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Everything posted by allieram

  1. No, no arguments yet. As long as we jump together, we're happy.
  2. 120 by the fourth game...of course...that's hitting every one of them only once by the end of the fourth game. Work the system and you can get around 160, like I did. 160 - new score to beat!
  3. My jumpsuit says cold water wash, hang to dry. Yes, for all you smartasses out there, my jumpsuit told me that.
  4. Awesome that you were able to jump. I've tried to call my DZ to see if they will be open but nobody answered. I hope they are. Just something about getting in the air relieves the stress. I know that if I'm able to jump, I'll have a weird feeling at first as well. Good to ya, bro!
  5. Actually, if Homer Simpson speaks to the common American, then what do you think that says about the "common" American. Pretty sad. Anyway, being able to criticize elected officials is what makes this country so great, even if I do get upset when someone criticizes the man who can send me to war.
  6. You like free flying, someone else likes belly flying. It's a free country, so get over the fact that everyone doesn't want to be like you. There are quite a few free flyers at the DZ I'm at now, as well as a lot of tandems. The only thing I'm not use to is the large amount of tandems. I'm use to almost the whole plane being either free flyers or belly flyers. All of us got along. We'd poke fun at each other, but no one really had the attitude that you seem to have. If your attitude here is the same as it is at the DZ, then no wonder no one wants to try it. If you befriend someone, they might try. I'll admit, I'm currently only a belly flyer. One day I plan to learn free flying, when I'm ready, not when someone else thinks I should learn. I've ended up in a sit fly a few times by accident and I thought it was cool. Heck, I'm still new to the sport and learning all I can. The first time I jumped at this new DZ, a free flyer invited me to jump with him and he was willing to do RW. Someone like that I'm more likely to learn free flying from.
  7. Well, nobody's perfect. That was funny, my wife and I laughed.
  8. AH, man, I thought it was Al Gore and I who invented the internet. Well, if Al Gore and Mountainman invented it, then Al Gore lied to me. Oh...wait...maybe he lied to everyone.
  9. For all of ya'll who enjoy giving Pres. Bush a hard time, I agree, give him a break. A public speaker a president does not make. So, Pres. Bush does not always speak so least he speaks to the common American. He doesn't try to confuse all of us by using technical terms and phrases as our previous President. "It depends on what the definition of 'is' is?" Come on, give me a friggin' break. At least Pres. Bush is sincere and genuine. (Make sure you pronounce this with a Texan accent, I wouldn't have it any other way.) YEEEEEEEE-HA!!!!
  10. Well, since everyone is starting to put down everywhere they jump, I guess I'll add the few extras I've been to. I already stated I jumped at Adrenalin Adventures, Wallace, NC - where I was skyborn. Jumped at Skydive Coastal Carolina, Wilmington, NC. Jumped at Eagle Flight Skydiving, Granbury, TX. Jumped at Skydive San Marcos, San Marcos, TX. Now, we're up to where I'm at now, jumping at Skydive Monterey Bay, Marina, CA.
  11. Thank you to Milo and Michele. Being a part of our U.S. military, I appreciate comments like this. If I do have to go, I know I will miss my fellow skydivers. Blue Skies! Tom
  12. At the school I'm attending, we have quite a few international military students. Quite a few of these students are from Turkey. Last week, one of the Turkish students offered his condolences to myself and another American student. One thing that he mentioned was that terrorist attacks are quite common in his country and they have basically gotten use to them. We can either do something about it or we could just get use to them! I don't think any of us are quite ready to get use to them. Plus, hopefully the rest of the nations across the world that are plagued by terrorist acts will appreciate our acts, if successful. Maybe they'll even help out a little.
  13. Hee Hee!!! Awesome design study! That's good.
  14. I received the following as being recent remarks from Vice President Dick Cheney: Washington, DC 19 August 2001 Quote from Vice President Dick Cheney: "On my way to work last week, I stopped behind a purple Geo Metro with my least favorite bumper sticker ever plastered across the back. It read: "It'll be a great day when schools have all the money they need and the Air Force has to have a bake sale to buy a bomber." At that moment, I realized who the most undervalued and under-appreciated segment of society is. And it isn't teachers. Teachers, I believe, rank second on that list. Heading the list are the men and women of the armed forces, who, throughout history, have protected our country from the Hitlers and Stalins - they who would have had our white children marching to the school bus in jackboots and our minority children locked up in laboratories and labor camps. The U.S. military-the most powerful and influential group of people in the world, hands-down-gets an awfully bad rap these days. Many Americans seem to think that simply because the communist Soviet Union no longer exists, the world is as safe as Beaver Cleaver's neighborhood. This, of course, ignores three facts: * Dozens of countries have nuclear weapons that could take out millions of people with the turn of a key. * Leaders of several countries (e.g. North Korea, Iraq, Iran, Libya, Lebanon and perhaps China and Russia) would love to see the U.S. and its people blown to pieces and, most importantly. * The U.S. has the greatest collection of human, economic, natural and technological resources anywhere on Earth, making it the greatest natural target for military aggression. Though some would like to fashion the U.S. of the 21st Century as a flowery feel-good fantasy where war and violence are mere after thoughts of a time gone by, that can never be the case. As bad as our crime and drug problems are, we're still considered the jewel of the planet by the half of the world that has yet to make its first phone call. In ancient Greece, the people of Athens were unparalleled world leaders In art, philosophy and technology. Their rivals in Sparta were not. Instead, the Spartans built massive, well-trained armies. When the two countries fought, who won? Sparta. And, guess who lost their entire civilization because they didn't think it was important to build an appropriate army? Athens! Right now, the U.S. has the best of Athens and Sparta: we are the most cultured and most well-defended country in the world. As we continue to lower our defenses by devaluing the military, we open ourselves wider and wider to a takeover. A takeover of the U.S.? Ridiculous, one might say. But why does it seem so unlikely? Because the power and protection of the U.S. military has been so overwhelming in the last century that Americans have been free to enjoy a comfort level unlike any in the world. We all take it for granted that we will never be invaded by another country, but few other countries can afford to be so sure of themselves. It's not only Americans who can go to bed feeling safe. Children everywhere from Israel to England, from Brazil to Japan know that, if their country is attacked, the U.S. will be there to help. On TV, the military is often represented by stiff, buttoned-down Generals or the occasional drill sergeant. In reality, things are much different. The men and women of the armed forces are, in most ways, just like everyone else: they are mechanics, pilots, cooks, photographers, engineers, secretaries and X-ray technicians. They work from 8 to 5 and then come home to their families. The one difference comes when the U.S. or any of its allies is threatened by a foreign power. In that case, military people pack up and ship out, off to fight -- and many times die-so the rest of the country, including teachers, can continue their lives without interruption. Teachers mold young minds into intelligent, independent people, and they should be admired for the job they do; however, I don't know any teachers who are required to catch bullets and swallow shrapnel if so ordered by the principal. So, old-fashioned as it may seem, I'm happy to give my taxes to the military and tell the tots and teachers to fire up the oven if they want extra dough. Make muffins, cookies and candy and be happy you're allowed to. Because, as the old saying goes, if it wasn't for the U.S. military, we'd all be speaking German now." It is easy to take liberty for granted, when you have never had it taken from you. -- Dick Cheney
  15. We kicked ass once, and are about to do it again! Check out the attached file (If I do this right.).
  16. May the Force be with you!
  17. I know how you feel, I feel the same way. Heck, just a few weeks ago I earned my B-License and I'm still paying on my rig. Then what? Just stare at it as it sits in my corner. That would suck. I would seriously hope that the FAA doesn't shut skydiving down. A terrorist hopes to disrupt our current lifestyle and events. Stopping skydiving is adjusting our lifestyles (well, at least those of us sensible enough to know the thrill of skydiving ). There is so much hype over how to tighten security on airlines. We probably needed the security reinforcements. The terrorists have already played that card. If they want to attack us, they'll think of another way. Heck, maybe the next thing to be considered banning is bass fishing or water-skiing after some attack with a speed boat.
  18. Ensure your speakers are turned on. This isn't my site, but it was passed on to me and I'd like to pass it on to others.
  19. Before moving here from North Carolina, I was jumping at Adrenalin Adventures at Wallace, NC. Now that I'm in California, I jump at Skydive Monterey Bay, CA.
  20. Even though the following link is again some reading on the internet, the following link is something I came across on another forum trying to explain how the Nostradamus prophecy wasn't real.
  21. This question is better reserved for a rigger at your DZ. Any quote you receive from here will only be an approximation. Your rigger can better answer that question with an exact quote. Allieram
  22. allieram


