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Everything posted by skyhigh57

  1. Not sure about your point: (i) certainly wish you all the best; I am a BigC (8 mo.) out myself; (ii) hope you have comprehensive health benefits somehow (if not, regardless of student or skydiving love, you'll be in the poor house); (iii) in the really important, bigger schemes of life...skydiving is just a passing. Make sure you survive.
  2. Kind of boring and predictable how Americans (both f/m) always revert to sex as their favorite topic, for lack thereof. Lots of accumulated frustration due to societal constraints and puritanical upbringing, methinks! You don't hear any Europeans, South Americans, or Eskimos complaining along the lines of, for example, (i) I can't get laid; (ii) my penis just can't stand it; (iii) I need to have my clitoris lifted. This post just adds to the theme. Pathetic!
  3. Edited for personal attack. Don't do it again.~ Skymama
  4. Thank you very much for the link which also has a video of his 46 min. speech. The video is powerful: as long as there is one voice on earth left like him, there is hope for humanity. Everybody else, please join the Matrix. And before replying, please watch.
  5. Not much to discuss here...very long, very worthwhile. Art, truth and politics This is the text of the lecture to be given by Harold Pinter when he receives the 2005 Nobel prize for literature on Saturday. Forbidden by doctors from going to Stockholm to receive the £720,000 prize, the ailing playwright and poet has delivered his speech by video. [...] Political language, as used by politicians, does not venture into any of this territory since the majority of politicians, on the evidence available to us, are interested not in truth but in power and in the maintenance of that power. To maintain that power it is essential that people remain in ignorance, that they live in ignorance of the truth, even the truth of their own lives. What surrounds us therefore is a vast tapestry of lies, upon which we feed. As every single person here knows, the justification for the invasion of Iraq was that Saddam Hussein possessed a highly dangerous body of weapons of mass destruction, some of which could be fired in 45 minutes, bringing about appalling devastation. We were assured that was true. It was not true. We were told that Iraq had a relationship with Al Quaeda and shared responsibility for the atrocity in New York of September 11th 2001. We were assured that this was true. It was not true. We were told that Iraq threatened the security of the world. We were assured it was true. It was not true. The truth is something entirely different. The truth is to do with how the United States understands its role in the world and how it chooses to embody it. But before I come back to the present I would like to look at the recent past, by which I mean United States foreign policy since the end of the Second World War. I believe it is obligatory upon us to subject this period to at least some kind of even limited scrutiny, which is all that time will allow here. Everyone knows what happened in the Soviet Union and throughout Eastern Europe during the post-war period: the systematic brutality, the widespread atrocities, the ruthless suppression of independent thought. All this has been fully documented and verified. But my contention here is that the US crimes in the same period have only been superficially recorded, let alone documented, let alone acknowledged, let alone recognised as crimes at all. I believe this must be addressed and that the truth has considerable bearing on where the world stands now. Although constrained, to a certain extent, by the existence of the Soviet Union, the United States' actions throughout the world made it clear that it had concluded it had carte blanche to do what it liked. Direct invasion of a sovereign state has never in fact been America's favoured method. In the main, it has preferred what it has described as 'low intensity conflict'. Low intensity conflict means that thousands of people die but slower than if you dropped a bomb on them in one fell swoop. It means that you infect the heart of the country, that you establish a malignant growth and watch the gangrene bloom. When the populace has been subdued - or beaten to death - the same thing - and your own friends, the military and the great corporations, sit comfortably in power, you go before the camera and say that democracy has prevailed. This was a commonplace in US foreign policy in the years to which I refer. The tragedy of Nicaragua was a highly significant case. I choose to offer it here as a potent example of America's view of its role in the world, both then and now. I was present at a meeting at the US embassy in London in the late 1980s. The United States Congress was about to decide whether to give more money to the Contras in their campaign against the state of Nicaragua. I was a member of a delegation speaking on behalf of Nicaragua but the most important member of this delegation was a Father John Metcalf. The leader of the US body was Raymond