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Everything posted by TrophyHusband

  1. its always funny when your spouse gets shit on, but not so funny when its you that gets shit on. i have the same type of stories that have already been posted. it seems that not a day goes by that nothing gross happens. its a constant barrage of shit, puke, and snot. "Your scrotum is quite nice" - Skymama
  2. i finally finished me poker table. we played last night and i won. there are some craftsmanship issues that are appairently only noticeable to me, and i learned how not to do veneer. if i were to build another one, there are some things that i would do different, but over all, i'm very happy with it. here are some pictures. one picture is of the racetrack off of the table. the figure of the wood is absolutelty beautiful, but my photograpgy skills are too lacking to do it justice. "Your scrotum is quite nice" - Skymama
  3. talk to skinnyshrek, he can tell you how you'll feel next sunday. i may even be able to witness the amazing event in person. "Your scrotum is quite nice" - Skymama
  4. wow, it's still evening here, in fact a very good evening. "Your scrotum is quite nice" - Skymama
  5. yeah, same here. "Your scrotum is quite nice" - Skymama
  6. could be from "over the edge". i haven't seen it in a long time though, i could be wrong. "Your scrotum is quite nice" - Skymama
  7. fuck them in the ass and wipe your dick on the curtains. "Your scrotum is quite nice" - Skymama
  8. fuck, you beat me to it. and that happens to be my favorite word too. "Your scrotum is quite nice" - Skymama
  9. with the amount of uncoordination in this house, we would end up with some unintentional bondage. "Your scrotum is quite nice" - Skymama
  10. at this point, our kids are way too young to have the slightest idea. if they ever found out, it would probably haunt them for the rest of there lives. "Your scrotum is quite nice" - Skymama
  11. to steal the batteries from your children's toys to use in mommy and daddy's toys? i've never had a problem doing that, but i feel a little funny about returning them. "Your scrotum is quite nice" - Skymama
  12. very cool, but they taste horrible. "Your scrotum is quite nice" - Skymama
  13. damn you're cool! "Your scrotum is quite nice" - Skymama
  14. i agree with the importance of a good wrinkle and flaw free rail. that and clean transitions between materials make a huge difference on any project. as far as rail material goes, i just noticed something. my bar stools are covered with some sort of microfiber faux seude material. it looks good, feel good, and must be durable. my 2 year oldsits on one for 2 or 3 meals a day. one chair os constantly smeared with syrup, chocolate, ketchup, mustard and whatever else he happens to be eating. i clean it with the steam cleaner quite often and it always comes out looking brand new. if i can find some on this in a color i like, i think i'll try it. i found someone to watch my kids tomorrow, so i'll be able to get more materials and be able to resume progress. i'll take some pictures as i finish portions of it and throw them up here. thanks for the coupon tip. "Your scrotum is quite nice" - Skymama
  15. i've already cut the mdf, drilled holes, and countersunk for the screws and t-nuts. if it turns out that its too heavy and a little flimsy, i'll give it away or sell it and build another one. the thing is i bought mdf before researching it. "Your scrotum is quite nice" - Skymama
  16. thanks for the links. i have some questions about the rail. have you ever used batting? i've seen apholsterers use it when builind furniture, but i don't know why. i have some and will try it unless there's a reason i shouldn't.also, how much oversize do i cut the foam rubber? should it wrap araound onto the bottom and get stapled along with the vinyl, or should it stop at the edge of board? i'm using 1/2 inch mdf, but am now reading that it will be flimsy and that i should have used 3/4 inch ply. how fucked am i? to save weight and money, would 3/4 inch ply for the base and 1/2 inch ply for the rail, racetrack, and playing surface work? "Your scrotum is quite nice" - Skymama
  17. [replyAs far as the fake post about personal satisfaction above, it's not about retribution or revenge, it's, as BV noted, it's about removing the threat. my post wasn't fake, it was an honest assessment of how i feel. i admit that it is barbaric. i'm not the only one that feels that way, but i'll bet i'm in the minority in admitting why i lean pro death penalty. "Your scrotum is quite nice" - Skymama
  18. with a push of a button, they would be able to either amplify or silence my farts. "Your scrotum is quite nice" - Skymama
  19. this is one of those issues that i'm on the fence about. i'm pro death penalty. i get some sick sense of satifaction when people like tookie williams or ted bundy get put to death. there are several problems though. it is more expensive to put someone through appeals than to just let them sit the rest of their life. sometimes innocent people get put to death. this reason alone would make me support getting rid of it. it isn't a deterent. it does nothing to make our society better. it only satifies the bloodlust and desire for revenge of people like myself. "Your scrotum is quite nice" - Skymama
  20. it is an 84 x 42 oval, plenty big for 10 people, but since i don't know 10 people that play poker, i'm making it for 8. it will have a 4 inch padded rail and a 4 inch race track. the race track will be 8 sections of quilted maple each divided by 1/4 inch ebony inlay. cup holders are still an issue.the first problem it that i'm making it so that i can take it to anyone's house and set it on theie dining room table and play. if i had cup holders, the table would rest on them. the other problem is that i haven't found cup holders that compliment the craftsmanship of the racetrack. my idea is to make them out of wood and then ebonize them to match the inlay. building them out of wood is time consuming and i don't know yet if they would be durable enough. i'll retrofit cup holders if i figure what i want to do. i'm also banding the edge of the base that shows under the outside of the rail with walnut and ebonizing it to match the inlay. i'm not sure yet about a decorative inlay there yet. i intend to use velveteen for the playing surface. i'm not sure of the color yet. i want to go to the fabric store and pick colors for the velveteen and vinyl at the same time to make sure they look good together. "Your scrotum is quite nice" - Skymama
  21. I just started building one today. I've tapped out the resouces of my small town and have to wait until i can go to boise on friday to do any more. "Your scrotum is quite nice" - Skymama
  22. i see it happen all the time at the dz. someone closes someone elses rig for no reason, a rigger attatches soft links for no charge, a group of up jumpers invites a low timer on their jump, someone fixes a broken camera switch, someone not on staff greats you in the landing area, takes your tandem rig and points you towards your next student. little things like this happen every day and they are paid forward without thought, as it should be. "Your scrotum is quite nice" - Skymama
  23. 20-17 doesn't really qualify as an ass kicking, only a win. october was a long time ago and seattle has done nothing but get stronger. "Your scrotum is quite nice" - Skymama
  24. think again, seahawks will dominate next week! "Your scrotum is quite nice" - Skymama
  25. i got xm over 2 years ago because i couldn't tell the difference between the two and xm seemed to have their shit together more. now i kinda regret it. i don't care about the music because i have all the commercial free music i want on my ipod. i like talk radio. specifically i like howard stern type talk radio. unfortunatly xm has opie and anthony and ron and fez. while ron and fez are good, o and a suck. i would switch but for 2 reasons, first and foremost, i don't want to make the investment in the equipment again. second, the 2 year subscription i paid for in the beginning ran out in september, but my radio still works and they haven't charged my credit card again. if they ever figure it out and start cgarging me, i'll switch. i'll also switch if sirius offers to trade xm equipment for their equipment. "Your scrotum is quite nice" - Skymama