on behalf of the palestinians (do palestinians hit the street and protest when Isreali kids are killed). Many of the Jewish people I know have been very objective on the issue, and while they obviously have thier own viewpoint on the issue they are empathetic to the palestinian perspective and are willing to acknowledge fault in the Isreali government when the situation merits it. To a man (or woman) every arabic/muslim person I have talked to has vehemently insisted that it is all Isreals fault and only seen the pain from their side, and do not concede either fault on the palestinian side nor empathy for the isreali perspective. Furthermore as I have stated before, the UN seems to have that same anti-Isreali bias. Isreal has never claimed that it does. Very true. Many people pledge alleigiance to their own perspective and willingly blind themselves to other viewpoints. It is not that simple. In the west we do see that Isreal has gone to great lengths to address past wrongs and acheive a lasting peace. As a result when an Isreali kid gets killed we in the west are irate for two reasons a) Isreal does not want this war, b) The kid was probably not collateral damage, but the actual target. When Palestinian kids are killed it is unintentional (the idea of deliberately targetting children is more reprehensible than kids dying unintentionally during a legitimate strike), so people realize that it was a tragic consequence rather than a deliberate atrocity. Furthermore they realize that Isreal had no choice but to respond. They are also more disgusted because they realize that the palestinian leadership deliberately placed the kids in the line of fire (it's like me shooting a gun at you and barricading myself deliberately behind my own children and screaming about what a monster you are when they get hit as you fire in self defence), so they realize that Isreal cannot be condemned for this. Richards My biggest handicap is that sometimes the hole in the front of my head operates a tad bit faster than the grey matter contained within.