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Everything posted by jojo69

  1. Well Bo, did you go? Are you still waiting for fate to decide for you? What is your answer? Yes or No?
  2. Bo, I do not know you or your family. I do think we have lived parallel lives. My Mom wanted nothing to do with me since I was a teenager. She was very close with my younger brother and sister but I was always a disappointment to her. I also never wanted to have children. She felt that I was selfish for not having them. I got divorced from my first husband and she did not speak to me for 4 years "no one in our family has ever gotten a divorce". She had cancer I arranged with my company to move up to Mass. to be closer to her and to help her. Her response was "don't bother moving up here if it is for me, I don't need you." I still went and I still to this day am glad I did. I realized that I was not there "for her". I was there for me. I needed to resolve my pain and anger. She was unable to get over her problems but I was able to work through mine. I hope that I am a better person for the effort. I still think of her from time to time and get angry but then I am able to laugh and say "I am okay with me". Good luck with your struggle. I know that it is a struggle and I wish you well with your choice.
  3. Good for you!!! That is dedication to a cause. Welcome
  4. I have never been to Quantum Leap. I never had the opportunity to meet these people. I do, however, feel a need to assist, I do not understand how anyone can be so desperate they feel it is alright to steal from the dead. Please beleive that there are strangers who, after reading the Incident reports, just want to honer the fallen.
  5. Thank you. This is now on my work and home computer. Hope the hangover is better.
  6. That is great. May I have your permission to use this as my wallpaper on my desk top?
  7. Danny Page was lost in this incident: Double Fatality - Dublin,GA - March 17, 2007
  8. Good for you. A great day with a great ending.
  9. Thank you for sharing your story. I am glad you had a happy ending.
  10. Welcome Steve, I am glad that you shared your success in reaching your goal of jumping. It is always more exciting to have succeeded after overcoming a challenge. Hope you get back soon.
  11. I took Scott Miller's advanced class yesterday. His has the great teaching skills of taking theory and turns it into skill sets. The class was small and this made it easy to meet the goals of each person taking the course. To answer the questions on what the criteria should be for the instructors and class, I have to say that the instructor is just as (if not more) important as the content of the course. The instructor should have to teach several classes under supervision. Many people with great skills are not the best teachers. They should be judged on their abilities to translate the information needed to the students.
  12. I have a house in Fl. and last year my company sent me to GA. I bought a house in GA in Feb. My company sent me back to FL in May. I have a contractor mow for me. He also trims my hedges and trees. I have to say he is worth every penny and more. Thank you to those who choose that line of work. I myself tend to kill anything green.
  13. Hello Chris, I am sorry to hear that you had a reserve ride but I am glad that you are OK. You said that you forgot to unstow the breaks, were both of them stowed? When you pulled the cut away, did you have all the cord in your hand or was some of it still in the track by the velcro? Stay safe, I am still in Florida so I haven't had a chance to jump with you and your new A license yet.
  14. congratulations!!! Good for you for not giving up.
  15. First - THANK YOU - you are doing a job that needs doing and thank God you are willing and able to do so. Second - go ahead and order your gear. When you get home, your gear will be waiting for you and you will have the joy of jumping your stuff instead of waiting for it to arrive. Again, thank you for all you do.
  16. Congratulations. I think the water training was the most fun. Send pictures of you 100.
  17. Hello Kelly, I think I know how you feel about being intimidated about asking questions around the DZ. I was the only female and I was the only person who had not not jumped (with the military). The first jump course felt like I was taking it in a foreign language. Also, this sport also tends to be male dominated. Take a deep breath and sit down with one of your instructors (the one who you feel you trust the most) and explain that you need a little more time to grasp the different concepts. Your life depends on it. Women tend to learn differently then men (we use landmarks, they use the compass). We also tend to step back when intimidated and men tend to step forward. Get to know the females on your DZ. Look around, we are out there.
  18. Thank you for your service - prayers for those who loved him. BSBD
  19. could you be thinking of PANAPHOBIA? The fear of everything.
  20. I had just discovered boys and thinking what a great 8 track to bring to the beach.
  21. This is therapy for me. It fources me to get out of the house and interact with great people. Before I started jumping I would has stayed in and worked. (I am a known workaholic) Now I get out of work on Friday plan on spending the weekend at the DZ. I get to enjoy people, the view, the weather and I get to relax.
  22. It was great to watch your video. I have to agree that yoga is the way to go. It will build up the muscles and stretch the ligaments. It will also help with the balance and body awareness. I wish you will in your adventures and please keep us up to date.