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Everything posted by Scratch

  1. 4 miles Don't tease us Where are all the details????? Sometimes you're the windshield. and sometimes you're the Easter Bunny
  2. It's not that you are fat but when you lie on the beach people keep trying to drag you back into the sea. Sometimes you're the windshield. and sometimes you're the Easter Bunny
  3. The little bugger was quite agile but the basket slowed him down I bet his last thoughts were "I KNEW I should have given those people their eggs" Sometimes you're the windshield. and sometimes you're the Easter Bunny
  4. To all the guys and gals who were so cruelly neglected by the Easter Bunny this year. I got the vicious little bastard for you, I got him good. Sometimes you're the windshield. Sometimes you're the bug ~~~~Dire Straits
  5. Must be, he lived to tell the tail after all. There again, he has just got married so maybe he got mad cow disease off them goggles....your guess is as good as mine. Sometimes you're the windshield. Sometimes you're the bug ~~~~Dire Straits
  6. Coenie[my source] is an Afrikaaner. Nothing scares them. Not even the dubious travels of Skreamers goggles Sometimes you're the windshield. Sometimes you're the bug ~~~~Dire Straits
  7. WooooooooooHooooooooo I have an invitation to a three way. I have an invitation to a three way. Can I bring my g/f as well??? She does not skydive but she's a lot of fun. You will like her Sometimes you're the windshield. Sometimes you're the bug ~~~~Dire Straits
  8. Hey Remi. I have it straight from the 'horses mouth' so to speak that if a person licks Skreamers goggles in freefall he goes unstable for 2000 feet. Just some info, use it, don't use it. Sometimes you're the windshield. Sometimes you're the bug ~~~~Dire Straits
  9. Not that I know of. I just want to see the place. It is apparently very beautiful but still quite rough and wild which suits me. There again There are a hell of a lot of CASA's and Mi8's etc doing relief work up there. Pay a bush pilot enough and you never know. Skydive Maputu Sometimes you're the windshield. Sometimes you're the bug ~~~~Dire Straits
  10. Scratch

    Off to Rome!

    Ja Pa Sometimes you're the windshield. Sometimes you're the bug ~~~~Dire Straits
  11. Great thanks. I need to get out. I was thinking of Mocambique or Namibia. That AFF pic you posted swung it for me. I HAVE to see that view for myself. Sometimes you're the windshield. Sometimes you're the bug ~~~~Dire Straits
  12. Slim met jou mond ne?? Yup sit in the front row and look very carefully. BTW I am toying with the idea of doing a road trip through Namibia at the end of the year. Which towns have Dropzones? Sometimes you're the windshield. Sometimes you're the bug ~~~~Dire Straits
  13. Is there an IMAX movie theater near you? Sometimes you're the windshield. Sometimes you're the bug ~~~~Dire Straits
  14. I got some equipment you can jump if you want something new. Sometimes you're the windshield. Sometimes you're the bug ~~~~Dire Straits
  15. I did not want to appear pushy but thank you very much for the invite I am quite shy after all There again, if somebody offers you a beautifully laid out meal. Don't you take a short while to appreciate the presentation before you eat. Sometimes you're the windshield. Sometimes you're the bug ~~~~Dire Straits
  16. I wanna watch Ok if you are shy video will do Sometimes you're the windshield. Sometimes you're the bug ~~~~Dire Straits
  17. Te laat bokkie. HKGK That banging/hammering sound you hear is Sunshine assembling a gallows for your benefit Sometimes you're the windshield. Sometimes you're the bug ~~~~Dire Straits
  18. There is no better feeling than owning your own home. Congrats dude. Once you get used to the payments you will not even feel them. Sometimes you're the windshield. Sometimes you're the bug ~~~~Dire Straits
  19. Ok last nights dinner then. Lamb curry 500grams lamb shin diced Two large onions, chopped Two large tomatos, chopped Four medium sizes potatos, quartered. One heaped tablespoon curry powder or Masala of your choice. One teaspoon turmeric Two tablespoons Cider vinegar One level tablespoon Garam Masala 10 Cardamom (sp) pods One teaspoon cumin seeds 6 cloves 8 Curry leaves 3-4 sticks of cinamon 2 cloves garlic, crushed Salt to taste. Heat a splash of oil in a pot. Turn the heat up high. Fry the cardomom and cumin until the seeds start to pop. Add the onions and garlic and lightly brown them. Add the meat and brown. Add the vinegar Turn the heat to medium, add the cloves, cinemon, curry powder, turmeric. Fry for about 2 min stirring constantly. The mixture will have gone dry and be inclined to stick to the bottom of the pot. Add the tomatos and about 200mls of water. Stir some more. This will lift the stuff stuck to the bottom of the pot. Add the potatos and curry leaves. turn the heat down and simmer gently for about an hour to 90 min. A good method is cook until the potatos are soft and then add 20 min or so. Stir occasionally but not too much as you will turn the potato to mash.. Five min before you are done stir in the garam masala. Serve on a bed of Basmati rice. I usually use a pressure cooker so my cooking time is about 45min. You can sweeten the curry by adding some apricot jam or sugar if you wish. Have fun with it, cooking is an expression not a test to be passed or failed. Sometimes you're the windshield. Sometimes you're the bug ~~~~Dire Straits
  20. Bbbbbuuuuusted Sometimes you're the windshield. Sometimes you're the bug ~~~~Dire Straits
  21. ***What is the most heinous thing you have done to get in someone's pants? (Lie, cheat, steal??)['quote] Gotten her b/f drunk, passed out and out of the way. The rest was easy Before the rest of you guys and gals mug me. It was looooong ago and I have matured a little since then. That said she was soooooooooooo cute...and horny Sometimes you're the windshield. Sometimes you're the bug ~~~~Dire Straits
  22. Are you kidding. FRESH..... the dried stuff just does not cut it. Unless it's bay leaves. For some reason fresh bay leaves are useless. Oh yes and the other herb that works better dried is not for children under the age of 21 Sometimes you're the windshield. Sometimes you're the bug ~~~~Dire Straits
  23. What is this squeaking I hear in the queue behind me. Oh!! It is jtval Down boy, wait your turn. Sometimes you're the windshield. Sometimes you're the bug ~~~~Dire Straits
  24. I still have to try out the goodies....but probably. Sometimes you're the windshield. Sometimes you're the bug ~~~~Dire Straits
  25. Maybe he finds you intimidating? Sometimes you're the windshield. Sometimes you're the bug ~~~~Dire Straits