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Everything posted by Scratch

  1. Did you include your dalliances with the bulls. Be honest now, it will improve your score Sometimes you're the windshield. Sometimes you're the bug ~~~~Dire Straits
  2. You two boere meisies would flash for the time of day. Sometimes you're the windshield. Sometimes you're the bug ~~~~Dire Straits
  3. The ones that scored 80% on the purity test no doubt Sometimes you're the windshield. Sometimes you're the bug ~~~~Dire Straits
  4. OoooooH Skreamer You are so Baaaaaaaaad. Remind me to never wear a wool pullover near you BTW How did SkydiveMonkey get so big. Messing with the bulls in the fields again? Sometimes you're the windshield. Sometimes you're the bug ~~~~Dire Straits
  5. I'm not surprised. The old bat has to suppliment her pension somehow
  6. Nah My Mom has him penciled in for Friday at 12. Sometimes you're the windshield. Sometimes you're the bug ~~~~Dire Straits
  7. I wish I did know it all. It would certainly help my skydiving skills. Skydiving is a cool and rather exclusive sport but if you let it define who and what you are as a person the 'god' complex will surely follow after.
  8. Next time you see somebody going off all skygoddish. Just remember "pride commeth before the fall". On the point of newbies knowing nothing useful.....bull. A beginner who has survived a high speed mal at jump ten for example knows a lot more about that situation than sombody who never had a cutaway in 1000 jumps. If they talk, you would do well to listen. IMHO
  9. 14.7% It would seem that I have been bad. Not as bad as some though. he he he he
  10. and what is wrong with 'bad'? I am quite fond of 'bad'
  11. Ooooooow Meeeeeyowwww Guess who is still in the dog box?
  12. Hey Mel Good one!!!! Stomp that foot, stomp him good. Teach the little bitch boy who his momma is Hey BTW I thought you were coming to Citrusdal?
  13. Coolest place Mmmmmm It is a toss up. I would have to say in a telephone booth while waiting for her mom to come pick us up Yes the light was not working. Yes it was a loooooog time ago. Or On the beach in the middle of a new years eve party 1998-1999. Everybody was pissed and nobody gave a s***t.
  14. 1:0:0 Not much going on at the moment. At least I am out of the dog box
  15. Scratch


    As requested Skreamer and g/f arn't they sweet?
  16. Scratch


    And what exactly is wrong with dubious agricultural hobbies??? Growing your own is a time honoured African tradition
  17. Close, not quite there yet but close
  18. Thanks 'blue. That took the pain away
  19. Bastaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaard!!!!!!
  20. You have just made a crappy day worse. Thanks.
  21. Details!!!!!!!!!!!! Where are the freaking details!!!!!!
  22. Bunch of kinky skydiving nerds with relationship issues compounded by trans species fetishes. I wonder if this is what HH had in mind when he started all of this?
  23. Only to nerds. Sounds Greek to the rest of us