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Everything posted by gmittar

  1. Ooh, dancing sounds good! Are you stalking me? I knew I never should have jumped with you! They told me you were trouble! Ha! You said I got good referrals! Guess you like trouble |>.
  2. You know, it's okay to let people smile about a heartwarming story without making it your personal goal to disillusion them. Once in a while, it's really okay. illusions are very rarely good things... miss representing the truth is always a bad thing, no matter how good the intentions... THIS is pure BS. What the hell do you think legends are? Legends passed from tribal story tell on down, rarely are they pure truth, and often totally untrue, but they are almost always an invaluable part of the culture. This picture is the same way. Who gives a rats ass if the story is true or not? The story told with it generates a sense of good will towards animals that are often unjustly written off as vicous, or even stupid. That is FAR more valuable than the absolute truth of the story. Edit: Why this attachment to truth at every corner? Some people seem unable to seperate fiction from betrayal. Really, there's a difference! |>.
  3. Ooh, dancing sounds good! |>.
  4. He jumps the same way the rest of us do, minus the visual cues. He's done a two-way with another blind guy (Blind John) and I believe that both of them have been in on a couple 4-ways. He docked 3rd while getting his 4-stack at Kapowsin. He faces higher risks than the rest of us; some of those stories are great and I've posted a few of them on here somewhere! The basics though are that he wears two custom made audible altimeters and has a radio-man talk him in under canopy, except when the radio man forgets, one of the radios breaks, or the spot is so far out that the radios don't work. In those cases, well, thus arose his sig line "flare when you hear the crickets". Blues, Dave I don't mean to sound overly critical of someone who has pulled off something that I probably never could, but how safe is he with other people in the air? How does he dock in freefall? How does he know where everyone is? I think we all know that hearing is useless in freefall, so what does he use? How would he tell if his air is clear before he pulls? Tracking in the right direction, avoiding people under canopy? How to identify a malfunction. I'm sorry, but I highly doubt he jumps the same way as the rest of us. |>.
  5. Unformed has a link to where he bought it above, it's half the price there. |>.
  6. Beautiful story, but how does he jump if he's blind? It hardly sounds sufficient to be "talked down" |>.
  7. It's 104.5 per bottle, where you looking? |>.
  8. Oh me, me, pick me! I have tickets for a midnight showing too. Do you really? |>.
  9. i thought the exact oppiste of that. Same, half dressed sounds like halfway through the process of dressing. Half naked, well, is the other way for me. |>.
  10. Are you serious? Yep.. shave first, then poor beer on it.. or hard liquor... even better (runs away) Weird, who comes up with this shit? "Hey, I wonder what if he's thirsty too!" |>.
  11. Yeah, it looked a bit sketchy... |>.
  12. gmittar

    lookin' up

    That's great, congrats in advance and good luck! Project positive! |>.
  13. I've had some similar success after a really bad sprain. |>.
  14. If yer stupid either way, may as well be comfy. |>.
  15. Hell, you can always quite monday too, or next week, why not next month/year/decade? If you're gonna do it, just do it. |>.
  16. Yes, is this your idea of causing trouble at the bonfire? Shame on you |>.
  17. From my experience, in equal situations, women take that cake, by a LOOOONG shot. |>.
  18. Agreed. Some guys can pull it off nicely. Not me! I probably wouldn't recognize you, and would be quite scared if you ever decided to go bald, oh fuzzy one. I think I have a smallish chin Other than that, I probably look 15. Edit:: Added pic. |>.
  19. I think that would be awesome to be in, just so I could look out at the pissant New Mexico desert and say I've done better than you, you fucking pussy! Yeah, I like green |>.
  20. Rumor has it you're a good dancer. Psshht, don't believe everything you hear |>.
  21. Ed Norton is one of my favorite actors. And by your avatar, you do look like him. |>.
  22. Agreed. Some guys can pull it off nicely. I'm pretty sure my baldness can't help me reach "sexy" status, but I'm still thinking about finding out whether or not I can "pull if off nicely". Blues, Dave Sexy is a state of mind dave, not a status. |>.
  23. Years ago I went out partying with a bunch of friends. I got on the dance floor after a few beers and proceeded to make an utter ass of myself. 5 years later, my friend who was the mac daddy of the group tells me that the hottest girl in the club was drooling over me, lol. Course the cockblocker didn't tell me then If you say you like em like that, I'll believe you. |>.