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Everything posted by Richards

  1. My freinds dog seemed to think I was a female because he always tried to hump my leg. She told me to slap him when he did that but he was a pitbull and I am not suicidal, so I generally let him finish what he started. Richards My biggest handicap is that sometimes the hole in the front of my head operates a tad bit faster than the grey matter contained within.
  2. Hitchhiked on a few occasions. With respect to picking up hitchhickers, I have occasionally done it. My criteria for picking up a hitchhiker was always based their appearance and on my perceived ability to get them out of the car if things went bad. Obviously I would never pick up anyone that looked like trouble. That said looks can be deceiving, and even if somone looked nice I would not let them in my car if they outweighed me significantly. Generally I always said "If he/she acts up would I be able to remove him/her from the car without sustaining injury?" If the answer was no then I would not pick him/her up. Richards My biggest handicap is that sometimes the hole in the front of my head operates a tad bit faster than the grey matter contained within.
  3. Yes. It is a repulsive sickening crime that destroys an innocent child. People who could do that should be put to death. Richards My biggest handicap is that sometimes the hole in the front of my head operates a tad bit faster than the grey matter contained within.
  4. The West needs to start paying more attention to it's own backyard. We send all our foreign aid overseas to Asia , Africa, and the Middles East while on our homefront Mexico (Our immediate neighbor) is a third world nation. When one thinks of the foreign aid we send to Africa, the middle east (who have enough oil to afford to feed their own damn people), North Korea (who despite inability to feed their own people can afford nuclear weapons), imagine if we tried cutting it back and amalgamating it into aid to Mexico for the purposes of develoment. To send aid overseas when our own neighbors are so desperately poor is reprehensible. Furthermore if the mexican infrastructure and economy were built up to the point where they were not at a third world level, we would no longer need to obsess about illegal immigration, since Mexicans could live well in Mexico. I am more of a regionalist and therefore I feel that our primary aid recipient should be our own continent (Mexico). If we can help Mexico attain self sustinence then our next logical choice of aid (not exploitation) would be central america, and the carribean (next time anyone is in Jamaica step off the club med property and look at how many people live in tin shacks with no electricity or running water). It would seem that our moral obligations should be the nations closest to us. If we do not offer to show interest in them someone else will as the soviets did in Cuba. If you think it is scary to have Cuba as communists, or China supporting Brazil, imagine Mexico becoming a socialist state sponsored by China (not unrealistic when you have a poverty ridden nation next to the richest nation in the world). I realize that my idea must clearly have glaring oversites on my part, and I welcome all inputs on this. But the idea of China supporting latin-american countries should serve as a bit of a wake-up call, and entice us to show real support for our immediate neighbors. Richards My biggest handicap is that sometimes the hole in the front of my head operates a tad bit faster than the grey matter contained within.
  5. Thank you for your pearls of wisdom. My wife feels I drink too much alcohol. Now thanks to you I can truly say I am being health conscious. Richards My biggest handicap is that sometimes the hole in the front of my head operates a tad bit faster than the grey matter contained within.
  6. you wouldn't, by chance, be french canadian? Nope. English Canadian. But I do see how my comment could have created that confusion. I would not be surrendering out of fear so much as opportunity. Richards My biggest handicap is that sometimes the hole in the front of my head operates a tad bit faster than the grey matter contained within.
  7. Better to start with an easy one... The smug Canadians will be surprised... This could arguably be the best thing that could happen to Canada. Be part of a stronger larger economy. Have an actual military. Have a national symbol to be proud of (America has the Eagle, Britain has the Bulldog, Canada, well......we have the beaver). Be able to go to warmer climates without a passport. Sounds great. Let me know when the war will start so I can be the first to surrender. Cheers, Richards My biggest handicap is that sometimes the hole in the front of my head operates a tad bit faster than the grey matter contained within.
  8. Hard job. I respect him for doing. I would not have the strength to handle it. Richards My biggest handicap is that sometimes the hole in the front of my head operates a tad bit faster than the grey matter contained within.
  9. I must admit it is tremendously gratifying to see a guy like that get what he deserves, but the law also protects thugs, and hitting an unconcious man who has the back of his skull against concrete can result in a manslaughter charge (or serious assault charge). A moments gratification is not worth the prison time. Cheers, Richards My biggest handicap is that sometimes the hole in the front of my head operates a tad bit faster than the grey matter contained within.
  10. No. The whole point of having a law is that we have found a need for it. If we create laws designed to circumvent our original laws then we are implicitly stating our laws are wrong and therefore should change them. If there is really a need for more immigrants than the system allows then change the policy. Untill then it sets a bad precident to be designing our system to make it easier to break the laws. The don't ask don't tell laws that some states have with regards to this do a disservice to the taxpayers who's services are being used up by illegals who on average use them at a higher rate than citizens ( Immigration is neither good nor bad. It is simply a policy tool like taxation. It is the implementation that is good or bad. For a rich nation to utilize illegals, because they do not want to pay minimum wage is deplorable. There is a reason why minimum wage laws were brought in, so we can make sure that our lowest socio-economic types can at least live at a somewhat liveable standard. Studies have shown that use of excessive immigration (or implicit acceptance of illegal immigration) do not increase productivity contrary to polular misconception, they simply decrease the cost of it via lower wages. Therefore it only accomplishes a transfer of wealth from labour to business. Policies such as DADT, or amnesty only encourage the problem. Richards My biggest handicap is that sometimes the hole in the front of my head operates a tad bit faster than the grey matter contained within.
