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Everything posted by NathanL100

  1. Hehehehe... groper you just got your ass handed to you on a silver platter!!! Blue Ones, Nathan A# 39553
  2. I'll second that, I had a great time the last time I was in Ireland. The pubs there are so cool. I actually went to one in Fetherd that was a pub, a restaurant, and an undertaker. Blue Ones, Nathan A# 39553
  3. Wow, I'm gone for 24 hours and look at all of the great responces. Anyway... After reading all of these responses I really liked what Drunkmonkey had to say. I'd love to take off and explore the world and do fun stuff all over the world, but school, my job, and long range plans are keeping that out of reach, but maybe someday. As to what others had to say, I don't want to mold my self into something that I'm not in order to basically have sex with women who aren't looking for a long-term relationship (sounds like my last relationship fun for awhile, but unfulfilling in the end), but dammit I don't want to waste my twenty's waiting for "the right one" to stumble into my life. So I'm back to the same dilemma. What to do, what to do?? PS. Des that was just wrong; you're disgusting!!! Blue Ones, Nathan A# 39553
  4. I saw a program on the The Learning Channel about fighter pilots and they interviewed a guy who had ejected from a fighter and he said that he was literally an inch shorter when they pulled him out of the water after he ejected. Doesn't sound like fun to me it actually sounds really painful, but if it will save your life than its worth its weight in gold!! Blue Ones, Nathan A# 39553
  5. Disclaimer: I'm making large generalizations here, so I'm not saying that all women are "immature, unintelligent, self-centered, bitches." I'm just saying that I can't seem to find any that aren't. So please don't take offence to this. Thanks I'm sorry, but I really need to vent. Sooo… Where the hell are all the respectable women? It seems like every time I turn around some bitch is making my life hell. The last couple of women that I have dated have turned out to be some of the biggest mistakes of my life. All I want is to meet some nice, mature, down to earth, intelligent women and all I can find is immature, unintelligent, self-centered, bitches!!! AAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!!! And what pisses me off the most is that a lot of women are attracted to assholes and they don't give us nice guys a chance. Excuse me, but WHAT THE HELL IS UP WITH THAT?? Do they think that they are going to find a quality guy if they date assholes? Or is it that they like the challenge of "taming" a bad boy? Or is it because their dad was an asshole to them, so they have to go find an asshole of their own? Well, how about me, I'm already "tame", I'll be good to you, I'm not an asshole, so give me a chance for fucks sake and you can skip the heartbreak and disappointment or even worse that you would get with the asshole. Women are already mysterious enough as it is, so why they hell do they have to go and do weird shit like this too. It's fucking mind-boggling. I just don't get it. And you would think that they would learn, but oh no they just continue the same viscous cycle of heartbreak after heartbreak. So why the hell do us nice guys always get screwed? (And I'm not talking about the good kind of screwing. ) The only shred of hope that I have to hold onto is that hopefully things will change as I get older, but for now I'm just about to give up dating all together and I'll save my time and money for jumping. Sorry to vent, but I'm so frustrated!!!! Blue Ones, Nathan A# 39553
  6. I've seen flyers around school regarding the marines, but I'm pretty sure that the marines isn't for me. But if they will guarantee me a flight slot, then maybe. Blue Ones, Nathan A# 39553
  7. Hey, thank you to everyone who has responded to my post, you all have been extremely helpful. I do have one more question though because I have heard conflicting reports about this. One guy that I've been talking too says that a pilots license will not help me in any way with the selection process while another says that it will do me a lot of good. So who is right?? Blue Ones, Nathan A# 39553
  8. I'm really into math and physics so I guess that that is helpful. I've heard that you can get a commitment in writing from the recruiter. Is that true?? Blue Ones, Nathan A# Pending
  9. Do you guys think that a private ticket will increase my chances of landing a flight slot?? And is there anything else that I can do to increase my chances of making it as a fighter pilot?? Blue Ones, Nathan A# Pending
  10. Hey thanks for all the info. I've got to run to work, so I'll catch up with you guys later. Thanks again. Blue Ones, Nathan A# Pending
  11. Umm... I'm not up on the military jargon so WTF is a TDY? Blue Ones, Nathan A# Pending
  12. I'm in my second year of college now and come hell or high water I plan to get a degree before I join. While were on the subject of college, what do you guys think is the best degree to graduate with if I want to be a pilot. An engineer or some kind of aviation degree (if an aviation degree exists)? Blue Ones, Nathan A# Pending
  13. Hey guys, I need a little help deciding what to do. I really want to be a pilot, better yet a fighter pilot, but I can't decided if the Navy is right for me or the Air Force. So what do you guys think I should do when I graduate from college? Join the Navy or the Air Force? Or if you have any other information regarding becoming a military pilot, lay it on me, I'm trying to gather as much information as possible before I go talk to a recruiter. Thanks!!
  14. Hey Grasshopper!!! It was great meeting you at Monterey and your right those helicopter jumps don't suck at all. I'll have to come down and visit you at your DZ sometime, Elisnore right? -I'm a Helicopter Whore- Nathan
  15. I got to jump out of a Jet Ranger Helicopter this weekend and it was awesome!!!!!! This was my first helicopter jump so I was a little nervous because I've never done a hop n' pop and especially when everyone told me that you tumble around for the first few seconds, but I did it anyway and it was so fun that I did it again. So here is the whole story. I manifested and got the first load and then we all got a little briefing on how to exit so that the helicopter didn't rock all over the place as we exited and then we got in, buckled up, and we were off. We went up to 4400 ft and I climbed out onto the skid and just stepped back into nothing, but dead air. The cool thing was that I didn't tumble at all I was totally stable and when I finally picked up enough speed I turned away for the guy I was jumping with and tracked off. It was so awesome I packed up and did another one. So if you haven't done a helicopter jump before, I totally recommend it!! -I'm a Helicopter Whore- Nathan
  16. I used to pack like this all the time, but I've been out of practice for almost a year now. So I'm afraid I might pack a mal the next time I try. Anyone want to help me out with a little refresher course? -Will Skydive for BEER!!!- Nathan
  17. I was talking to a couple of my dropzone buddies this weekend and the subject of BASE jumping came up. I think that it looks like a lot of fun and one hell of a rush, but a lot of people think that it is too dangerous. So what do you guys think, if you're smart and careful about BASE jumping is it as dangerous as everyone makes it out to be? -Will Skydive for BEER!!!- Nathan
  18. I had my first hard pull this weekend and it kind of freaked me out (a little). It was my 19th jump and my first two-way and the jump was absolutely awesome. Until I went to pull, I was tracking away from my buddy and at 3500 I went to pull and I couldn't get the damn pilot chute out. I immediately went to do my emergency procedures, but stopped myself b/c I hadn't tried for the second time before I was supposed to go for my reserve. So I tried again and this time I was pulling as hard as I could and in the process of my struggling I lost stability and started to tumble. I'm sooo F@$king stupid I shouldn't have gone unstable, I don't know what I was thinking, but I guess didn't have my left hand out in front of me enough or something and that’s why I think I started to tumble, but lesson learned I won't ever do that again. Anyway… right as I started to tumble I finally got the pilot chute out, but since I was flip flopping around it deployed between my legs. Ouch!! I remember seeing the pilot chute shoot by my face, then the D-bag, then a very painful flip, and when I got reoriented I looked down to see my new left shoe plummeting to the ground. I'm not sure exactly at what altitude I was under canopy, but think it was around 2200ish. Wow, what a shot of adrenalin!!! After I landed on one foot and endured a lot of people laughing at me because of my missing shoe, (they didn't know why) I was totally stoked to find out that my buddy who had witnessed all of this had followed my shoe down and found it. So I walked away with two shoes, a few scrapes from the deployment, and a good scare, and an adjustment to the pitch of my voice (its a little higher now). I was totally pissed at myself for going unstable and a little scared, but I got packed up and jumped four more times including a BEAUTIFUL sunset jump. Feel free to flame me as much as you want about going unstable at pull time, I deserve it. -Will Skydive for BEER!!!- Nathan
  19. NathanL100