Seitz (then number two to the ambassador, later ambassador himself). Father Metcalf said: 'Sir, I am in charge of a parish in the north of Nicaragua. My parishioners built a school, a health centre, a cultural centre. We have lived in peace. A few months ago a Contra force attacked the parish. They destroyed everything: the school, the health centre, the cultural centre. They raped nurses and teachers, slaughtered doctors, in the most brutal manner. They behaved like savages. Please demand that the US government withdraw its support from this shocking terrorist activity.' Raymond Seitz had a very good reputation as a rational, responsible and highly sophisticated man. He was greatly respected in diplomatic circles. He listened, paused and then spoke with some gravity. 'Father,' he said, 'let me tell you something. In war, innocent people always suffer.' There was a frozen silence. We stared at him. He did not flinch. Innocent people, indeed, always suffer. Finally somebody said: 'But in this case "innocent people" were the victims of a gruesome atrocity subsidised by your government, one among many. If Congress allows the Contras more money further atrocities of this kind will take place. Is this not the case? Is your government not therefore guilty of supporting acts of murder and destruction upon the citizens of a sovereign state?' Seitz was imperturbable. 'I don't agree that the facts as presented support your assertions,' he said. As we were leaving the Embassy a US aide told me that he enjoyed my plays. I did not reply. I should remind you that at the time President Reagan made the following statement: 'The Contras are the moral equivalent of our Founding Fathers.' The United States supported the brutal Somoza dictatorship in Nicaragua for over 40 years. The Nicaraguan people, led by the Sandinistas, overthrew this regime in 1979, a breathtaking popular revolution. The Sandinistas weren't perfect. They possessed their fair share of arrogance and their political philosophy contained a number of contradictory elements. But they were intelligent, rational and civilised. They set out to establish a stable, decent, pluralistic society. The death penalty was abolished. Hundreds of thousands of poverty-stricken peasants were brought back from the dead. Over 100,000 families were given title to land. Two thousand schools were built. A quite remarkable literacy campaign reduced illiteracy in the country to less than one seventh. Free education was established and a free health service. Infant mortality was reduced by a third. Polio was eradicated. The United States denounced these achievements as Marxist/Leninist subversion. In the view of the US government, a dangerous example was being set. If Nicaragua was allowed to establish basic norms of social and economic justice, if it was allowed to raise the standards of health care and education and achieve social unity and national self respect, neighbouring countries would ask the same questions and do the same things. There was of course at the time fierce resistance to the status quo in El Salvador. I spoke earlier about 'a tapestry of lies' which surrounds us. President Reagan commonly described Nicaragua as a 'totalitarian dungeon'. This was taken generally by the media, and certainly by the British government, as accurate and fair comment. But there was in fact no record of death squads under the Sandinista government. There was no record of torture. There was no record of systematic or official military brutality. No priests were ever murdered in Nicaragua. There were in fact three priests in the government, two Jesuits and a Maryknoll missionary. The totalitarian dungeons were actually next door, in El Salvador and Guatemala. The United States had brought down the democratically elected government of Guatemala in 1954 and it is estimated that over 200,000 people had been victims of successive military dictatorships. Six of the most distinguished Jesuits in the world were viciously murdered at the Central American University in San Salvador in 1989 by a battalion of the Alcatl regiment trained at Fort Benning, Georgia, USA. That extremely brave man Archbishop Romero was assassinated while saying mass. It is estimated that 75,000 people died. Why were they killed? They were killed because they believed a better life was possible and should be achieved. That belief immediately qualified them as communists. They died because they dared to question the status quo, the endless plateau of poverty, disease, degradation and oppression, which had been their birthright. The United States finally brought down the Sandinista government. It took some years and considerable resistance but relentless economic persecution and 30,000 dead finally undermined the spirit of the Nicaraguan people. They were exhausted and poverty stricken once again. The casinos moved back into the country. Free health and free education were over. Big business returned with a vengeance. 