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    Parachute School of Toronto
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  1. So here's a question that might be slightly stupid though there are no stupid questions but here goes. Either mechanical or digtal does it pose a problem to take an altimeter on an airliner when traveling somewhere. I mean in the passenger area that is pressurized not the luggage areas which are not pressurized??? Will this screw with the functionality of the altimeter??
  2. Drudchen or any other poster for that matter. When i was going to jump the 210 last weekend and did the safety check the vigil was set to a PRO setting. Drudchen better knows my experience level to date since he does jump with me but the question is open to all with 18 jumps and a self supervised level of certification should that vigil be set at PRO ?? or is it more beneficial and safe for it to be on student?? Also what do these settings impact on the vigil?
  3. Thanks Drudchen. Most of the information you gave me and the various other posters i'm already aware of though thanks for the heads up on the possibly causing line twists when playing around on the front risers. That was not discussed. I didn't know the slider is collapsable on that one thats interesting. As for the post saying i could screw up my instructor by opening high well at this stage i am self supervised so no instructor to screw up but still good advice. When i do chose to open high all the jumpers on my load WILL be made aware of it though. I'm very concencious of the safety issues when jumping with other jumpers and will not sacrifice their or my safety for fun or any such thing. Keep the posts coming though any information on the canopies behaviour is welcome and a learning experience. I would like to make posters aware that i do and will without a doubt always refer questions first and foremost to the Instructors at the DZ this is a supplementary source of information that is partially taken with a grain of salt. Thanks All!
  4. I graduated to my Solo status last weekend and this weekend will be jumping the transition gear thats available at my home DZ. The gear that i will be jumping is a Sabre 210 zp canopy. Is there any specific advice that the dropzone community could give me on this canopy and what to expect when transitioning from F111 288 student canopies?? I have gone through the advanced canopy control seminar offered at my DZ and have been checked out on the transition gear so i have a good idea of what to expect but would still appreciate the communities input. I'm aware the canopy will be faster Have quicker response to toggle inputs I was told the flare will still be a gradual flare That the opening period is longer then the larger student canopies. Any input is welcome!!
  5. I"m a newbie myself so i won't give you any advice on propacking except this. Go to your DZ and speak with an instructor or a well experienced jumper. I'm sure they'll gladly teach you to propack. Information about packing which is an activity that requires accurate physical movements cannot be well conveyed in text or images over the internet best way to learn is from an instructor at your DZ do a few packs with him/her and u should be fine. But if anyone does have good info for you on here i'll probably read it as well lol. Just won't let it supplement physical training and knowledge from an instructor.
  6. Hello all, I will be soon completing my SOLO certificate in Canada and will start in the next year looking for used gear after i've jumped some of the rental gear my DZ has i had a few questions about buying used gear that could probably be partially answered here and mainly at my Home DZ obviously. 1. I'm 5'8" or so and 148lbs and i have been jumping the Manta 288's and a 210 so far will move to a 190 and so forth when building my experience with the rental gear but what size of canopy or type would you recommend for my first personal rig?? 2. Which canopy/rig would you recommend that is forgiving to dumb dumb mistakes which will potentially happen sooner or later as I am still learning. 3. Which altimeter type would u recommend digital or mechanical?? for visual reasons for some reason i have a feeling that i won't be able to see the digital reading very well but have not jumped with one. what are the recommendations or this?? Thanks for the time and answer all!
  7. Your instructors demeanor at least from the way you describe it seems fairly inappropriate for the jump u were doing. Obviously a student doing their first AFF jump with only 20min notice and only that much time to get geared up and ask any additional questions they have. It's no surprise u were already stressed and the instructor brushed off your concern and seems like actually didn't address it infront of you even once he knew u were aware about it. Just seems like it was a busy day and u definitely did not receive the appropriate amount of attention and care as a new AFF student. AFF requires a lot of attention and time with your instructors so that they can reassure you and answer any questions u might have. Go to another DZ i would say or try a day when it's not so busy. Good luck with it hope u don't shy away from the sport because of a bad experience. If i feel unsafe about a jump i will ride the plane down its a few bucks and an ounce of small shame i guess lol but in the end i have only 1 life.
  8. Doing AFF though is very dependent on the person though IMHO. The sensory overload that you experience is very strong and can easily over power your responses that you were trained for. I actually appreciate doing the SL progression now on to freefall and almost done the SOLO but the slightly slower pace then the AFF allows me time to take in a lot of information rather then having it crammed into my head through AFF but thats just dependent on the person. Though AFF would have been faster for me LOL. Oh well
  9. I could live with an altimeter that reads in M it's not so bad. I'm more curious about the planes especially the one with exit on tailgate i haven't done that yet so that will be interesting. Either way before i do any jumps i'd have to sit around the DZ there and watch some of the procedures under canopy i.e what kinda of landing pattern their doing how the winds are behaving there and also to see how many jumpers they let out in one load. At PST the sky doesn't get extremely crowded which is nice when your still working towards your solo and trying to get your pattern down pat. But we'll see how it goes.
  10. At PST i'm jumping with a few of the guys Derek Phillips is there, Ryan J, Bill M, etc.. it's a fun DZ i enjoy it. Thanks for the info i will take all my available info with me and i was expecting that they would want a checkout jump done. Any clue what planes they fly at the mentioned DZ's? i don't mean just the type but rather exit wise with step?? or just open door? or door at the tail?? etc...
  11. I'll be in Poland for a while with family but then it's honestly a toss up i plan on visiting France and then making my way over to Rome, Italy.
  12. Hey all I'm new to posting here but here goes. I'm leaving to europe for a few months at the end of august. I'm almost complete my progression to achieving my solo certificate i'm on my 20sec freefall jumps now. I plan to have the Solo complete before i go to Europe. My understanding is that the Solo isn't an acceptable rating or license in Europe so i was wondering if anyone has experience with jumping around europe without a Rating ?? Also if anyone has experience with the planes used at DZ in europe and the equipement. Mainly what the major differences are between the planes used here at DZ's like the 206 cessna and 182 or the Tutor 288 canopies used in Canada??? Any info is helpful? Oh and if anyone knows of good DZ around eastern europe please post!
  13. I'm fairly new to the sport myself but have already seen two entanglements one only in the lines and one in the actual main. Both were new FJC students one was a close friend of mine which was on his 3rd jump doing SL progression. His exit from a 206 cessna was akward, not horrible nor great but his problem was instead of keeping a wide arch on exit he brought his arms in above his head. When the SL pulled the D bag out of the container his right arm got tangled in the right side lines and pulled the risers together causing extreme line twists and this pulled the canopy completely to one side and cause very was 360 spirals. At that point the force of the spins pulled the lines taut and he had lots of trouble pulling his right arm out. After 4 rotations or so he freed his arm and was able to cut away and deploy is reserve Thank God! unfortunately that shook him up to much and he hasn't returned since. The other was a student that had a spectacularly bad exit and ended up barrel rolling into his lines and pulling the main around himself. He was actually able to get the main off himself and deploy his reserve 300' above the ground Thank God again!!!! I am not extremely experience but have learned because of these incidents very quickly that as a student your exit is crucial in having a safe dive. Push off and arch hard!! Good luck with your progression. Wow that was long!