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Everything posted by JoeG

  1. Nice looking rig! Am I way off base or does that look a lot like a vector 2? _________________________________________ "Knowledge is Power!"
  2. Many wuffos I have talked to think that parachutes are used for a single jump then they are replaced. _________________________________________ "Knowledge is Power!"
  3. By a non symmetrical step through would you mean if it were only stepped through on one side of the risers rather than over the entire canopy? _________________________________________ "Knowledge is Power!"
  4. I have a Vector 2 container and I have been very happy with it for a first container. I have about 30 jumps on it so far. It has mods done to allow freeflying although I only belly fly for now and will replace it before I begin freeflying. If you can get a 50% discount on Wings though that might be the better option so you can get a custom harness with newer technology. _________________________________________ "Knowledge is Power!"
  5. NIICE!! Good color choice! _________________________________________ "Knowledge is Power!"
  6. If you really feel that nervous about it you could work up (down?) to it doing 15 second delays from 6000, 10 seconds from 5000 etc. giving you plenty of time to get stable and pull. I think everyone will tell you their first hop & pop gives you the willies but there really isn't anything to it once you get out there and do it. It sure does get your heart racing though _________________________________________ "Knowledge is Power!"
  7. _________________________________________ "Knowledge is Power!"
  8. Congratulations! _________________________________________ "Knowledge is Power!"
  9. Mike Gibson from the Metro Pulse, a free weekly alternative newsmagazine, came out to Skydive Smoky Mountains in Tennessee to make a Tandem and write an article about his experience. _________________________________________ "Knowledge is Power!"
  10. Thanks for the info. I am still unsure of all the differences between USPA and CSPA. I was told one is a student until licensed. I hope to be one much longer though _________________________________________ "Knowledge is Power!"
  11. Are you sure there is no RSL? CSPA BSR 2.10: _________________________________________ "Knowledge is Power!"
  12. I think this video really shows the impracticality of a no pull wingsuit landing. Notice the angle and rate of descent just prior to pull and landing. _________________________________________ "Knowledge is Power!"
  13. I did AFF on my first jump and I agree with others; I wished I had done a tandem first. The sensory overload is enough to deal with without the additional workload of passing the learning objectives. A tandem would let your daughter determine if she likes skydiving before dedicating the additional money and time to go through AFF. If she does decide to continue, the tandem will count towards the necessary jump numbers to achieve her A license. _________________________________________ "Knowledge is Power!"
  14. I did my first 15 jumps on a Manta 230 - WL .9, then I rented a Sabre 2 210 - WL 1.0 for 3 jumps - meanwhile I had found a stellar deal on an entire rig, minus AAD for $900 - Vector 2 with a Safire 189 - WL 1.1 with a PD Reserve 193. My instructors and the S&TA felt confident I could handle it at that point. I have made 5 jumps so far on the Safire 189 and I can tell you it is a whole lot faster and more fun than the Manta I had been jumping. I have been practicing a lot of the things that Brian Germain has written here as well in his book "The Parachute and it's Pilot" up high and so far I have been able to land every jump standing up. I personally think that any canopy progression is a combination of size, wing loading, and more importantly whether you can save your ass when things go to hell before attempting a new canopy style or size. My next step is to attend a canopy control course to begin really learning the flight characteristics of my canopy and I will not downsize until I can really wring out the performance of what I've got. _________________________________________ "Knowledge is Power!"
  15. Congratulations!! The first solo really IS something eh? _________________________________________ "Knowledge is Power!"
  16. I am a new jumper, and I am sure someone with more experience will post, but, I recently had an RSL installed in my rig by United Parachute Technologies (UPT) and they sewed the ring onto my existing risers. _________________________________________ "Knowledge is Power!"
  17. Thanks for the advice on cleaning the rig, Ian. I know I will be getting this thing dirty with my limited "landing" skills, but I like to keep things clean as much as possible. By the way, looking at your sig line, have you read Illusions: The Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah? _________________________________________ "Knowledge is Power!"
  18. Thanks for the good vibes guys. It sure feels good to have my own. I hope to jump my ass off this year. Now to have a decent weekend to jump.. _________________________________________ "Knowledge is Power!"
  19. Pics of my new (to me) Vector 2. I purchased it right before New Years and its finally finished after sending it to UPT for an RSL and buying an AAD. I posted about it back in December, in this post: I know it's not the newest rig, but the price was definitely right and it sure feels great to have my own gear. It fits surprisingly well, and yes, I have been wearing it around the house. The areas on the back that are lighter aren't wear, but are dust. Any good ideas on how to clean it? Anyway, here are a couple pictures of my first rig! What do you think? _________________________________________ "Knowledge is Power!"
  20. I have had similar dreams. Generally when something else is bothering me and it comes out as a skydiving dream. The couple who got me into skydiving haven't finished their AFF because the wife had a dream that she went in and doesn't want to jump anymore. The husband is supposed to join me this spring in finishing his AFF. I dunno. Dreams are fucked up. _________________________________________ "Knowledge is Power!"
  21. Congratulations! _________________________________________ "Knowledge is Power!"
  22. He was in Parachutist a couple of months ago. _________________________________________ "Knowledge is Power!"
  23. Icarus Safire 189 - PD 193 Reserve _________________________________________ "Knowledge is Power!"
  24. I am so far finding skydivers much like scuba divers. A close-knit group of people who ordinarily might not ever come into contact united by a common love/addiction. _________________________________________ "Knowledge is Power!"