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Everything posted by noluckned

  1. Putting a first jump student out on a 170 sabre? Might bloody well be attempted murder. Teaching your significant other to do anything is never a good idea. My wife dives and I am a SCUBA instructor, I learned the hard way not to "Instruct" my wife to do anything, now I use the subtle approach of getting another instructor to relay the message for me. Sad in a way, but diplomatic and effective. *Disclaimer* The views expressed in the above post may or may not be the result of drunkeness or temporary insanity and should only rarely be construed as the views of the poster himself
  2. I saw it on weird news from, sadly the link is dead so I cant post it. Anyway what it was was an advertising stunt. Hanging from the billboard by a parachute and harness was a mannequin dressed in nothing less than a Gorilla suit. The emergency services must have been there to help the motorists who got into accidents while rubbernecking at the billboard. That was why it was posted on fark in the first place, because of the accidents it caused. People are weird. It also seems that they expect a parachute hung on a billboard to be the real thing!! For other weird and wonderful news from around the globe visit *Disclaimer* The views expressed in the above post may or may not be the result of drunkeness or temporary insanity and should only rarely be construed as the views of the poster himself
  3. O wat erg....seg! Aparte manier van calamari eeten. *Disclaimer* The views expressed in the above post may or may not be the result of drunkeness or temporary insanity and should only rarely be construed as the views of the poster himself
  4. Now weep as you realise how many jump tickets you could have bought for the same price *Disclaimer* The views expressed in the above post may or may not be the result of drunkeness or temporary insanity and should only rarely be construed as the views of the poster himself
  5. Well, you could always use his envelope to send him a bill for all your soggy papers. Or fill it with a well written piece of your mind. Or......fake snot, always a crowd pleaser! happy holidays. *Disclaimer* The views expressed in the above post may or may not be the result of drunkeness or temporary insanity and should only rarely be construed as the views of the poster himself
  6. Hah...I posted this same link in the bonfire. Looks like UFO'S are not high on the discussion agenda round here. lol *Disclaimer* The views expressed in the above post may or may not be the result of drunkeness or temporary insanity and should only rarely be construed as the views of the poster himself
  7. I found this Now, since I usually take all U.F.O related articles with a pinch of salt, when an ex defense minister seems to believe, I have to reconsider. I firmly believe that there is life on other worlds, however I have trouble believing that they are visiting ours. I have in the course of my life seen a few weird things in the sky, but never anything I could clearly call an alien spaceship. Anybody out there been abducted? or do you have any stories to share? Just wondering. If you want to see strange flying objects, just take a look around at exit *Disclaimer* The views expressed in the above post may or may not be the result of drunkeness or temporary insanity and should only rarely be construed as the views of the poster himself
  8. HEHE I kept expecting to read something like....."and then we saw a guy fall right past us and a open what looked like a parachute" Wishful thinking i guess That tower sounds like an awesome site to jump from. *Disclaimer* The views expressed in the above post may or may not be the result of drunkeness or temporary insanity and should only rarely be construed as the views of the poster himself
  9. In an astounding break with tradition the Bordens were not killed with an axe!! *Disclaimer* The views expressed in the above post may or may not be the result of drunkeness or temporary insanity and should only rarely be construed as the views of the poster himself
  10. AaaW geez, now that was something I had never even thought about eating before. Gawd *Disclaimer* The views expressed in the above post may or may not be the result of drunkeness or temporary insanity and should only rarely be construed as the views of the poster himself
  11. Arming the everyday bobby will also have the effect of making them more intimidating and therefore less approachable, when that is not the image they need to promote. The (British) public will be even less likely to co-operate with an armed officer than with a "harmless" unarmed bobby on the beat. Arming Englands police will in effect up the stakes of the game and the response of criminals(who are not known to be the most rational types to start with) will be to arm themselves too. In short if the police where to carry weapons we can expect that the overall number of firearm related injuries and deaths will increase dramatically. Look I like to shoot guns....but not at people. I am still in favour of a world without firearms, but not naive enough to believe it is a viable option. *Disclaimer* The views expressed in the above post may or may not be the result of drunkeness or temporary insanity and should only rarely be construed as the views of the poster himself