    Damn Parents

    Hey, if all else fails you can do what I did. Tell your parents your going to get a motorcycle, something like a CBR 600, and then once you've successfully given them a stroke, tell them a few weeks later that you want to try skydiving before you buy a motorcycle and they will be so relieved that you are putting off buying a motorcycle for skydiving they'll jump at the chance for you to find another outlet for your adrenalin fix. -Will Skydive for BEER!!!- Nathan
  20. I was just curious as to where everyone skydives. So where is your local drop zone? Me- Skydive Monterey Bay, California, USA
  21. I've heard that you can only keep blood for something like 4 days or something. So yes there will be shortage, probably as soon as next week. Did I Hear Someone Say BEER?? Nathan
  22. Thank You Newguy and Michele!!! Ninja, please think before you open your mouth. Everyone is very sensitive (me included) and your going to get into it with a lot of people if you keep this up. Did I Hear Someone Say BEER?? Nathan
  23. How can you say that you don't agree with nationalism? I and probably 99% of the world (you excluded) are proud of their country and I'm 100% sure that all americans are feeling more proud of their nation now than they ever have before as a result of the terrorist attacks. Maybe Canadians just don't get it, I don't know, but you really are walking a fine line by flaming nationalism. How are we supposed to show people that they shouldn't mess with america unless we use violence. "An eye for an eye.." Did I Hear Someone Say BEER?? Nathan
  24. Isn't it an awesome editorial !!! Thank you for sharing it with us, but the credit has to go to Parduhn for being the first to post it here (see forum) Did I Hear Someone Say BEER?? Nathan
  25. Which discipline should I get into, freeflying or RW?? Some people say that I should do rw even if I want to freefly b/c it gives skydivers a lot of good skills that they won't get from freeflying. So which is better?? PS- I think I might have just opened Pandora's Box!! Did I Hear Someone Say BEER?? Nathan