'Democracy' had prevailed. But this 'policy' was by no means restricted to Central America. It was conducted throughout the world. It was never-ending. And it is as if it never happened. The United States supported and in many cases engendered every right wing military dictatorship in the world after the end of the Second World War. I refer to Indonesia, Greece, Uruguay, Brazil, Paraguay, Haiti, Turkey, the Philippines, Guatemala, El Salvador, and, of course, Chile. The horror the United States inflicted upon Chile in 1973 can never be purged and can never be forgiven. Hundreds of thousands of deaths took place throughout these countries. Did they take place? And are they in all cases attributable to US foreign policy? The answer is yes they did take place and they are attributable to American foreign policy. But you wouldn't know it. It never happened. Nothing ever happened. Even while it was happening it wasn't happening. It didn't matter. It was of no interest. The crimes of the United States have been systematic, constant, vicious, remorseless, but very few people have actually talked about them. You have to hand it to America. It has exercised a quite clinical manipulation of power worldwide while masquerading as a force for universal good. It's a brilliant, even witty, highly successful act of hypnosis. I put to you that the United States is without doubt the greatest show on the road. Brutal, indifferent, scornful and ruthless it may be but it is also very clever. As a salesman it is out on its own and its most saleable commodity is self love. It's a winner. Listen to all American presidents on television say the words, 'the American people', as in the sentence, 'I say to the American people it is time to pray and to defend the rights of the American people and I ask the American people to trust their president in the action he is about to take on behalf of the American people.' It's a scintillating stratagem. Language is actually employed to keep thought at bay. The words 'the American people' provide a truly voluptuous cushion of reassurance. You don't need to think. Just lie back on the cushion. The cushion may be suffocating your intelligence and your critical faculties but it's very comfortable. This does not apply of course to the 40 million people living below the poverty line and the 2 million men and women imprisoned in the vast gulag of prisons, which extends across the US. The United States no longer bothers about low intensity conflict. It no longer sees any point in being reticent or even devious. It puts its cards on the table without fear or favour. It quite simply doesn't give a damn about the United Nations, international law or critical dissent, which it regards as impotent and irrelevant. It also has its own bleating little lamb tagging behind it on a lead, the pathetic and supine Great Britain. What has happened to our moral sensibility? Did we ever have any? What do these words mean? Do they refer to a term very rarely employed these days - conscience? A conscience to do not only with our own acts but to do with our shared responsibility in the acts of others? Is all this dead? Look at Guantanamo Bay. Hundreds of people detained without charge for over three years, with no legal representation or due process, technically detained forever. This totally illegitimate structure is maintained in defiance of the Geneva Convention. It is not only tolerated but hardly thought about by what's called the 'international community'. This criminal outrage is being committed by a country, which declares itself to be 'the leader of the free world'. Do we think about the inhabitants of Guantanamo Bay? What does the media say about them? They pop up occasionally - a small item on page six. They have been consigned to a no man's land from which indeed they may never return. At present many are on hunger strike, being force-fed, including British residents. No niceties in these force-feeding procedures. No sedative or anaesthetic. Just a tube stuck up your nose and into your throat. You vomit blood. This is torture. What has the British Foreign Secretary said about this? Nothing. What has the British Prime Minister said about this? Nothing. Why not? Because the United States has said: to criticise our conduct in Guantanamo Bay constitutes an unfriendly act. You're either with us or against us. So Blair shuts up. The invasion of Iraq was a bandit act, an act of blatant state terrorism, demonstrating absolute contempt for the concept of international law. The invasion was an arbitrary military action inspired by a series of lies upon lies and gross manipulation of the media and therefore of the public; an act intended to consolidate American military and economic control of the Middle East masquerading - as a last resort - all other justifications having failed to justify themselves - as liberation. A formidable assertion of military force responsible for the death and mutilation of thousands and thousands of innocent people. We have brought torture, cluster bombs, depleted uranium, innumerable acts of random murder, misery, degradation and death to the Iraqi people and call it 'bringing freedom and democracy to the Middle East'. How many people do you