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Everything posted by wontbcaged

  1. Happy Birthday good looking. Perverted thoughts......I'll never tell. Nina sure looked happy while you were in town.
  2. you told it like it is. no need to wash your hands.
  3. I just read about this in our local newspaper. (College Station, TX) So sad. Prayer given for their families and all that knew them. marilyn
  4. John Thanks for the update. I can hardly wait to see the video.
  5. Texas friends won't let you down....if they can help. Sharimcm will be there if at all possible. Glad she didn't have to walk.
  6. Birthday gifts. No spanking needed here. Did I say that?
  7. HaVing a blast a Skyfest. I'm sure we will hear details later. Boinky......we will ......won't we?
  8. How is Skyfest? Still camping out?
  9. If turtle did fly camera ...... Great shot. Of course I am prejudice.
  10. Looks like you had a great time...... until the injury. Heal soon. Thanks for sharing the pics.
  11. Get into that beauty and head to Aggieland. We need to talk gal. marilyn
  12. What a guy. Keep up the positive attitude. The majority of us should be ashamed for complaining and taking everything for granted. A big hug for you and your wife. I hope the day comes when I can meet the both of you. Marilyn
  13. Mary, you are my inspiration. Happy Birthday. We hope to head your way in 2006. Love ya, Marilyn and Larry
  14. Thanks for the Happy Birthday. No need post relationship to another DZ.comer. If you have been to AOTMB...... I was at the registration table for 3 days. (The last 3 Years) Aggieland. I met many great people and hope to see them again this year. Just curious....what is the age of the oldest diver you know?
  15. Congrats. For those of us who don't know....would you post the brides name. Here's to many happy years ahead. marilyn
  16. Yes you are.....entitled to have a down day every now and then. Dr. Mike is so right. I'm just jealous that I can't bounce back as fast as she does after she has one. Mike....hurry home. She has a smile on her face every time you are mentioned. marilyn
  17. Should have them in about a week. Boinky was there....maybe she will have some sooner.
  18. Congratulations. Today he took the step.