  11. DO NOT I repeat DO NOT follow this advice. I would never hesitate to destroy someone if I felt that my safety or that of someone I care about was in immediate danger. But going after them with your freinds will yeild negative results. They will escalate and come back with even more freinds. I am not advocating cowardice, just common sense! Do not ever start a fight, regardless of how much the other person deserves it! It is not unmanly to back down! Again, the inability to ignore an asshole whose self esteem is derived from beating the shit out of someone in front of his freinds is juvenile. I personally know a guy who still has permanent damage from a fight he got into over ten years ago, that he could have walked away from. He will bear the consequences of these injuries for the rest of his life, because he couldn't take the embarrasment of letting a guy call him a pussy! I also know two people who have criminal records for fights that they were not looking for. One of them had to live with his mother (in his 40's) because he could not get a job due to his record. Living with his mother unemployed did not do wonders for his dating life. Incedentally the fact that you have 3 witnesses if you and your freinds go after him will not mean anything to the police. The cops is not that stupid that they will think this one guy came alone and started it with you and your 3 friends. Taking advice from anyone advocating that you "Be a man and kick his ass", will have consequences that you might bear the rest of your life (which could be very short if you follow that advice). Furthermore discussion forums are not a good source of advice for this sort of problem. You have no idea who you are getting advice from. Cheers, and please use common sense, Richards My biggest handicap is that sometimes the hole in the front of my head operates a tad bit faster than the grey matter contained within.
  12. Are you suggesting that you should only stop the fight if your freind is getting his ass beat? Much like in rule #2 you should also stop this before it starts. Furthermore you might want to disassociate yourself with any freinds who go around starting fights. They will always get you in trouble, both in the streets and in court. There is NO EXCUSE for fighting unless you are cornered and afraid for your safety. Inability to ignore disrespectfull behavior and walk away from a fight is a sign of immaturity, and will eventually get you a criminal record, a hospital stay or a casket. Richards My biggest handicap is that sometimes the hole in the front of my head operates a tad bit faster than the grey matter contained within.
  13. If you did everything humanly possible to walk away from it, then you should gather up any witnesses and press charges. It is very serious because fatalities can when people kick a person in the head while he is down. You could have at least been permanently injured. If however you had the opportunity to leave and chose to stick around for the challenge due to a misplaced sense of machismo then you need to treat this like a lesson learned and develop the temperment and maturity to walk away from this kind of nonsense. Richards My biggest handicap is that sometimes the hole in the front of my head operates a tad bit faster than the grey matter contained within.
  14. I didn't interpret the question as "can socialist left wing ideas have their place in a predominately capitalist society" which would be an obvious yes. My interpretation was "Can a communist government be effective for running our country" which is an obvious no. When I said it did not work anywhere I did not mean that such ideas never worked as a means of running a small subset, so much as no country has effectively managed under a communist regime. Richards My biggest handicap is that sometimes the hole in the front of my head operates a tad bit faster than the grey matter contained within.
  15. Wow... Really? Just because of a smile? Beleive it or not yes. It may just be that I'm a magnet for weirdos, but I get the strangest (and creepiest ) people approaching me. Sometimes complete strangers have stopped me and unloaded all kinds of weird shit on me (not drug addicts or street people, normal looking people). I have been told that I look like a sympathetic person, so people tend to let me know everything even if I have never met them in my life. I once had a lady in her mid-20's walk up to me late at night when I was walking home and start talking to me. She looked like a normal working person, yet she suddenly started telling me how she was molested as a child, and how she has been raped before, and that every man in her life has abused her. I started worrying that maybe I looked like one of them and she was about to pull a gun on me. I tried to be sympathetic but I was scared shitless of her. Stupidly I walked home to my apartment building rather than going somewhere else to ditch her, so she said "Oh you live here, I might drop by some time" I was less than enthusiastic about that and gave her a fake name and prayed that I would not hear from her. >Complete strange man (in a shirt and tie) started talking to me once about suicidal intentions > Completely strange lady on the street stopped me and started telling me how her husband did not communicate with her and that they were headed for a divorce >Saleslady at my door started suddenly crying during her sales pitch and telling me how she had been in a battered womens shelter and was trying to get her life on track. I sat her down for tea because I was scared she was going to do something harmfull to herself, and calmed her down before sending her on her way. I am not making any of this up! Strange people seem to be attracted to me like a magnet so I tend to avoid eye contact and overt freindliness. I know that sounds weird but what can I do? Richards My biggest handicap is that sometimes the hole in the front of my head operates a tad bit faster than the grey matter contained within.