have to kill before you qualify to be described as a mass murderer and a war criminal? One hundred thousand? More than enough, I would have thought. Therefore it is just that Bush and Blair be arraigned before the International Criminal Court of Justice. But Bush has been clever. He has not ratified the International Criminal Court of Justice. Therefore if any American soldier or for that matter politician finds himself in the dock Bush has warned that he will send in the marines. But Tony Blair has ratified the Court and is therefore available for prosecution. We can let the Court have his address if they're interested. It is Number 10, Downing Street, London. Death in this context is irrelevant. Both Bush and Blair place death well away on the back burner. At least 100,000 Iraqis were killed by American bombs and missiles before the Iraq insurgency began. These people are of no moment. Their deaths don't exist. They are blank. They are not even recorded as being dead. 'We don't do body counts,' said the American general Tommy Franks. Early in the invasion there was a photograph published on the front page of British newspapers of Tony Blair kissing the cheek of a little Iraqi boy. 'A grateful child,' said the caption. A few days later there was a story and photograph, on an inside page, of another four-year-old boy with no arms. His family had been blown up by a missile. He was the only survivor. 'When do I get my arms back?' he asked. The story was dropped. Well, Tony Blair wasn't holding him in his arms, nor the body of any other mutilated child, nor the body of any bloody corpse. Blood is dirty. It dirties your shirt and tie when you're making a sincere speech on television. The 2,000 American dead are an embarrassment. They are transported to their graves in the dark. Funerals are unobtrusive, out of harm's way. The mutilated rot in their beds, some for the rest of their lives. So the dead and the mutilated both rot, in different kinds of graves. Here is an extract from a poem by Pablo Neruda, 'I'm Explaining a Few Things': And one morning all that was burning, one morning the bonfires leapt out of the earth devouring human beings and from then on fire, gunpowder from then on, and from then on blood. Bandits with planes and Moors, bandits with finger-rings and duchesses, bandits with black friars spattering blessings came through the sky to kill children and the blood of children ran through the streets without fuss, like children's blood. Jackals that the jackals would despise stones that the dry thistle would bite on and spit out, vipers that the vipers would abominate. Face to face with you I have seen the blood of Spain tower like a tide to drown you in one wave of pride and knives. Treacherous generals: see my dead house, look at broken Spain: from every house burning metal flows instead of flowers from every socket of Spain Spain emerges and from every dead child a rifle with eyes and from every crime bullets are born which will one day find the bull's eye of your hearts. And you will ask: why doesn't his poetry speak of dreams and leaves and the great volcanoes of his native land. Come and see the blood in the streets. Come and see the blood in the streets. Come and see the blood in the streets! * Let me make it quite clear that in quoting from Neruda's poem I am in no way comparing Republican Spain to Saddam Hussein's Iraq. I quote Neruda because nowhere in contemporary poetry have I read such a powerful visceral description of the bombing of civilians. I have said earlier that the United States is now totally frank about putting its cards on the table. That is the case. Its official declared policy is now defined as 'full spectrum dominance'. That is not my term, it is theirs. 'Full spectrum dominance' means control of land, sea, air and space and all attendant resources. The United States now occupies 702 military installations throughout the world in 132 countries, with the honourable exception of Sweden, of course. We don't quite know how they got there but they are there all right. The United States possesses 8,000 active and operational nuclear warheads. Two thousand are on hair trigger alert, ready to be launched with 15 minutes warning. It is developing new systems of nuclear force, known as bunker busters. The British, ever cooperative, are intending to replace their own nuclear missile, Trident. Who, I wonder, are they aiming at? Osama bin Laden? You? Me? Joe Dokes? China? Paris? Who knows? What we do know is that this infantile insanity - the possession and threatened use of nuclear weapons - is at the heart of present American political philosophy. We must remind ourselves that the United States is on a permanent military footing and shows no sign of relaxing it. Many thousands, if not millions, of people in the United States itself are demonstrably sickened, shamed and angered by their government's actions, but as things stand they are not a coherent political force - yet. But the anxiety, uncertainty and fear which we can see growing daily in the United States is unlikely to diminish. I know that President Bush has many extremely competent speech writers but I would like to volunteer for the job myself. I propose the following short address which he can make on television to the nation. I see him grave, hair carefully combed, serious, winning, sincere, often beguiling, sometimes employing a wry smile, curiously attractive, a man's man. 