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Everything posted by ADRNALN

  1. Just to save you time and energy, go ahead and have your paycheck forwarded to the DZ.
  2. Did you forget to check the box in the lower righthand corner of the second to the last page of the waiver? It was clearly check4chicks.
  3. Are you kidding me? That is exactly what happen to me when I went for my first Tandem. My landlord didn't quite understand my need to Cutaway and actually AMEX was also less than understanding. Didn't you get a new "skydiving" girlfriend when you checked in (you know right after you signed your waiver)? LOL, man life is so much more fun if you can make yourself laugh.
  4. I can answer that question in one word, "Everything!"
  5. Mmmmmmmmm..boobies from the great white north. Will they be posted on the internet? (just thought I'd ask) PLEASE!
  6. Put it this way, Throw me into traffic anytime!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. The first time I saw you post C&R I sat there saying it over and over, thinking what the hell is this, and then all of the sudden I heard myself, duh! I love that saying, and I agree it can't hurt.
  8. Say it real fast without alot of articulation.
  9. They don't have internet access at work!
  10. Note to self : Don't jump in the NW.
  11. I am sad, I took it monday and got them all. I am starting to plan my vacation at the Betty Ford Clinic right now. One of the Japanese beers was the one that gave a bit of trouble but it was the only one left which made it easier.


    Wow!!!!!!! I am impressed. Does that show up on your annual review at work,ha ha.
  13. Will, You are on my list for a pub visit next time I cross the lake. Thanks! John
  14. Thank you Skreamer, Clay, and Emma!!!!!! You people are why I love skydivers so much. Just to let the rest of you know these are great people. The internet can cloud things up sometimes. Thanks again!
  15. It was not the "Grimes" character it was one of the Delta Operatives that says it. What I meant was what goes on there can not be put into a "normal" daily life perspective. And what he did there is not cancelled out because he made mistakes (how ever large) later in life.
  16. Algboy: You haven't seen the movie have you? When and if you do there is a line from one of the Delta operatives which helps to put Stebbins/Grimes part in BHD into perspective. Something along the lines of, "I don't try and explain why I do what I do. They would not understand that I do it for the guy next to me." I don't think you could tell the story correctly without including his character. And trust me, he is paying for what he did, especially in Ft. Bendoverworth. By the way which money trail lead us to the Moj?


    Create your own design. You will so much happier down the road knowing its yours and alone not some fadish pop-culture symbol. My $0.02.
  18. Why do you say Morroco was a "bad" place to shot BHD?
  19. SkyBycht, you hit the nail on the head. I totally agree.
  20. I laugh at Whuffos 'cause they're funny!!!


    Years ago I did the same thing, went cold turkey. But I must admit I give in occassionally when I am out at the bars.
  22. Great Men!!!!!! Great Movie!!!!!!!! And too be quite honest, I don't think the skinnies who died on "The Day of the Rangers" deserve to have their names displayed at the end of a movie depicting the bravery and spirit of the American Fighting Soldier As for this film being racist, why don't you ask the black soldiers who were there if they feel this book and/or film are racist. Just to save you the time, "NO!" The skinnies are savages. RLTW!!!


    Well thats not too bad still in the 40s