    Well, if anyone is interested, I received an answer to my question from Action Air. FliteSuit has a system called the Brandi Belt swoop cord system for a very reasonable price. You can call them if interested. Allieram
  23. While on student status and while learning to pack, the rigs I used had rubber bands. I was replacing some rubber bands on each pack job. As for tube stoes, I have them on my own rig. Even though I bought it used, the only tube stoes I've replaced so far are the ones which were already worn from the previous owner. So far, I've only replaced about 4 tube stoes. I think tube stoes are great! I pack my own chute, so if I need to replace a tube stoe I just go to my gear bag and get one. If I had someone else packing my chute, they would have to come find me or dig in my gear bag to find my tube stoes. I've heard good things about both, rubber bands and tube stoes, but I think one of the reasons why some packers prefer rubber bands over tube stoes is that they usually have a bucket or pocket readily available of rubber bands. allieram
  24. allieram


    I have a fast fall rate with the jump suit I own now. I'm not looking at buying a new one just yet, for one, I'm not loaded like Bill Gates or Steve Forbes. I'm currently just belly flying and learning RW. Individuals I'm jumping with think they fall fast but they realize they don't fall as fast as I do. I need to work on varying my fall rate. My suit doesn't have wings on it. I have thought about having wings sewn onto it; however, a fellow jumper told me about some wings that I could purchase that I can put on or take off at my luxury. I was told the wings can be purchase from Action Air, which I have waiting for a reply. Does anyone else know of something like this and where I could possibly purchase one.
  25. It may be the same helmet, only way to tell is purchase both, which I can't afford. When talking with the sales rep., he told me that they would not sell the helmet to a skydiver since it isn't made for skydiving. He said that they can tell when they are talking to a bass fisherman or a skydiver. He stated that other skydivers have called thinking that bass fishermen (fisher-people for the politically correct) are getting something over on the skydivers. He said that they are in the business for skydivers, not bass fishers. There's "supposedly" a huge market in the bass fishing world for this type of thing, according to the original bass fisher that requested a full face helmet.