'God is good. God is great. God is good. My God is good. Bin Laden's God is bad. His is a bad God. Saddam's God was bad, except he didn't have one. He was a barbarian. We are not barbarians. We don't chop people's heads off. We believe in freedom. So does God. I am not a barbarian. I am the democratically elected leader of a freedom-loving democracy. We are a compassionate society. We give compassionate electrocution and compassionate lethal injection. We are a great nation. I am not a dictator. He is. I am not a barbarian. He is. And he is. They all are. I possess moral authority. You see this fist? This is my moral authority. And don't you forget it.' A writer's life is a highly vulnerable, almost naked activity. We don't have to weep about that. The writer makes his choice and is stuck with it. But it is true to say that you are open to all the winds, some of them icy indeed. You are out on your own, out on a limb. You find no shelter, no protection - unless you lie - in which case of course you have constructed your own protection and, it could be argued, become a politician. I have referred to death quite a few times this evening. I shall now quote a poem of my own called 'Death'. Where was the dead body found? Who found the dead body? Was the dead body dead when found? How was the dead body found? Who was the dead body? Who was the father or daughter or brother Or uncle or sister or mother or son Of the dead and abandoned body? Was the body dead when abandoned? Was the body abandoned? By whom had it been abandoned? Was the dead body naked or dressed for a journey? What made you declare the dead body dead? Did you declare the dead body dead? How well did you know the dead body? How did you know the dead body was dead? Did you wash the dead body Did you close both its eyes Did you bury the body Did you leave it abandoned Did you kiss the dead body When we look into a mirror we think the image that confronts us is accurate. But move a millimetre and the image changes. We are actually looking at a never-ending range of reflections. But sometimes a writer has to smash the mirror - for it is on the other side of that mirror that the truth stares at us. I believe that despite the enormous odds which exist, unflinching, unswerving, fierce intellectual determination, as citizens, to define the real truth of our lives and our societies is a crucial obligation which devolves upon us all. It is in fact mandatory. If such a determination is not embodied in our political vision we have no hope of restoring what is so nearly lost to us - the dignity of man.
  6. Guys on will never be ready to find out the winning lottery numbers two days ahead of time. I think I'll go to sleep now...
  7. This one is from 1997: Bob Christ recently traveled to United Parachute Club in Gilbertsville, PA to interview Mistress Rhonda to gain some understanding of the complexities of her psychy as well as to get the exclusive inside story of her newly developed techniques of discipline in the context of the Drop Zone Justice System. BC - "Mistress Rhonda, thank you for allowing me to interview you." MR - "That's OK boy, just don't overstay your visit." BC - "Mistress Rhonda, why did you pick United Parachute Club for your home DZ?" MR - "That's my kinda boys over here - no morals, no ethics and no supervision." BC - "To what do you owe your amazing success as a mistress?" MR - "Good sex, clean living, good Argentinean Leather and Jose Quervo Tequilla." BC - "Could you give our readers at rec.skydiving some inside scoop as to your new techniques of DZ justice and discipline?" MR - "Well, I'm a classical kinda lady and some of the old stuff is what suits me best. When I used to watch those Roman movies about them feeding the Christians to the lions, I would always cheer for the lions. I always thought that a creative idea where time has not tarnished its flavor. Back in the middle ages, they used those really neat maces and 'cat-o-nine-tails'. They are cool, but they're sort of losing their usefulness today since you can't find good connectors that stop the tool from coming apart after a few good sessions." BC - "Wow Mistress Rhonda! You're really tough on your subjects." MR - "Thanks. I take pride in it. Anyway, my favorite piece of literature is Henry Miller's THE CRUCIBLE. I really enjoy that period of history (editor's note - the Salem Witch Trials) since they were able to develop techniques which are classical and timeless. I particularly like the pubic - I mean public - display of humiliation they used in the 'harness'. If you've ever seen the harness, it was used during that period to administer town square justice by harnessing the subject's arms and head in a wooden hole with the subject bent over at the waist. They would