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Everything posted by TrophyHusband

  1. when i was a single man, i thought the same thing. more gay men equals less competition. "Your scrotum is quite nice" - Skymama
  2. i thought about finding a way to blame it on george bush, but most people here would likely agree with that. "Your scrotum is quite nice" - Skymama
  3. sorry, i wasn't paying attention, this fluff should be in bonfire. "Your scrotum is quite nice" - Skymama
  4. if i gather up all dirty clothes in my house once a day, i can do them all in one load. it stands to reason that if i skip a day, i will have two loads waiting for me the next day. this is not the case. if i skip one day, i will have three loads waiting for me. if i skip two days, there will be five loads waiting for me. how the fuck does this happen? is this a common ocurrance or is it some weird anomily that happens only at my geographic location? "Your scrotum is quite nice" - Skymama
  5. i actually agree with kallend anout the senate doing the right thing. (on an unralated note, a pig just flew by my window.) Whilw not all of the patriot act is bad, there are some very bad things in it. I specifically speak of the "sneak and peak". this is where a law enforcement agency can break into your home and bug it by signing there own search warrent. if this happens to you, you are also not allowed to tell anyone, not even your lawyer. this is not ok, no matter what the threat. the patriot act was a kneejerk reaction to 9/11. our lawmakers knew that at the time which is why it had an expiration date. its time to go back to the drawing board and give law enforcement the tools they need to keep us safe while preserving our civil liberties. imo, taking away rights of americans in the name of "security" is unamerican and not in keeping with the principles upon which this country was founded. "Your scrotum is quite nice" - Skymama
  6. actually only the taint burned a little. "Your scrotum is quite nice" - Skymama
  7. i feel your pain, i sometimes need to shower after a dump just to make sure everything is clean. i also rid myself of asshair once ny accident. i was using spray-on hair remover on my beanbag. the excess ran down into my crack and removed the hair there too. i didn't have the friction problems you describe, but the regrowing hair was almost unbearable. i resumed use of the mach 3 on the boys and never looked back. "Your scrotum is quite nice" - Skymama
  8. i've had the same thing happen to me. it only happens on my laptop while on my wireless net. it is always caused when the connection is lost. some web pages will still display but i think they are already on the computer. "Your scrotum is quite nice" - Skymama
  9. this is fucked up, but i opened internet explorer from the start menu and everything worked fine. i deleted the shortcut on the desktop and drug a new shortcut from the start menu and now all is good, almost. it seems that there are two different types of hard drives, and i bought the wrong one. unfortunately i already open the package so i may not be able to take it back. "Your scrotum is quite nice" - Skymama
  10. it doesn't matter why they were rioting, the fact is that they were muslims who were rioting, so it is accurate to call them rioting muslims. it is a fact, not an opinion. it is neither god or bad that they are muslims, that is just what they are. "Your scrotum is quite nice" - Skymama
  11. i took "that kind of date" to mean the kind that ends in sex, not the kind where you watch porn. as a general rule, most of jlo's movies suck. "Your scrotum is quite nice" - Skymama
  12. (No porno. It's not that kind of date. Yet. ) you're going to his place, he's cooking you dinner. it will be that kind of date. he's got home field advantage. the movie really doesn't matter as long as it doesn't really suck. stay away from anything with jlo in it. "Your scrotum is quite nice" - Skymama
  13. i don't understand the problem with the original headline. if it was muslims who were rioting, wouldn't the headline be accurate? i doubt the validity of the story, but if it was true, it is scary that a saudi prince has that much influence on an american news outlet. "Your scrotum is quite nice" - Skymama
  14. i tried that already, but meg just looked at me funny. "Your scrotum is quite nice" - Skymama
  15. i haven't tried firefox yet. i'm not ruling it out, but i want to get this problem fixed first. i just got off the phone with a friend who gave me a ration of shit about IE and told me i needed firefox. it sounded very similar to the conversations i have with my parents about their use of AOL. i'll try some more of the suggestions on here when i get a chance (juggling a 2 year old, a newborn, and a wife on maternaty leave). if all else fails, i'll back everything up on the hard drive i just bought and reload windows. come to think of it, before i do that, i'll load firefox just to see if that works. "Your scrotum is quite nice" - Skymama
  16. it won't let me re-install ie saying that a newer version is already installed. will re-installing windows erase all of my music and photos? "Your scrotum is quite nice" - Skymama
  17. how do you re-install ie? i can't find it on the disks that came with the computer. "Your scrotum is quite nice" - Skymama
  18. it comes up as site not found, same as when you type in an incorrect url or have lost your internet connection? what is firefox? "Your scrotum is quite nice" - Skymama
  19. tried it, but didn't work. "Your scrotum is quite nice" - Skymama
  20. internet explorer "Your scrotum is quite nice" - Skymama
  21. i can't access anything with HTTPS, HTTP works just fine. specifically secure bank sites and secure air force sites. "Your scrotum is quite nice" - Skymama
  22. i can't access any secure site on my desktop (anything beginning https). my laptop accesses them fine. i've scanned for viruses and spyware and found nothing. i've check my security settings and they are all either medium or default. i've checked several other things that people have taken a shot in the dark at, but this seems like a pretty specific problem with a specific solution. if you've seen this before please help me. "Your scrotum is quite nice" - Skymama
  23. bush, blair, and putin didn't sit in a secret cave somewhere and say "ok, here's the bullshit we are going to feed the world". the intelligence agencies of all three countries told the leader the same thing. bush fully believed that wmds existed, therefore he didn't lie. given this intelligence from three different sources, plus saddam wouldn't let inspectors in, plus saddam had used wmds in the past, any reasonable person would have come to the same conclusion. it is true that americans are getting fed up with the body count, but the shitty thing about war is that people die. when we become afraid to put lives on the line, our country will fall. as far as pulling out, as soon bush puts out a timeline for withdrawal, the terrorists will then just sit back and lay low until we go. we can't go until the job is done or all the lives lost will be for nothing. remember that even though you can train a security force in a relatively short period of time, is takes a while to for a strong officer corps. his rating really don't mean shit, he needs to do what he believes is right for the country and not what is popular. "Your scrotum is quite nice" - Skymama
  24. its clear from most of your posts that you are intelligent, articulate, and well informed. why must you ruin your credibility by continuing to say that bush lied? you know as well as i do that if there were the slightest shred of evidence that bush or cheney manipulated intelligence, the cries for impeachment would be deafening coming from both the left and the right. you are letting your pure hatred of bush get the better of you. 99% of the time i disagree with you, but i like reading your posts to get a different perspective of things. you make me think. hanging on to the tired old "bush lied" line diminishes my desire to listen to anything that the left has to say. "Your scrotum is quite nice" - Skymama
  25. what the fuck does ron jeremy have to do with this? "Your scrotum is quite nice" - Skymama