  12. I spoke unglush moosed very goat *Disclaimer* The views expressed in the above post may or may not be the result of drunkeness or temporary insanity and should only rarely be construed as the views of the poster himself
  13. If more moms were like you the world would be a better place. Dedication like that does not come along every day. I am still jealous though *Disclaimer* The views expressed in the above post may or may not be the result of drunkeness or temporary insanity and should only rarely be construed as the views of the poster himself
  14. Bunch of pampered prima-donnas or pre-maradonnas if you like I mean any sport that seems to involve faking injury to gain advantage as a legitimate strayegy just plain sucks. I wonder why they dont use televised replays to get to the truth of a foul, like the 3rd umpire in a cricket international. I walked past the training grounds of the local FC the other day and there were chicks lined up at the fence with half their ass and boobs hanging out, hoping to catch the eye of a local millionair footie star...... *Disclaimer* The views expressed in the above post may or may not be the result of drunkeness or temporary insanity and should only rarely be construed as the views of the poster himself
  15. Here's to you Mr. Exit with the wrong group out of the herc and then lurk a random slot guy. Never mind that the guys in front of you looks nothing like the one one the dirt dive. Never mind that the formation which is building looks like a diamond instead of a star. Just fly right in and join it, the others will be happy that their 8-way is now a 9-way, the more the merrier. Dont worry about the fact that we wanted to turn a few points, just hang there like an idiot. Oh and be sure to ignore the girl whose slot you lurked when she starts beating you about the legs. Dont bother turning at break off, just start tracking in whatever direction you happen to be facing. Enjoy your skydive. *Disclaimer* The views expressed in the above post may or may not be the result of drunkeness or temporary insanity and should only rarely be construed as the views of the poster himself
  16. hah they needed a Dutch coach to do *Disclaimer* The views expressed in the above post may or may not be the result of drunkeness or temporary insanity and should only rarely be construed as the views of the poster himself
  17. With the proper training and equiped with a reasonable mindset anybody should be allowed to carry a weapon. Sadly it is the unbalanced among us who give weapons their bad name. The idea of disarming the world might be noble, but it is also extremely naive.It is far too late to disarm and in fact the only ones agreeing to hand in their weapons would be the law-abiding, no criminal would do it. I have talked myself out of a situation where a gun was being waved in my face, but the guy was not a psycho killer. I have also been stabbed 5 times by a robber and I wished I was carrying then let me tell you, cause the guy was out to kill me and I was forced to defend myself with fists and feet, I got cut up but lived. If I had had a weapon on me I would not automatically have shot to kill either but it would have saved me like 30+ stiches....I would have had the first 5 anyway cause he jumped me. The only provisions I would like to see are that permit holders be required to undergo a proficiancy test(perhaps annually) and some kind of training in dealing with situation without immediatly dealing out lead. Thats all. *Disclaimer* The views expressed in the above post may or may not be the result of drunkeness or temporary insanity and should only rarely be construed as the views of the poster himself
  18. Haha dog that was funny. *Disclaimer* The views expressed in the above post may or may not be the result of drunkeness or temporary insanity and should only rarely be construed as the views of the poster himself
  19. As I see it, the issue at hand is not whether it is legal or illegal to use WP, but whether using a weapon such is this is right or wrong from a human standpoint. Face it...dying by fire is one of the worst and most painful ways to go. Using a weapon which causes extreme pain and suffering before death ensues, puts you on dodgy moral ground. Sure it is effective, whole gangs of scientists have no doubt burned the midnite oil designing the best delivery systems and the pentagon probably has loads of information about tests, potential side effects, strategic uses ect, ect ad nauseum. But the question remains, is it right to kill anyone in that way? This is not in defense of the terrorists, their use of bombs against civilians is morally reprehensible, but so is the use of a weapon which causes extreme pain and suffering before death results. I personally would never like to die from burning to death from a fire which cannot be extinguised, napalm, WP or whatever. Dont tell me that terrorists are not already using footage and photos of the victims of WP to further brainwash and indoctrinate the fools they have managed to recruit....see the evil of the West. I can empathise with the Allied commander though, whose objective is to win the battle with as little loss of life on his own side as possible, but when the means to victory bring you to the level of a torturer from the Spanish inquisition, then it becomes time to examine what it is we are fighting to preserve. Our Humanity?......we may be losing it faster than we think. *Disclaimer* The views expressed in the above post may or may not be the result of drunkeness or temporary insanity and should only rarely be construed as the views of the poster himself
