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Everything posted by Slappie

  1. Can we have pictures of you in your Rocky Mountain jeans and that tight top?? Just curious My New Website with 24hr Chat
  2. Pammi I'm thinking that would probably not be a problem... Can't speak for ramon, but I'm sure somone will take you head down.... shhhhhhhhh opertatives! you know who you are Operation Melons is BACK ON... Keep it quite.. shhhhhhhhhhh My New Website with 24hr Chat
  3. Well everyone, from the posts and emails and chats I'm getting really excited! It looks like it could be a BIG TIME for all who arrive!! The Offical meeting place is Nov. 10th & 11th @ Skydive Spaceland The direct number is 281-369-3337 the staff is aware of us going to invade the DZ!! You can find directions to the DZ on their site. I will be at the Dropzone early looking for faces I don't reconize, please try to find me
  4. I'm sorry skymama, even tho he was the "brains" and he drove along way to be with his GF.... The record is of an ALL registered users jump.... I think it is wonderful you guys got an 8-way but the record still stands at a 5-way... My New Website with 24hr Chat
  5. I think that is a wonderful idea AggieDave.... Now who should I put in charge of this? I can take pictures and stuff but my diction stinks and my spelling is even worse, I need someone with a writers or story telling ability? An volunteers out there.? My New Website with 24hr Chat
  6. I don't think it counts as a 7-way if it was an 8-way jump.... All the particanpants need to be active registered users. That's the way it needs to be. The way it's looking we'll smoke the record anyways this weekend in Houston.
  7. A guy is browsing in a pet shop and sees a parrot sitting on a little perch. It doesn't have any feet or legs. The guy says aloud; "Jeesh. I wonder what happened to this Parrot?" The parrot says, "I was born this way. I'm a defective parrot." "Holy shit," the guy replies. "You actually understood and answered me!" "I got every word," says the parrot. "I happen to be a highly intelligent, thoroughly educated bird." "Oh yeah?", the guy asks, "Then answer this-how do you hang onto your perch without any feet?" "Well," the parrot says, "this is very embarrassing but since you asked,I wrap my willie around this wooden bar like a little hook. You can't see itbecause of my feathers." "Wow" says the guy, "you really can understand and speak English, can't you?" "Actually, I speak both Spanish and English and I can converse with reasonable competence on almost any topic: politics, religion, sports, physics, philosophy. I'm especially good at ornithology. You really ought to buy me. I'd be a great companion." The guy looks at the $200 price tag. "Sorry, but I just can't afford that." "Pssssssst" says the parrot, "I'm defective, so the truth is, nobody wants me cause I don't have any feet. You can probably get me for $20, just make the guy an offer!" The guy offers $20 and walks out with the parrot. Weeks go by. The parrot is sensational. He has a great sense of humor, he's interesting, he's a great pal, he understands everything, he sympathizes, and he's insightful. The guy is delighted. One day the guy comes home from work and the parrot goes "Psssssst" and motions him over with one wing. "I don't know if I should tell you this or not, but it's about your wife and the postman." "What are you talking about?" asks the guy. "When the postman delivered today, your wife greeted him at the door in a sheer black nighty and kissed him passionately." "WHAT???" the guy asks incredulously. "THEN what happened?" "Well, then the postman came into the house and lifted up her nighty and began petting her all over" reported the parrot. "My God!" he exclaims. "Then what?" "Then he lifted up the nighty, got down on his knees and began to lick her all over, starting with her breasts and slowly going down...." "WELL???" demands the frantic guy, "THEN WHAT HAPPENED?" "Damned if I know. I got a hard-on and fell off my perch." My New Website with 24hr Chat
  8. I'm looking for Snowflake & freaksister!! Along with cloud9 !!! Missing Texas skydivers!! So far I think the list of people coming is as follows, this is a ruff estimate! Hope more show up
  9. Me and ramon will video it!!! I mean the visual I got from that last part was rather exciting!! My New Website with 24hr Chat
  10. He does cook a nice 18 to 25 oz PorterHouse!! We just might have to do that instead... Great idea JumperPaula!! My New Website with 24hr Chat
  11. DOESN'T COUNT!!! HAS TO ALL BE DZ.COM POSTERS THAT HAVE POSTED REGULARLY!!!! Or I think that would only be fair. We don't plan on having anyone on the jump who hasn't posted in the last 2 weeks....Let's vote? Do you have to have ALL registered users in your jump to be a record? YES I think it's only fair No Doesn't matter as long as more then half were Reg with Doesn't matter to me My New Website with 24hr Chat
  12. AggieDave I was just thinking instead of sleeping in your truck I have a tent I can loan you.. your going to have to supply your beding ect... I don't know if I'd want to sleep in the back of my truck with the mosquitos the way they are, we may go to wake you up and find a shell of a man all the blood sucked from your body!! My New Website with 24hr Chat
  13. Beleive it or not I was with the GF all night Friday and Saturday night. Got to drunk Friday... she slipped me one to many "BEERS" Woke up Saturday to wonderful weather but I had made a promise not to go to the DZ for that day, Sunday was ok she had a baby shower to go to so I was free to jump on Sunday... Went down to the DZ the winds were really freaky, talked to a few who had jumped and they said it was a wild bumpy ride, up high and down low. So me with 32 jumps on a monster Silhouette 190 decided to stay grounded and save some money and jumps for next weekend when we go for the Texas Gathering... Can't call it a "boogie" or it'll rain on us..
  14. I guess the only person going to show up is AggieDave? Hey AggieDave think we can do a 2-way turn a buncha points and call it a record? My New Website with 24hr Chat
  15. Merrick didn't you flare on your busted up landing? My New Website with 24hr Chat
  16. pretty sorry weekend.. 0:0:0 Didn't do anything... blah My New Website with 24hr Chat
  17. Slappie