stay there for the appointed period of time while everyone in town would take a swipe at them from the back side." BC - "Describe what they would do to their 'back side'." MR - "I was getting to that, boy - and don't interrupt me. As I was saying, once they were harnessed in everyone would have a little slap. Well there are a few of us that like a little more than a 'little slap'. You see, in my opinion discipline isn't practical unless it hurts. And I like to administer pain." BC - "Where can one find one of these 'harnesses'?" MR - "Well, there used to be a large manufacturing company that was situated right next to the DZ in Pepperell, but a Neo-Nazi group that assumed patent rights from the estate of Dr. Mingela (editor's note - Dr. Mingela was the notorious Nazi doctor that did experiments on live subjects during WW2) and sued them for patent infringements. That put them out of business. It was a sad day for us all. Anyway, I've had several fabricated from plans I had stolen by one of my subjects from the FBI archives in Washington. I've even seen a few skydivers use one of them to harness a sheep. It was very effective, but the animal rights folks slapped an injunction on me and I had to stop that non-sense." BC - "Will one of those be on display at the Herd Boogie?" MR - "On display? Where are you from boy? Louisiana or something? Yes, we will put the 'harness' right in front of the Tiki Bar, but not for display. It will be used to discipline those purported hook turners and low pullers. There is only one scum lower than the BSR violaters and that is the low swoopers. For those people, we have installed a VCR right in front of the 'harness' so that they may watch themselves go low on the skydive over and over and over again while I administer the punishment from behind. It's a very effective teaching tool since they usually don't go low again (editor's note - we've interviewed such subjects and 78.2% of those surveyed don't jump again for several months after Mistress Rhonda's punishment sessions)." BC - "Mistress Rhonda, thank you for allowing this interview. I hope to see you at the Herd Boogie." MR - "Don't mention it boy. Say, you're kinda cute. Didn't I see you pull at 1,200 ft. yesterday . . .
  8. And after all, let's not forget that he died doing what he loved. I think we all can agree that skydiving is worth dying for...
  9. I'd love to see $6/gal; the drop from $3+/gal to now $1.92/gal is disgusting to me. Suffice it to say that the difference goes to asthma meds, because I can actually see the air that I breath. I am all for $10/gal; would also help a lot of ppl getting rid of excessive circumference by having to actually walk/bike. P.S.: As long as somebody can afford regular several hundred mile drives, just to endulge in skydiving on the weekends: gas prices are not nearly high enough.
  10. It might be interesting to note that as recent as 50 yrs ago, a femur fracture was a death sentence. Only about 25% of afflicts survived: embolisms, infections, you name it, you got it. It's a testament to modern medical science that "to femur" has now become a quite survivable verb.
  11. Amazing! 5000 jumps and not the hint of a clue. How did you survive this long? More importantly, why would you publicly denigrate one of the true inventors and gentleman in this sport? I just don't get it.
  12. Our Brains Strive To See Only the Good, Leading Some to God October 28, 2005; WSJ Page B1 Life is full of surprises, but it's rare to reach for a carafe of wine and find your hand clutching a bottle of milk -- and even rarer, you'd think, to react by deciding the milk was actually what you wanted all along. Yet something like that happened when scientists in Sweden asked people to choose which of two women's photos they found most attractive. After the subject made his choice, whom we'll call Beth, the experimenter turned the chosen photo face down. Sliding it across the table, he asked the subject the reasons he chose the photo he did. But the experimenter was a sleight-of-hand artist. A copy of the unchosen photo, "Grizelda," was tucked behind Beth's, so what he actually slid was the duplicate of Grizelda, palming Beth. Few subjects batted an eye. Looking at the unchosen Grizelda, they smoothly explained why they had chosen her ("She was smiling," "she looks hot"), even though they hadn't. In 1966, Time magazine asked, "Is God Dead?" Even then, the answer was no, and with the rise of religion in the public square, the question now seems ludicrous. In one of those strange-bedfellows things, it is science that is shedding light on why belief in God will never die, at least until humans evolve very different brains, brains that don't (as they did with Beth and Grizelda) interpret unexpected and even unwanted outcomes as being for the best. "Belief in God," says Daniel Gilbert, professor of psychology at Harvard University, "is compelled by the way our brains work." As shown in the Grizelda-and-Beth study, by scientists at Lund University and published this month in Science, brains have a remarkable talent for reframing suboptimal