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Everything posted by NathanL100

  1. No, I learned at Skydive Monterey Bay in Monterey (duh). It is an awesome DZ and you won't find better views; the crescent shape of the bay, the coastal mountains, and the green patch work of the agricultural fields. It is sooooo beautiful!! If you ever get the chance come jump at Monterey you won't regret it. Sorry, but I had to plug my DZ.
  2. These kinds of experiences make you stop and realized that you're mortal and your life could be over at any time. So learn from experiences like these and make a point to live your life to the fullest everyday, and (this is very important) make a point to tell your loved ones that you love them every chance you get. Did I Hear Someone Say BEER?? Nathan
  3. Don't give anyone any ideas!!! Did I Hear Someone Say BEER?? Nathan
  4. No sarcasm, that is truly a great thing that you do!!! I personally don't know anyone who is on emergency call to donate blood. You should be proud!! Did I Hear Someone Say BEER?? Nathan
  5. Have you been watching the news? There is some evidence that points towards arabs. They found a rental car with arabic writing in it, with flight manuals in it, and they found luggage with muslim or arabic bible (I don't know how to spell the real name keran or something) in it, flight manuals, and a fuel consumption calculator. Hmmm... that seem fairly conclusive to me. I am personally very angry at who ever is behind this, I do not agree with any hate crimes against any American Arabs PS. I might be using the wrong words in referencing Arabs, Muslim, etc.., so you'll have to excuse me for not know the proper words to use, but you get my point. Did I Hear Someone Say BEER?? Nathan
  6. Michele, you are very special person and a model american. I wish that many more people could be half the person you are. Did I Hear Someone Say BEER?? Nathan
  7. I can't imagine what it would be like to be a cadaver dog or a bomb sniffing dog!!! I wonder if the dogs realize what a terrible, but important job they have? Did I Hear Someone Say BEER?? Nathan
  8. My mom is stuck in Boston and my sister is stuck in France. I'm really worried about them getting onto planes. Wow did you hear on the News (CNN)!!!! They are evacuating the Empire State building!!! What the hell is going on?? Did I Hear Someone Say BEER?? Nathan
  9. A jumbo jet that was being escorted by two fighter jets just passed over my house fairly low (15,000 feet eprox.). Has anyone else seen things like this? I don't know if seeing this makes me feel safer or more concerned. Did I Hear Someone Say BEER?? Nathan
  10. I would have posted this sooner, but the last couple days have been hell for me b/c my mom was supposed to fly back to San Francisco from Boston on Tuesday so you can imagine how scared I was when I heard the reports on the news. Luckily she wasn't supposed to fly out of Boston until later that evening. Plus my sister is stuck in France until the FAA opens up the sky again. Anyway… The good news is that I graduated from AFF last weekend !!!! I was able to get three jumps in on Sat. and on three jumps on Sun. I had to repeat my level four b/c I was spinning in freefall, but on my second try at level four I was able to stop the spin and complete the dive. My JM said it was an awesome dive !!! After that I blasted through the rest of my levels and graduated on Sunday!! They dressed me up in this blue graduation gown and a red graduation hat (can't remember what that’s called) and took my picture. At my DZ it is some kind of rule that when someone graduates they have to wear the graduation gown until someone else graduates unless you have a rig on . Anyway, I graduated and I did my first solo too and that was sooo fun (besides the riser cover that came undone and beat the hell out of the side of my face) . Just thought I would share with everyone my progress. Did I Hear Someone Say BEER?? Nathan
  11. Marc~ My thoughts and prayers go out to you and to all those involved, or who know someone who was involved in this terrible act. Clay may have an extreme point of view which I don't agree with, but it is one that should be heard and considered. What would the world be like if we all loved each other just a little more?