    It's done!

    Everything works great except the Email is still not working? Is this a big problem? My New Website with 24hr Chat
  18. OMG!! I'm starting to think like Clay!! Someone shoot me!! I'm beyond help now!! My New Website with 24hr Chat
  19. That's all your going to say billvon?? C'mon we want details!! My New Website with 24hr Chat
  20. AggieDave I'm glad your jazzed about this so am I. I'm going to try and round up a BBQ pit this week. If anyone else in the area has one and can bring it down kewl. I don't know how I'll come out... So let us know!! My New Website with 24hr Chat
  21. I know this is kinda a cross thread but I'm in need of some type of a Head count. If you going to make it please respond with a YES and let me know where your staying, I have some info on hotels in the area and camping shouldn't be a problem if that is what you want to do... I also think AirAnn is offering her house up for skydivers to crash. I haven't confirmed this with her yet. Hopefully she'll read this and confirm.
  22. It is still on!! I'm hoping everyone in the surounding area can try to make it!! It's going to be a blast!! Pammi and myself are going to try and get our SCR's so come and pour on us!
  23. Well said "Canopy Nazi!!"
  24. I see Little Grasshoppah you are learning your skillz wisely!! Keep up the faith Grasshoppah! Once you achieve Total Coolness you shall never lay in your bed alone Remember this one leason from the Master "Fonz" {Happy Days}..... My New Website with 24hr Chat
  25. Slappie

    Fear Of Flying

    Well, Richard. I was not looking for a fight, I may have been a bit harsh in my comments. I was upset because Zennie is a very good friend of mine and one of the people I jump with. Yes I am still a low timer in this sport as were you and everyone else who posts on this forum. Let's not turn this thread or this forum into a debate on who's DZ is better and who is a better skydiver. I'm still learning my skills with people I know. When I am safely vRW Stable I will probably come visit Waller and other DZ's.... But at this time I'm not going anywhere and I sure don't want to come visit a DZ I've never been too where I can get bodily injury and it not be from skydiving!! OUCH PAIN hurts! Take my words with a grain of salt. My New Website with 24hr Chat