outcomes to see setbacks in the best possible light. You can see it when high-school seniors decide that colleges that rejected them really weren't much good, come to think of it. You can see it, too, in experiments where Prof. Gilbert and colleagues told female volunteers they would be working on a task that required them to have a likeable, trustworthy partner. They would get a partner randomly, by blindly choosing one of four folders, each containing a biography of a potential teammate. Unknown to the volunteers, each folder contained the same bio, describing an unlikable, untrustworthy person. The volunteers were unfazed. Reading the randomly chosen bio, they interpreted even negatives as positives. "She doesn't like people" made them think of her as "exceptionally discerning." And when they read different bios, they concluded their partner was hands-down superior. "Their brains found the most rewarding view of their circumstances," says Prof. Gilbert. The experimenter then told the volunteer that although she thought she was choosing a folder at random, in fact the experimenter had given her a subliminal message so she would pick the best possible partner. The volunteers later said they believed this lie, agreeing that the subliminal message had led them to the best folder. Having thought themselves into believing they had chosen the best teammate, they needed an explanation for their good fortune and experienced what Prof. Gilbert calls the illusion of external agency. "People don't know how good they are at finding something desirable in almost any outcome," he says. "So when there is a good outcome, they're surprised, and they conclude that someone else has engineered their fate" -- a lab's subliminal message or, in real life, God. Religion used to be ascribed to a wish to escape mortality by invoking an afterlife or to feel less alone in the world. Now, some anthropologists and psychologists suspect that religious belief is what Pascal Boyer of Washington University, St. Louis, calls in a 2003 paper "a predictable by-product of ordinary cognitive function." One of those functions is the ability to imagine what Prof. Boyer calls "nonphysically present agents." We do this all the time when we recall the past or project the future, or imagine "what if" scenarios involving others. It's not a big leap for those same brain mechanisms to imagine spirits and gods as real. Another God-producing brain quirk is that although many things can be viewed in multiple ways, the mind settles on the most rewarding. Take the Necker cube, the line drawing that shifts orientation as you stare at it. (A cool version is at If you reward someone for seeing the cube one way, however, his brain starts seeing it that way only. The cube stops flipping. There are only two ways to see a Necker cube, but loads of ways to see a hurricane or a recovery from illness. The brain "tends to search for and hold onto the most rewarding view of events, much as it does of objects," Prof. Gilbert writes on the Web site Edge. It is much more rewarding to attribute death to God's will, and to see in disasters hints of the hand of God. Prof. Gilbert once asked a religious colleague how he felt about helping to discover that people can misattribute the products of their own minds to acts of God. The reply: "I feel fine. God doesn't want us to confuse our miracles with his."
  13. Scenario: At a dropzone in the Southeastern US, a tandem passenger falls out of his harniss and to his demise (for whatever reason). The incidence happens on a Saturday and the body can't be located by law-enforcement before nightfall. Of course, this does not prevent 300+ skydivers to have a one-of-a-kind party and enjoy themselves, knowing full-well that there is the broken corpse of a man lying somewhere nearby. Question: Wouldn't it have been the morally right thing to do to immediately cancel all festivities and line up 300 ppl to search the woods? Is personal gratification and enjoyment all what the skydiving "community" is about w/ no regards whatsoever for our fellow men. Edited to take politics out of it and allow to focus on the moral dimension.
  14. One place I used to work as a TI had a prominent (but nevertheless tasteful display) of: "Tips, never expected, always appreciated!" It made a difference and netted us TIs 10 and 20ies once in a while; up from zilch before. Different place, no sign. Had a gentleman in his 50ies and we talked about the impending birth of my son on the way to altitude. After landing, he put something into the palm of hands and stated: "This is for your son." When I opened my fist, there was a $100 note. That truely meant more than I can ever express...and especially because it was not a tip for me.
  15. Ode to Rhonda: Rhonda is to manifesting (Deland, no less) what Karajan was to classical music. You have never seen somebody orchestrating three airplanes as efficiently without missing a beat! And you never will again! Of course these days, she reportedly can't even hold a tampon (different thread). But she was a Goddess in her time. P.S.: I hate cats.
