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Everything posted by murps2000

  1. Too bad they don’t have any plans to do anything that might actually benefit the majority of people who voted for them.
  2. Has Russia been forced to kill all of these Ukrainians you seem to care so much about?
  3. Ukraine is doing exactly the right thing. They are harassing a retreating enemy that unjustly invaded their land, looted, pillaged and tortured their citizens, and now is dragging washing machines along with them as they flee. Negotiations will only buy time for Putin to attempt to rebuild his forces so they can attack again. While pacifism is an admirable concept, the school bully will always want your lunch money again tomorrow.
  4. Russia hit a maternity ward today and among the casualties was a two day old child. Your post suggests that they were forced to do this. That it is the fault of Ukraine for continuing to fight against an unjust invasion. So fascinating to see the different realities we exist in.
  5. So odd to lash out at the one guy who did more than anyone to facilitate Roe v Wade getting overturned.
  6. Pastafarianism is the way and the light.
  7. I’d give yellow jackets a pass. They definitely hate everyone equally.
  8. They’re also thanking DeSantis because they know without his aggressive redistricting push the house margins would be even slimmer than they are now. They owe half their advantage to him.
  9. The strategy is known as ratfucking in politics. I’m against it as well.
  10. Tucker explains it all here. If you can read it to the end I will be impressed. You can kind of hear his voice as you go along.
  11. Thanks for giving an honest answer. I really was curious about it. Despite the fact that I highly doubt we perceive reality in anything close to the same way, I don’t mean to ridicule your beliefs.
  12. Now you’re making me feel greedy for not wanting to be a part of some deity’s twisted cosmic game.
  13. When you put that way it makes it seem as if the endgame for all religions is actually based on greed. A quest for paradise for one’s self. Interesting how some devout believers are so certain that they will attain it. Ron doesn’t even throw in a “god willing” just to hedge his bet. Doesn’t Mathew 23:12 touch on this type of attitude?
  14. I was honestly just asking because I was wondering how it all was supposed to work. Like do you get to see your old pets, and do you eat? But I guess if I studied scripture I would already know.
  15. Will there be any animals & plants there or just people?
  16. Sounds like you’re saying just before it’s too late. Like bailouts & such. How about with regard to foreign policy? The government has to manage more than domestic issues.
  17. Pithy saying but it doesn’t make any sense. Anarchy isn’t the best form of government.
  18. How are you so sure who owned the hammer? I have trouble picturing Mr. Pelosi as any sort of carpenter. Hammers are useful for breaking windows in doors, however.
  19. Not sure of your point here but your first sentence is correct. Further initial reports suggest that the assailant had the hammer and Mr. Pelosi tried to take control of it. I think I’ll refrain from going into more hypotheticals about how it would have gone down if a different weapon was involved. The fact is neither of them had a firearm. To your third sentence I’d ask, is California the only state where political violence is encouraged? I will absolutely agree that media and tribalism play a part in it.
  20. Possibly. Or he might actually be worse off. Initial reports by SFPD are that he and his attacker were struggling over the hammer that was eventually used to fracture his skull.
  21. Interesting take from one of Ukraine’s top generals. The nuclear threat is real but I’d be surprised if Putin destroyed the dam, at least in the immediate future. The water supply to Crimea would be taken out if he did. He might do it later on, in much the same way that Saddam Hussein lit oil wells on fire as he retreated in the first gulf war.
  22. I’m not trying to get anything to “work” on you and I didn’t call you any names. I made an observation as to your style of debate. I’ve read this thread.
  23. You’re using a creedence song to support your position. You debate like a child, or a teenager at best.
  24. Not sure if it was a legally purchased firearm and 2A protected but damn.
  25. Understandable sentiment when looking at “baby” stars that are maybe five times as old as homosapiens. At least in our corner of the ‘verse we can know we made a difference. We’ll have created quite a layer of cow & chicken fossils to mark the anthropocene.