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Everything posted by Skolls081102

  1. Watch where you hook up your RSL. Frenchy- you gotta know I haven't jumped yet- so I don't know what an RSL is.... Damn I gotta do more reading...
  2. I've actually done it three times. Left one first- had to take it out due to the fact that it wouldn't heal. Then the right one, and then the left again. Same issue, they just wouldn't heal- but I have a better piercer now, so I was thinking about doing it again. Although, I don't think they would feel to good rubbing against the harness during deployment The sole intention, is learning to fly.Condition grounded, but determined to try.Can't keep my eyes from the circling skies.Tongue tied and twisted, just an Earth bound misfit.
  3. At my wedding- my MC made me due a strip tease (I didn't take anything off, but I did have to shake it) to that song, just to get the garter off of my wife. It was friggin hilarious. The sole intention, is learning to fly.Condition grounded, but determined to try.Can't keep my eyes from the circling skies.Tongue tied and twisted, just an Earth bound misfit.
  4. Right along those lines- Michael Rode His Boat Ashore!!! The sole intention, is learning to fly.Condition grounded, but determined to try.Can't keep my eyes from the circling skies.Tongue tied and twisted, just an Earth bound misfit.
  5. Alright, it's way out of season for this song, but it would be horrible to strip to- Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer! The sole intention, is learning to fly.Condition grounded, but determined to try.Can't keep my eyes from the circling skies.Tongue tied and twisted, just an Earth bound misfit.
  6. Ow! That's just wrong. The sole intention, is learning to fly.Condition grounded, but determined to try.Can't keep my eyes from the circling skies.Tongue tied and twisted, just an Earth bound misfit.
  7. What the shit was that? I couldn't stop laughing, but I have no idea what i was laughing about!!! I don't know if I should rank that as one of the cooler things I've seen, or the stupidest.... I'm going to watch it again....... The sole intention, is learning to fly.Condition grounded, but determined to try.Can't keep my eyes from the circling skies.Tongue tied and twisted, just an Earth bound misfit.
  8. Thanks everyone. I really appreciate the welcoming I'm getting. I can't wait to meet you guys and check everything out. I'm still trying to talk my wife into coming with me, but she's having none of it...Oh well, her loss.
  9. Jackass!!!!! I wonder if he lived? The sole intention, is learning to fly.Condition grounded, but determined to try.Can't keep my eyes from the circling skies.Tongue tied and twisted, just an Earth bound misfit.
  10. Hey, I'm a newbie, so don't listen to me!!!! Does this happen often hear )spelling?) The sole intention, is learning to fly.Condition grounded, but determined to try.Can't keep my eyes from the circling skies.Tongue tied and twisted, just an Earth bound misfit.
  11. I wouldn't be embarassed talking to anyone- but exactly how would I find either you, or one of your cooler friends? I'm sure there is going to be a ton of people there...and seeing as how I've never met any of you, it might be hard to pick you out of a crowd. And I'm glad that I'm being considered "almost not a whuffo." I know why I want to jump out of an airplane. And I can;t wait to do it.
  12. I know how you feel. By the time I leave for work, do my 8 1/2 hours, then drive home, there's usually like 50-60 new threads. I need to get a new job..... The sole intention, is learning to fly.Condition grounded, but determined to try.Can't keep my eyes from the circling skies.Tongue tied and twisted, just an Earth bound misfit.
  13. Hey guys )and gals) It actually looks like my manager is going to give me an extra day off so I can go to the season opener. So what time do things start to get going there (and what would be a good time for me, being that I'm just coming to check everything out, to get there? I don't want to be in the way or anything. And if anyone feels like meeting up with me when I get there, I would greatly appreciate it. I can be rather shy when going to an event and meeting a hole bunch of new people. I can't seem to talk any of my friends into coming out with me, so it looks like I might be coming alone. Thanks again everyone. The sole intention, is learning to fly.Condition grounded, but determined to try.Can't keep my eyes from the circling skies.Tongue tied and twisted, just an Earth bound misfit.
  14. It's about time someone with authority told parents to be PARENTS!!!!! Just because you don't like what's on the TV doesn't mean that I don't like it. Let me enjoy my filth in peace.... The sole intention, is learning to fly.Condition grounded, but determined to try.Can't keep my eyes from the circling skies.Tongue tied and twisted, just an Earth bound misfit.
  15. Thanks again for the info. I appreciate it. And again, real nice work. The sole intention, is learning to fly.Condition grounded, but determined to try.Can't keep my eyes from the circling skies.Tongue tied and twisted, just an Earth bound misfit.
  16. Ahhhh....thank you for the info. Is that the logo for PD on the canopy, or did you have that added? The sole intention, is learning to fly.Condition grounded, but determined to try.Can't keep my eyes from the circling skies.Tongue tied and twisted, just an Earth bound misfit.
  17. See now thats what I'm talking about!!!! That cannot feel good...that thing was rapping all the way around the back.....damn that had to hurt. The sole intention, is learning to fly.Condition grounded, but determined to try.Can't keep my eyes from the circling skies.Tongue tied and twisted, just an Earth bound misfit.
  18. It's a damn nice looking container. And sorry for the newbieism again...but, PD? The sole intention, is learning to fly.Condition grounded, but determined to try.Can't keep my eyes from the circling skies.Tongue tied and twisted, just an Earth bound misfit.
  19. Hate to ask the newbie question actually built the rig yourself? What company is the canopy from? Sorry..... The sole intention, is learning to fly.Condition grounded, but determined to try.Can't keep my eyes from the circling skies.Tongue tied and twisted, just an Earth bound misfit.
  20. Care to give an example? The sole intention, is learning to fly.Condition grounded, but determined to try.Can't keep my eyes from the circling skies.Tongue tied and twisted, just an Earth bound misfit.
  21. BOOBIES......BOOBIES.....BOOBIES.....BOOBIES..... There- did that help at all? The sole intention, is learning to fly.Condition grounded, but determined to try.Can't keep my eyes from the circling skies.Tongue tied and twisted, just an Earth bound misfit.
  22. Alright- seriouslt- Tonto was the only person to respond to my question...I am suprised. There has got to be some horror stories of men getting their "stuff" really hurting on a nekkid dive. I just can't see it not hurting. Anyone else care to shed some light on this? And the women too...I'm sure it can't feel good have your breasts slapping together at 120 mph. The sole intention, is learning to fly.Condition grounded, but determined to try.Can't keep my eyes from the circling skies.Tongue tied and twisted, just an Earth bound misfit.
  23. Hey Frenchy- if I get her at Crosskeys, do I get the free jump ticket? It would be my first tandem jump....
  24. ***This shall be a well coordinated attack from multiple angles. The question is, who will get there first to collect their jump ticket from Frenchy.*** Ya know, she did say that she might come out to Crosskeys this weekend to escape everyone else. Maybe I'll call out of work so I can get her (sorry weegirl) Then again- I doubt Frenchy would be willing to pay for my first jump ticket (my first tandem)....Oh well.... The sole intention, is learning to fly.Condition grounded, but determined to try.Can't keep my eyes from the circling skies.Tongue tied and twisted, just an Earth bound misfit.
  25. Ok, I didn't want to hijack a thread, so I just figured I'd start this one. As some of you know, I have yet to jump- so whilst I wait to lose weight, I am trying to educate myself by reading as much as I can about skydiving. This pie thing is a tad confusing.... When do people get pied? (As in for what reason- and is there more than one reason why someone would get pied?) Whom does the pieing? Exactly what is in this pie? And, do you get pied with your gear on? (Seems like I wouldn't want to get gear that cost a few thousand dollars all messed up with pie....