  16. Dude, if Rhonda sees that, you are toast! I have known her for seven years and you are no intellectual match. Not even close or in the same galaxy. So, let's all just pray and hope that you are going to live. Best wishes, bro'. After all, you have survived 15 jumps! rude? where? quote me where i've been rude please downright hurtful? give it a rest will you...
  17. I'd rather see merge with Much more overlap...I'll draw you a Venn diagram to support the business case. I think this development is bizarre to say the least: maybe you got laid by a rockclimbing hottie ?:) And no, this is not a personal attack: just hoping for the best for you.
  18. You would have a better argument if you also had stated in your initial posting: "I am a staff member at Skydive the Farm, a business entity which is in direct competition with ASC and their respective owners." Otherwise the "rumors" seem awfully self-serving.
  19. Just checkin' and still no juicy details posted on the chutingstar web site. That's disappointing; let it all hang out, Mike! Seems that Stuart has also vacated the premises and relocated to Houston? Per your updated web site. Glad to be there! Thanks to all the friends and family who helped with the midnight move from a couple of all rock! The chutingstar web site will be updated today along with an article on why the move was made. And now...back to work.
  20. Actually, I thought Chris's were a lot smaller and more manageable anyways. More like a small B cup...:) Dive on, dude!
  21. Sorry, I forgot: the young are indestructable! P.S.: And spare me your highway comparison. You don't even have the beginnings of a clue as to what you are talking about.
  22. Lisa, I venture that I have probably seen more vaginas than you have. (Albeit admittedly, not your's. Maybe some time soon?) It was fun playing. Nevertheless, I do believe that there are places (like tongue, virginia, lip, eyebrow, etc etc.), that should not be pierced. Don't make me post medical links with all the gory details of what can go wrong. Is that because you havent seen one?
  23. Why would anyone introduce a foreign metal object into their body? You sure that you know all that there is to know...? I don't think so! P.S.: Pierced tongues are a real turn-off. Speech is slurred most of the time. Won't comment on vaginas.
  24. Rookie, great choice of nick! It basically says it all; telling from your picture you can't be much more than 16. So there is no sense, in trying to wise you beyond your years. When I was 16, I also believed that the world was just waiting for me. It ain't so... But you'll find that out soon enough...until such time, you'll be forever Rookie. The model of a selfish nation? I'm gonna have to say thats a bunch of BS. Whenever a country has a flood, typhoon, earthquake of whatever which country is it that has a fleet of cargo planes haulling ass to there disaster with food, water, medical supplies, doctors and building supplies? Oh that right it;s the US. So much for the selfish nation. When our Towers got knocked down which country sent us money? When the US has a Hurricane who sends us money or help? When California has an earthquake who sends doctors, building materials? I cant think of any. But were the selfish nation? I dont buy that one bit. I dont think so. There are people who need the assistance and that's fine. Either from illness, injury or what not they cannot work and I am all for helping them. But the guy who wanted to smoke week all through school or not go at all and drink his 40 on the weekend I have a problem with him leaching off the rest of the hard working americans. And lets not forget about the lady with 6 kids, 6 different dads and sit's around waitting for her check every month. Why is it my responsbility to support her stupid ass because she doesnt know what birth control is or better yet how to keep her legs closed? No--- I'm a realist, big difference! So you should tax the shit out of me until I'm at the level of all the deadbeats of the nation. It's hard to climb the ladder of wealth when you have someone hanging on your feet. Ok then---How about I pay for there grocery bill instead? Food is a neccessity. So what are you trying to say here? That a company shouldnt be allowed to turn a profit? I shouldnt be able to make money if someone else doesnt? What we really need is for people to stop waitting with there hands out wanting someone to give them a free ride. Other socialist nation huh. Well England's crime with guns rate has exploded because the law abiding citizens are not allowed to own one and there is a lot more to type but I think I have done enough. As for trying to compare the US to a socialist nation I would say go live there if you think it will be so great. Heard Cuba and China has great health care and welfare benefits.