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Everything posted by Slappie

  1. Ok I can't pass up this thread. I've done some really stupid/crazy things in my life. Let me tell you a story of two. 1. I used to be an avid skateboarder, not talking about the ones you have today. This was early to mid 80's I also rode the half pipe and parks ect... I would do this on roller skates with outdoor wheels too. A good friend of mine worked at a water park that was closed down for the winter. So us being the adventurous types decided we would ride the water slides in skates! Imagine the tubes you flow thru in the summer with water, take away the water and add wheels to your feet. It was a blast but very very dark! Never thought that we were over 30' in the air on wheels and could fly out of the chutes at any corner. Luckily none of us got hurt. 2. Was in college. I lived in Austin Tx. attending UT working as a bartender. I was pretty thin 5' 10" 150 but strong. We had a few UT Football players who would regularily drink in my place and some would often start fights. The bouncers knew what to do. This one nite I was at the back bar by the pool tables alone. One of the bouncers were handling a scuffle across the bar. One of the biggest guys I've ever laid eyes on asks me for another beer. Me, knowing the waitress had already cut him off, I decided to act like a responsible BT and do the same.? *Not Smart* Next thing I know I'm being dragged over the bar and onto a pool table by the throat!! So thinking this is bad and knowing I was about to be pounded into the felt of the table. I reach over and of all the balls on the table I grab the 8 *go figure* and hit this gorrila in the forehead as hard as I could!! He stumbles back a bit dazed from the blow. I'm thinking ok this guy gets hit in the head all the time for fun so this little daze isn't going to last very long. I spy a pool cue in the girls hand on the other side of the table. I roll over the table feet hit the ground and grabbing the cue I break it in half over my knee. Meanwhile the gorrila is recovering and sees me, comes running around the table. I drop to one knee and crack the buttend of the cue {Were all the weight is} across his left knee and you could hear this SNAP from 3 miles away. The guy hits the ground crying in pain. I had just shattered his knee! The bouncers show up just bout this time. The ambulance comes and takes the broken linebacker away. The whole time I'm thinking OH SHIT THIS GUY IS GOING TO COME BACK AND KILL ME!!!! My bouncers all patted me on the back ect... said they wouldn't let anything happen to their "Mini-Bouncer" hahaha Two weeks later the door man buzzes me letting me know he thinks the gorrila is back for revenge! I go get my broken pool cue which I know keep under the bar
  2. Hey guys my chat room is open 24/7 I know it's hard to sit around when no ones talking. Sorry, but I'm only online from the office "shhhhhhhhhhhh" my boss may be reading this. So popin during the day and visit with me... Starting to get a few people in during the day. If anyone wants to run it at night for me drop me a line and stuff. I need someone who is willing to do that since I have no computer at the house anylonger.
  3. Slappie

    Fear Of Flying

    I'll back ramon!! I got his beer! hahahaha
  4. Sangiro, I can help with the testing from the office during the hours of 8 & 5 M-F Central time in the USA. So just let me know what you need from me. My New Website with 24hr Chat
  5. Slappie

    Fear Of Flying

    Your a bull headed twisted-ego-maniac!! I'm not a flamer but you just pissed me off. This thread had nothing to do with skydiving! I personaly know Zennie and jump with him on a regular basis. He is a good guy and doesn't need some asshole like yourself trying to goad him into some contest of flight skills. You need to see a doctor about your Rectal-Craniumitist!! If you can't understand that it's HEAD UP YOUR ASS! DICK! So lets see some of your award winning photos and the website huh? I see a very lonely junior high school mentality in your post. Didn't your mother ever teach you to THINK BEFORE YOU SPEAK, now go crawl back under that rock you came out from under to screw up a good thread with your useless rantings and stupidity. I also think your a danger to anyone you jump with. You haven't the faintest idea what your doing by the way you post!! argh! I'll shut up now! My New Website with 24hr Chat
  6. Come on down and visit me, I'll make an impression on ya!! Anyways I am signing mine. *shrugs* I think some change may make a bit of difference. JMHO My New Website with 24hr Chat
  7. Male Date Rape Drug Alert: Police warn all male clubbers, party-goers and unsuspecting pub regulars to be more alert and cautious when getting a drink offer from a girl. There is a drug around called "beer" and it is generally in liquid form. The drug is now being used by female sexual predators at parties to convince their male victims to have sex with them. The shocking statistic is that "beer" is available virtually anywhere! All girls have to do is persuade a guy to consume a few units of "beer" and simply ask the guy home for no-strings-attached sex. Men are literally rendered helpless against such attacks. After several "beers" men will often succumb to desires to perform sex acts on Horrific looking women who they would never normally be attracted to. Men often awaken after being given "beer" with only hazy memories of exactly what has happened to them the night before, just a vague feeling that something bad occurred. Please warn all your male buddies to be carefull when around women and "BEER"!! My New Website with 24hr Chat
  8. Slappie

    Too much T & A?

