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Everything posted by wontbcaged

  1. Every once in a while turtlespeed comes out of his shell. It is great.
  2. wontbcaged


    Not to worry. Just resting up probably. Marilyn
  3. wontbcaged


    What a friendly and fun bunch of skydivers in attendance. I was at the registration table. It was nice putting faces with names. Marilyn
  4. Thanks for taking the time to share. Everyone can help in one way or another.
  5. Forty........ Mike, A great big Happy Birthday to you from College Station, TX. Marilyn and Larry
  6. I agree.......video is priceless. First tandem for sure...... Personally.....I hope to have a video made as often as possible. I have only jumped tamdems so far. I got my first jump for my 63rd birthday. Time will tell if I go it by myself. marilyn
  7. I was 63 (my birthday) when I had my first tandem jump. It was at Skydive Aggieland in College Station, TX, What a great experience. I am not sure if I will ever jump alone (i'm not sayng I won't either) Either way..... I will continue to enjoy the sport. Hope you will keep us informed. marilyn