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Everything posted by gmittar

  1. Actually, I'm genuinely disgusted by his goggles. I know you guys think I'm being facetous, but I seriously don't understand what is wrong with you guys that it's become the "cool" thing to look like the faggiest thing on wheels. |>.
  2. Hey, what you do in the privacy of far far away is your bizznezz. |>.
  3. Oh wait, I meant you. You know you'd be sexier if you wore a pair of goggles. I just know it. Yeah, but I'd have to put after everything I said, and I think that would depress the hell out of me. Besides, I'd have to hide from my cat, cause it would depress the hell outta him too. There's ugly, and then there's "wtf is fucking stupid bitch" ugly? Them goggles are way past that point. |>.
  4. gmittar


    Yer too cool! |>.
  5. I went skydiving. Need more? Pssht, you aint even started there, please continue. |>.
  6. Aaaargh, my eyes, no wait, your eyes, aaaaaarrggggh! |>.
  7. WTF is up with them? Does anyone else realize how goddamn fuggly they are? Am I the only one deeply scarred by seeing them photoshopped on every phanboi's face? WTF is wrong with you people?! |>.
  8. WTF is wrong with you people? Wait, don't answer that. |>.
  9. I understand it's a little more active in there than usual |>.
  10. Enough to get you through about 3 laundry days, just in case. |>.
  11. |>.
  12. I learned that accents are fun when people don't know you. I also learned that no matter how many people you tell that Microsoft won't give you money for forwarding an email, some of them will still end up being related to you |>.
  13. LOL! Thats why both hubby and I sleep in body armor (aka 'under the covers'). One hot night we didn't turn on the AC and instead just slept on top of the blankets - she got both of us at differnt points durring the night. Its like a hundred little needles. You wake up real quick, but can't get too mad at her - she's too cute when she does it Jen Just got these on my siamese today. Just on the front paws for now, and I managed to do it alone, lol. |>.
  14. All you have to do is give me 10k to buy into it |>.
  15. Nobody likes a quitter. I know you say this semi jokingly, but for me this sport is the kind of thing that if I'm not enjoying it, then I NEED to stop. I know myself well enough to pretty much know that this time will come. Probably not for a long while, but still. |>.
  16. Not sure why, but I've always felt like this is something I will eventually stop doing. I'll know when that time comes. |>.
  17. Soooo, what's the count? |>.
  18. not really... lies are rarely complete in and of themselves. often tehy require additional lies to support them, eventually (very quickly for those who pay attention to details) the cracks begin to show and the facade falls apart... then you have lost all credibility for nothing... you could have simply told the truth... fiction (real fiction vs outright lies) never claims to be truth... there is a fundamental difference between fiction and lying... if you dont recognize that then you have bought into the 'culture of lying' wholesale... and that is the exact problem with lying in the first place... why is it so hard to tell the truth for some people? give me an ugly truth over a pleasant lie anyday... at least i know where we really stand... Obviously, you've never met someone who knew how to use the english language well enough to say what they wanted to, regardless of truth content. Let me give you this example, morals and principles aside. You're planning on proposing to your girlfriend, but you gotta get the ring without her knowing it. She's at home, you say you gotta go do some stuff, she asks what, you tell her you have to go by walmart for some carpet cleaner, which you also have to do. She says pick me up some shoe polish, I'll see you later. You just told the truth, while at the same time decieving her for a reason that no one would claim is immoral. You're not gonna tell her, "I'm going to go pick up your ring honey, act surprised when I propose tomorrow night". |>.
  19. I can easily make you believe exactly the same thing either telling the truth or outright lying. It's all language, and it's the use of it that matters. Absolute truth in itself has very little value, and can be abused just as easily as outright untruth. Ever read a fictional book, or historical fiction? Or is that against your principles as well? |>.
  20. For the live of me, I can't get the exceptions right on the i before e except after c rule. |>.