    Ok whos the joker who voted for this one? I see only one vote, lets weed them out and string um up!! "Get a Rope
  9. *** Definition for pooh-bah ... *** n : an arrogant or conceited person of importance [syn: {high-muck-a-muck}] *** End of definition. LMFAO!!! I think it fits!!!! I was really surprised it was an actual WORD!
  10. Saturday night We'll probably be at the DZ. I have my place people can stay and I also saw where AirAnn is willing to put some folks up. If you show up I'm sure we'll have a place for you to stay or you can camp at the DZ it's up to you. I also have a friend I may be able to use her trailer at the DZ. Just depends on how many show up. Just get here and we can take care of ya. Bring your rig and some BEER *wink*... We're talking about a keg on Saturday night with a campfire. But like I said I have my place and AirAnn along with Cyberskydiver have a 3 br house
  11. Ok one last fix that may work... Instead of replace the server with and replace PORT with 6668 or 7000 Let's see if that works. If not then your MIS Nazi's are smarter then I though. My New Website with 24hr Chat
  12. Ok for all of you that have an MIS Nazi Dept. that locked out JAVA Applets. There is a program that can be downloaded and will bring you to the chat room with a few easy steps. I am going to give you the link and the steps in an easy to follow guide.
  13. Chuck I'm working on the problem as I post this. Sorry folks, my chat is up and I'm trying to find an easy way for everyone even ones behind firewalls to be able to access it. My New Website with 24hr Chat
  14. Go Skydive Spaceland!! My New Website with 24hr Chat
  15. Ok we are looking For freaksis and jessica?? Anyone seen them? I'm going to call out the search dogs and FBI, CIA and any other agency I can think of... Missing Skydiving hotties! Please help! We need them for Jumps in Nov!! c'mon ladies I know your around!! I miss you!!! My New Website with 24hr Chat
  16. I'm sorry, I understand. I wish things were different ... Miss ya My New Website with 24hr Chat
  17. Why does he hate Spaceland? You need to talk to him, we're trying to get a Record jump Nov 9th thru the 11th. Got a few coming in for it... My New Website with 24hr Chat
  18. Slappie

    Texas DZs?

    Look at the thread & Spaceland...... We are trying to get something going at a Houston DZ this Nov.
  19. Well with all the attention and replies to the thread! It's looking like we may have a good turn-out. If I can get a good reliable head count I may be able to work out jump discounts? Who knows... I hope to see all of you!! I'm getting excited
  20. Ok Ok!! ramon you can org the Freefly jumps too!! sheeeeesh if it's not one thing it's another!! So hard to keep all the skydiving egos happy j/k Anyway I hope you guys are with me on this.... I think it's gunna be fun!! My New Website with 24hr Chat
  21. Well AirAnn I thought you were doing the org. on the FF jumps?? My New Website with 24hr Chat
  22. Ok everyone. Houston is going to be invaded!! We've got Illegal Aliens from all over invading Texas!! Skydive Spaceland is going to be the place they all gravitate too!! Listen up all you jumpers in the Area!! We are going to have a get together at Skydive Spaceland!! When you ask? Nov. 9th thru Nov 11th... I am hoping who ever is in the area will try and make a trip down and do some jumps! Merrick & Pammi are coming in for the weekend along with chicagoskydiver!! Pammi and myself do not have our SCR's yet and hope we can get an SCR and the record! So everyone is invited. Please reply to this thread if you think you may be in the area so we can look forward to meeting you. We've got: Zennie, Slappie, Jumperpaula, Ramon, AirAnn, cyberskydiver, wwfalling Just in the Houston area... Jessica and Freaksister we'd love to have you join the fun!! Everyone is invited!! Let make this a!!
  23. I think you just came up with a good idea!! My only question is will the cat have claws? I would hate to see the student or anyone for that matter with a cat strapped to there chest strap on a jump! Could you imagine the blood and mayhem under canopy!! Ohhhhhhh the horror!!!!! My New Website with 24hr Chat