  12. I weight 145 lbs and and maybe 165-175 lbs with gear on. So what size main canopy should I buy, a 190 or a 175?? Newly Addicted Nate-
  13. That explains everything!! I'm a shoe thrower so watch out you peeping tom cats! Newly Addicted Nate-
  14. I don't know if this makes a difference, but I'm a light weight. I only weight 150lbs and I have to pig out to keep my weight up b/c of a fast metabolism. So if I'm a skinny mother f#$cker does it make a difference when I go to down size and if so will it affect my container size? Newly Addicted Nate-
  15. I know that others have said this, but this thread is so interesting. (I never thought I would find something like this on a skydiving web site) Its really great to know that there are many other people out there that are a lot like me and that we all share a lot of the same traits that make us so unique. Newly Addicted Nate-
  16. I totally agree with skybytch!! I have noticed that if I find something that I'm really interested in I can concentrate on it without any problems, but when I am doing something that doesn't interest me very much, but I have to be there (like school) I have a hard time focusing no mater how hard I try. I used to pull my hair out trying to stay focused in school, but with something that is very interesting to me and high in stress like skydiving or any other extreme sport I can go into a trance like state of focus. Newly Addicted Nate-
  17. Hey everyone!!! I've got a quick question for all of you. Should I purchase new or used gear for my first rig? Both will take some saving; I just don't want to be replacing it very soon. Newly Addicted Nate-
  18. When I was young I was diagnosed with ADD and thankfully, my wonderful mother, wouldn't let the doctor put me on Ritalin to calm me down. Luckily, I don't have a very severe case of ADD anymore b/c I have learned to control it and have grown out of it too, but I have found that extreme sports seem to be a natural drug for ADD. I'm really new to skydiving, but I can tell that it is changing my life. For one thing it is something that has given me focus and direction and the lifestyle that comes along with it is very appealing to me. Before my first jump I had a hard time relating to people and had a hard time making friends despite my extrovertness (don't know if that is a word), ever since I walked onto my DZ for the first time I have felt like I have finally found people that I can relate to and have lasting friendships with. The social aspect of skydiving is as important to me as the actual jump. Newly Addicted Nate-
  19. First off I would like to thank everyone who responded to my previous post. Next I would like to share with everyone my AFF level 1 experience. So Friday night I said farewell to my land loving friends and went to bed real early and when 5:30am rolled around the next morning I was hating life for two seconds until I realized I was going to Skydive Today! Yeah Baby!! Anyway... Two double lattes, two hrs of driving, and a close encounter with the Highway Patrol I finally made it to the DZ and made manifest for the first load! Then I waited and waited for the fog to clear, but I made good use of the time meeting people and drinking more coffee. I the thing that I found to be most surprising about my weekend was how receptive all the regulars and employees at my DZ are, I was able to walk up to almost anyone and have a totally cool conversation. I never felt like I was being shut out or cold shouldered by anyone, this is one of the only sports that I've participated in where no matter who you are or what you look like, no one judges you or won't talk to you because your a newbie. Anyway... somewhere around 12:30am I finally got to suit up. Right after I got my container on my stomach tied itself into a big fat knot (Fuck! Relax!!!!!!!!). My two JM's were really busy right up to my jump b/c one of them was the owner of the DZ and the other was a rigger, so I never got to go over my jump with them or even get to know them a little, but on the ride up to altitude the rigger was totally cool, he asked me stupid questions to try and help me relax and he had me review my jump with him, which really helped to relieve the knot in my stomach. I think that my biggest fear was that I would freeze up in the door, but when the time came for me to get into the door I was so focused I didn't even have time to freak out (Yeah!!). My exit was great, but my JM's kind of screwed up (I was told afterward) the lighter, thinner JM should have been behind me or on my left and the bigger, heavier JM should have been in front of me or on my right, but they forgot or something and switched sides. So when we exited the heavy guy pulled us down to the left more than we should have and as we hit the prop blast it pushed the lighter JM up and back and so we flipped upside down!!! I thought it was awesome; I got to see the plane flying away from me and one of the other students do their exit!! So we flipped back over and I checked my alti. and checked in with my JM's. I got the ok from them so I proceeded to do my three touches, arch reach touch, arch reach touch, etc... After that I checked my alti and we were at 8000 so I relaxed a little to much and so I got the legs out signal which I corrected and when 6000 rolled by I glued my eyes on my alti and at 5500 arch, reach, pull, check left, check right. My chute opened perfectly, but I had four freaking line twists, so I grabbed the risers and spread them apart with all my strength and started kicking. After a few moments of kicking and twisting and cursing I spun out of my twists. I did my control check and then I flew down to the playground and did a few turns and at 1000 I started to line up for my landing. My landing was the best I could have hoped for, I landed in the drop zone I stood up the landing and my chute didn't try to drag me on ass. Yeah Baby!!!!!!!!!!! Sadly right after my jump the winds came up and my level two was blown out!! That was my awesome weekend!!!! I'm HOOKED, I can't wait until next Saturday!!! Newly Addicted Nate-
  20. I'd go for the blue-yellow-white as my first choice, but the red-black-grey is cool too! I see your predicament. Good Luck! Newly Addicted Nate-
  21. Sounds awsome!! I envy you, I don't go to ground school until Thursday b/c my work schedule sucks and it is hard for me to get the time off, but I can't wait until the day I'm pulling the moves you are!!!! :-)~ Newly Addicted Nate-
  22. Thank You!!! To all that have posted and for those to come. This web site and the forums are awsome!!! THANK YOU!!! I'll raise a few brews for all of you tonight! Newly Addicted Nate-
  23. I just signed up for AFF at my local DZ and I'm curious as to what to expect and if anyone has any pearls of wisdom to share with someone who is just starting out? I've done one tandem jump and now I've got the itch. Which, after I get a few more jumps under my belt, I'm sure will turn into a full blown addiction! Newly Addicted Nate-