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Everything posted by Bouda

  1. players are the frat assholes that think they are cool because they are in a frat and treat girls like crap. or they want to be black guys around here where everone watches a snoop dogg video and thinks they are pimps. i used to have a bunch of female friends all very atractive. My other guy friends thought i was an asshole cause i won't hook them up. I would tell them to hook them selves up. Course they would screw that up. If you talk to multiple girls in a night and keep interest and the whole time you aren't staring at her ass or something then you might not be a player. oh yeah stop dressing like the guys from queer eye Look what i made at work today mom!! Put it on the fridge
  2. yeah good ideas well mostly he is like a person that just gets an idea and comes up with the rest 3/4 the way Look what i made at work today mom!! Put it on the fridge
  3. makes me want to start a village just to scare the shit out of people i think Ivy's medical list said band aids and hydrogen perxiode Look what i made at work today mom!! Put it on the fridge
  4. i do agree to that it leaves you guessing sorta like the ring did Look what i made at work today mom!! Put it on the fridge
  5. i liked it cause alot of the movies that are coming out nowa days are to perdictable. that one kept me guessing. in the very begining when they had the grave stone i thought it said 1997 or something to that. plus if you noticed that the security guards hat said Walker or what ever the blind girls last name was so i guess they had it set up as a national wildlife thing so no one would bother them plus so they couldn't have anything fly over and see they were there. i am guessing that the whole village was known about by some outsiders but only higher ups in the company that maintained it. and the only reason Ivy was allowed out is due to the fact she was blind and couldn't tell the others what she saw. also but killin Noah she could keep the others believing that the things they didn't speak of were real Look what i made at work today mom!! Put it on the fridge
  6. i think i got it but not sure. after a few people post i'll give you my thoughts on it Look what i made at work today mom!! Put it on the fridge
  7. Bouda


    isn't it great that at our ages we still like cartoons Look what i made at work today mom!! Put it on the fridge
  8. Bouda


    ok i can't say i know scrat by name so which character would that be? Look what i made at work today mom!! Put it on the fridge
  9. well sorta but someone will mess it up for everyone else. "oh well osifer i just bought dis wine from da wooman at dat resturant down da street der i swear i didn't drive and drive. look the cork is in it." written in the drunk language Look what i made at work today mom!! Put it on the fridge
  10. 0/5/3 G/F came down so i stayed home Look what i made at work today mom!! Put it on the fridge
  11. well you could make a world sorta like on the movie the village Look what i made at work today mom!! Put it on the fridge
  12. grats Look what i made at work today mom!! Put it on the fridge
  13. you guys must kill yourselfs on dates "hey girl rememer those pencisl you had in grade school? well it is about that thick and we a third the length wanna date Look what i made at work today mom!! Put it on the fridge
  14. can i get a tender crisp chicken sandwich plain Look what i made at work today mom!! Put it on the fridge
  15. well they say bad things happen in threes so that should mean some good luck for you Look what i made at work today mom!! Put it on the fridge
  16. I realize it's your tag line, but it sure makes me NOT want to go to your site to see what I find Wendy W. heheh i can see what you mean looks nasty but if thats what it was i would just put hey come check out my penis but no worries nothing like that on my site it is safe Look what i made at work today mom!! Put it on the fridge
  17. well i have both length and girth Look what i made at work today mom!! Put it on the fridge
  18. Bouda

    My New Fast Toy

    you paid an ass load of money for a bike you can't even go down curbs with? Look what i made at work today mom!! Put it on the fridge
  19. plus if you ever use the video on anything but a personal lvl you could be sued. so i would get something a little more orginal Look what i made at work today mom!! Put it on the fridge
  20. lol Look what i made at work today mom!! Put it on the fridge
  21. Bouda

    My New Fast Toy

    yeah that is a very nice looking bike. have you takin it off any sweat jumps Look what i made at work today mom!! Put it on the fridge
  22. thingamagig= anything that has a name that you just can't think of Look what i made at work today mom!! Put it on the fridge
  23. a smart good looking girl who can laugh with you. does have selfasteam problems one that wears no makeup unless going somewhere that is important. will wear her hair back in a ponytail. well those are some of the things Look what i made at work today mom!! Put it on the fridge
  24. Bouda

    The List

    Vanillasky are you doing the spanking? if so put me on the list twice Look what i made at work today mom!! Put it on the fridge
  25. hey fucker try hittin me now Look what i made at work today mom!! Put it on the fridge