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Everything posted by MB38

  1. I was just drawing it from this bit: I probably read too much into it. Regardless, don't want to lead the thread astray. I really don't know what I'm talking about.
  2. You win, I'm lazy My point about iMovie was poorly phrased. I didn't mean that it brought editing below a grand as much as it brought it "to the masses". Before iMovie 1.0, a grandmother would never think to edit her home videos. It really started the [as Jobs would put it...] "Digital Video Revolution" for consumers. It was the Starbucks of home movie editing... coffee existed before, Starbucks made it ridiculously popular. Those are my two cents, at least. We're doomed to disagree, I'm an Apple guru and you're an Adobe/peecee guru. At least we both agree that cameras are a good thing to make a living out of. C4 looks pretty cool... I really don't know what I'm talking about.
  3. You can go to the Network pane of System Preferences or just look in the top-right corner of your screen on the menu bar. That little thing that looks like an antenna radio wave thing? That's the Airport menu. Any available networks will be listed in there, just select them to connect. I really don't know what I'm talking about.
  4. For the lazy: • Prohibited B.A.S.E. jumping at Snow Canyon State Park. Utah State Parks staff recommended the ban due to violations of park policy regarding "stay on the trail" and potential conflicts with other user groups. B.A.S.E. jumping is now prohibited at both Dead Horse Point and Snow Canyon state parks. I really don't know what I'm talking about.
  5. Not to lead the thread astray, but DSE... didn't you only have about 100 jumps before you changed your profile to read "1"? And you're already floating tandems and shooting video? Or did you get to 500 jumps quickly? Not trying to stir anything up, I'm just curious if this is a pot/kettle situation. I really don't know what I'm talking about.
  6. Yeah. Turn the computer off, remove the battery, unplug the computer. Remove the keyboard with those two spring clips and lay it on the trackpad [don't disconnect the ribbon cable]. Open the little piece of wire that traps the card in place and get the antenna out of the way as well. Slide the Airport card in according to the diagram on the inside of the machine. Be sure that the card is fully seated. Plug the antenna cable into the card. Be sure that the cable is fully connected Close the wire trap to keep the card in place. Put the keyboard back on [tabs on the trackpad side, then spring clips on the screen side]. You're good to go. For real instructions, go onto Apple's website and click "support" or open the manual that came with your machine. I really don't know what I'm talking about.
  7. To hook up two of your risers? The other two are held on with hopes and dreams. I really don't know what I'm talking about.
  8. You may not know it yet, but you have airport antennas built in. If memory serves, every iBook G4 used Airport Extreme cards or had Airport fully built in from the start. If you post the exact specifications of your computer [go to the Apple menu down to "About This Mac" and tell me your processor speed] then I'll be able to tell you for sure. An Airport Extreme card will run you $79, it fits internally under the keyboard. It will give you the best reception, integration, power usage and simplicity. Do not buy anything else. If the machine is newer than what I expect, it may have an Airport card installed already. In that case, all you have to do is turn it on. Let me know. Edit: My guess is that you have this model: CPU: PowerPC 7447a CPU Speed: 1.0/1.2 GHz ... Networking Modem: 56 kbps Ethernet: 10/100Base-T Airport Extreme: optional Bluetooth: optional In this case, yes, the Airport Extreme card is what you need. I really don't know what I'm talking about.
  9. Macs come with iMovie on there already. iMovie is the software that first started the "gee, I should be able to edit movies without $1,000+ software" thing. It's the software that Windows Movie Maker is copying. If that's not enough, Final Cut Express is a step up [$300] and Final Cut Pro after that [$1,000]. I won't go into any more details because you stated you're a peecee guy. I really don't know what I'm talking about.
  10. Are you insisting on a cutaway system? Integrated risers [akin to reserve risers on a skydiving rig] would make your little project easier. If you're not too allergic to velcro, it could make for a solid chest strap. Large amounts of mated velcro can have a surprising amount of strength. Metal parts on a rig that I can think of: 2x closing pins 2x closing loop keeper washers 2x closing grommets 4x slider grommets 2x toggle grommets 2x WLO toggle rings 4x slider bumper washers 2x rapide links [canopy attachment] 1x rapide link [pilot chute attachment] 1x bridle attachment point ring [not on all canopies] 2x three-ring system 2x cutaway housings 2x leg strap friction adapters 1x chest strap friction adapter What'd I forget? I really don't know what I'm talking about.
  11. I don't have the experience or knowledge to comment on the issues in this thread, but this whole thing just feels like an incident waiting to happen. But I imagine your DZO and S&TA know you better than I. I really don't know what I'm talking about.
  12. While I'm not sure about the weight distribution, my BoneHead Optik is quite light. Check out the Illusion if you need more space on top. www.boneheadcomposites.com I really don't know what I'm talking about.
  13. Be sure to have a compression system of some sort on the bag as well. Having a "zig-zag" of elastic cord across the back of the bag [threaded through fabric tabs] is an effective way to do it. Draw the elastic tight and it tightens the bag around your gear. It makes for a more comfortable carry. Use waterproof fabric if possible, or at least make it an option. Consider at least a little padding on the shoulder straps. A chest strap is almost essential and a belly band is nice as well. Make it STRONG. Do whatever you need to do to make it strong... load tape, double+ stitching, whatever. You work for the sewing business, you know better than I. Anybody who's had a gear bag seam fail a few miles from their car knows what I'm talking about. All that considered, it has to be light-weight and low in volume. Padding on the straps? Yeah, I want it... but if there's too much the bag becomes unwieldy and difficult to stow for a jump. Hope that helps some. I really don't know what I'm talking about.
  14. Yes. His weight listed in his profile is 174, not the 140 he claims. He has 200 jumps and flies a Stiletto 120, and a Batwing 116 at or around a 1.5 loading. I'm sure safety is at the top of the list. But what does he know? He's only 15. I really don't know what I'm talking about.
  15. "Serves you right for jumping out of a plane. What did you think would happen?" Hell, I broke a bone in my hand golfing. I really don't know what I'm talking about.
  16. Go ahead and fill out your profile with your jump numbers and exit weight [your weight + ~20-25lbs] so we can get a better idea of how the setup will be. What canopies are you jumping now? I really don't know what I'm talking about.
  17. How many jumps? Fill out your profile. For me, I'd rather have as much mounting surface up there as possible. I really don't know what I'm talking about.
  18. While, yes, it is really loud, I don't think that it will cause [as much] hearing damage when compared to having the sound hit your ear unprotected. I think that the pressure change in one's ear during freefall acts as an earplug. Sounds seem muddy or quiet when you need to equalize the pressure... so I imagine that the messed up pressure knocks a decent amount off of the volume. So 90DB may be entering your ear, but I don't think that 90DB hits all the important bits. I really don't know what I'm talking about.
  19. I remember hearing my Solo on the ground [chirping as I set the altitudes] and worrying that it would be too loud. What I found is that by the time I get to around 5,000 [when the beeping begins], the pressure in my ears is so out-of-whack that every sound is deadened. That plus freefall noise makes the volume level perfect for me. I've had the audible go off under canopy before [H&P from altitude, I was turning hard through 5 grand] when the pressure in my ears was equalized... and it was loud as hell. Surprised me but it stopped as soon as I got out of my turn. So yeah, it won't seem that loud in freefall. I really don't know what I'm talking about.
  20. MB38