  20. Finish Uni first. Q.E.D *Disclaimer* The views expressed in the above post may or may not be the result of drunkeness or temporary insanity and should only rarely be construed as the views of the poster himself
  21. There is a saying: Against stupidity the Gods themselves contend in vain! Many years ago i thought I had seen everthing, since then I learned that I aint seen nothing yet. All I can do in a case like this is shake my head *Disclaimer* The views expressed in the above post may or may not be the result of drunkeness or temporary insanity and should only rarely be construed as the views of the poster himself
  22. Good show. I fully agree with you, the safety officer on duty is, by definition, responsible for safety. I suppose the thinking worries...its Tonto...he will organise it Still, if I was ever in that position it would be a load off my mind to know that somebody down there cares *Disclaimer* The views expressed in the above post may or may not be the result of drunkeness or temporary insanity and should only rarely be construed as the views of the poster himself
  23. I agree. In this case it was obvious that something out of the ordinary had happened and that the jumper was MIA. I feel that at the very least there should have been a call for volunteers to go out looking for the missing jumper. I am not suggesting that all DZ operations be immediately suspended, but I believe it should be incumbent upon the S&TA to ensure that the jumper is indeed safe(not stuck in a tree, power lines ect) While wingsuit flying is become more common these days it believe it should still fall into an "Extraordinary activities" category and as such, certain safety measures should be in place such as a driver standing by to pick up anyone landing out. In this case it was made abundantly clear that the jumper had had an unstable reserve activation and could be in distress. IMO any S&TA worth his salt should have organised a response, even if it was simply getting volunteers to stand by in case a search needed to be mounted, then when it became apparent that the jumper had not returned, it would save loads of time getting people organised. I realise I am getting a bit looooooong in the post here, but by logic, in cloudy conditions(dunno the cloud base) it is perfectly possible to get lost if you are riding a canopy in from high altitude(theoretically you go downwind, but we all know about top-drift) so a wind shift of a few degrees will ensure you miss the dz by miles. Please tell me this all had a happy ending *Disclaimer* The views expressed in the above post may or may not be the result of drunkeness or temporary insanity and should only rarely be construed as the views of the poster himself
  24. The Washington Post's Mensa Invitational once again asked readers to take any word from the dictionary, alter it by adding, subtracting, or changing one letter, and supply a new definition. Here are this year's winners: 1. Intaxication: Euphoria at getting a tax refund, which lasts until you realize it was your money to start with. 2. Reintarnation: Coming back to life as a hillbilly 3. Bozone (n.): The substance surrounding stupid people that stops bright ideas from penetrating. The bozone layer, unfortunately, shows little sign of breaking down in the near future. 4. Foreploy: Any misrepresentation about yourself for the purpose of getting laid. 5. Cashtration (n.): The act of buying a house, which renders the subject financially impotent for an indefinite period. 6. Giraffiti: Vandalism spray-painted very, very high. 7. Sarchasm: The gulf between the author of sarcastic wit and the person who doesn't get it.(my favorite) 8. Inoculatte: To take coffee intravenously when you are running late. 9. Hipatitis: Terminal coolness. 10. Osteopornosis: A degenerate disease. (This one got extra credit.) 11. Karmageddon: It's like, when everybody is sending off all these really bad vibes, right? And then, like, the Earth explodes and it's like, a serious bummer. 12. Decafalon (n.): The grueling event of getting through the day consuming only things that are good for you. 13. Glibido: All talk and no action. 14. Dopeler effect: The tendency of stupid ideas to seem smarter when they come at you rapidly. 15. Arachnoleptic fit (n.): The frantic dance performed just after you've accidentally walked through a spider web. 16. Beelzebug (n.): Satan in the form of a mosquito, that gets into your bedroom at three in the morning and cannot be cast out. 17. Caterpallor (n.): The color you turn after finding half a worm in the fruit you're eating. And the pick of the literature: 18. Ignoranus : A person who's both stupid and an a$$hole *Disclaimer* The views expressed in the above post may or may not be the result of drunkeness or temporary insanity and should only rarely be construed as the views of the poster himself
  25. Tried it when I was in the U.K a while back. I didnt get totally smackarooned, but it did give me very intense and vivid dreams that night....I mean dreams in which you feel like your really are there, with loads of small details included...wind....smells....touch feelings, the works. Have not bothered to track any down since then though, I am a dyed in the wool beer drinker. *Disclaimer* The views expressed in the above post may or may not be the result of drunkeness or temporary insanity and should only rarely be construed as the views of the poster himself