  16. Good idea so long as it provides non-military options. Too many people today have no clue what social responsibility is and do not understand the concept of seeing the importance of something bigger than ones-self. There should be considerations of course (family hardship etc) but rich people should not be exempt. I do not think it is sensible to force people into military service, as it seems (with some historical backing) that a professional army of volenteers who want to serve will significantly outperform a conscript army. Cheers, Richards My biggest handicap is that sometimes the hole in the front of my head operates a tad bit faster than the grey matter contained within.
  17. I thought that idea was as forgotten as the idea that the world was flat. It does not seem to have worked anywhere. Richards My biggest handicap is that sometimes the hole in the front of my head operates a tad bit faster than the grey matter contained within.
  18. Can of worms. Can of fucking worms! Richards My biggest handicap is that sometimes the hole in the front of my head operates a tad bit faster than the grey matter contained within.
  19. Richards


    I second that. Richards My biggest handicap is that sometimes the hole in the front of my head operates a tad bit faster than the grey matter contained within.
  20. No. I always atract weird strange people who latch onto me and unload way too much personal info (I look sympathetic) while asking me really personal questions...(WTF?). Therefore I am more comfortable avoiding eye contact unless I know the person real well. Richards My biggest handicap is that sometimes the hole in the front of my head operates a tad bit faster than the grey matter contained within.
  21. I agree. That lamb just looks like trouble. Clearly the fire chief is the victim here. She led him on. Richards My biggest handicap is that sometimes the hole in the front of my head operates a tad bit faster than the grey matter contained within.
  22. The extreme anti gun lobby are actually quite amusing. Say the word gun and they start squealing like little schoolgirls "guns....OH_MY_GOD...did you say g-g-g-g-guns???!!!" and they want to wash theior ears with holy water because they heard the G-word. Basically the ones screaming to limit your rights to guns are the same ones screaming for prisoner rights. At the school I work at Charlseton Heston (I beleive) was giving a speach (many years ago)unrelated to guns yet there were protests because of his affiliation with guns. When another prominent member of NAMBLA was giving a speach there were no such protests. Kind of funny priorities, when you think about it. There is something Fruedian about people who have a fixation on stripping every citizen of guns. Richards My biggest handicap is that sometimes the hole in the front of my head operates a tad bit faster than the grey matter contained within.
  23. Maybe not right away, but after a few beers.....she could look ok. Shit happpens. Richards My biggest handicap is that sometimes the hole in the front of my head operates a tad bit faster than the grey matter contained within.
  24. For the millionth time now, I am not trying to curb unpopular opinions, nor am I saying that people shouldn't be allowed to express unpopular opinions. I am not sure why you keep putting those words in my mouth. Argue the point that I am making, which is that the timing and nature of the protests which are deliberately designed to inflict hurt upon the families of the soldiers, should be restricted. It is no different than bubble zone laws which require anti-abortion protests to be held no closer than 500 yards away from clinics. If a protester is truly confident in what he/she has to say they can get their message accross without harrassing people who are trying to say their last goodbye to a loved one. As far as I am I am concerned when it comes to freedom of speech I will even allow those sick animals from that NAMBLA to spew their horrid ideas because I beleive in freedom of speech. If it is a constitutionally protected right under the guise of freedom of speech to disrupt a funeral and tell the mother/spouse/children of a dead soldier that their loved one will burn in hell for an eternity, then it is also my constitutional right to; >Repeatedly call people I don't like at all hours of the night to make obscene phone calls. > Scream "Jump you pussy" at a suicidal person on a ledge. > Torment terminally ill children by telling them that they will die horrible painfull deaths form their diseases. Our society strikes a balance between freedom of speech/expression and harrassing/abusive behavior. That is why people can be charged with mental/emotional abuse. That is why teachers are not allowed to address black students using the n-word. Again this is the classic opposing extremes argument, " If you don't like my extreme you must therefore like the other extreme". People have as of late been so indoctrinated by the likes of fear-mongerers to be paranoid about "big brother" that they consider any sensible law designed to protect the innocent as creating a slippery slope towards totalitarianism. If that were the case the mere fact that we are not in an anarchic society (we have laws) means that we are inevitebly destined for such a society, This is clearly not the case. We have checks and balances in place to protect against laws being taken to extreme. I can assure you that, a simple law requiring these protesters to maintain a respectfull distance will not ultimately result in mass book burnings, secret arrests of academics, children reporting their parents to the local gestapo....etc. It will merely allow greiving families some peace from unnecessary deliberately cruel harrasssing behavior. Richards My biggest handicap is that sometimes the hole in the front of my head operates a tad bit faster than the grey matter contained within.
  25. Become a professional student. Eventually you will get a Phd, and become a professor. You will get tenure (provided you publish a lot at first) and then you will never be expected to be accountable again in your life. Richards My biggest handicap is that sometimes the hole in the front of my head operates a tad bit faster than the grey matter contained within.