    Yosemite Idea

    Re: the packing protest idea... I just want to make it clear that I'm just messing around, fishing for a few chuckles on the internet. Don't worry I really don't know what I'm talking about.
  21. MB38

    Yosemite Idea

    They've tried, on several occasions, by various methods. Wow, I never thought that my "yeah right" comment would actually make me lose more respect for them. Do the anti-fun measures filter down from a single big cheese or a board of medium cheeses? I really don't know what I'm talking about.
  22. MB38

    Yosemite Idea

    Can you believe that the NPS arrested some paragliders awhile back and charged them with aerial delivery just for kiting their canopies in Tuolomne Meadows? If I remember correctly, it may have been posted here on this forum. Bryan Hmm, scratch that part of the plan then. NPS = Fun Police. Why don't they just ban climbing while they're at it? They act like little kids who need the whole sandbox to themselves. I really don't know what I'm talking about.
  23. On the high-end of design, I like Perris's site. It's very clean, has a bunch of media [pictures/video = good] and is easy to use. Parts of it are a little redbull, but it's still nice. I really don't know what I'm talking about.
  24. MB38

    Yosemite Idea

    That's actually quite an interesting idea. Invite some lawyers and news crews, put up some signs [maybe more "please" than "fuck NPS"] and fill the field below the rock on a big holiday. Organize people into the shape of the word "BASE" to make it visible from the top. Have some people running around and kiting their canopies just to get attention, etc. Talk to the public and have a few well-spoken members of the community talk to the news about how much traffic it brings to TF and - accordingly - how much it would bring to Yosemite... which would be a big help considering that the NPS is struggling a little lately. Hm. July 4th, 2007, who's organizing? I really don't know what I'm talking about.
  25. MB38

    Yosemite Idea

    Nope, I just called 769-555-6969 and it's definitely for real. They even happily accept death campers. I really don't know what I'm talking about.