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Everything posted by CygnusX-1

  1. Sure go here: That's where I got my nice shiny red and black low profile D ring emergency handles.
  2. +1 Family orientated DZs are on my "Dropzones to avoid" list.
  3. Yea, I'm in a song for the first time! I, of course, will require my standard royalty of free back stage passes to any concert you have in Florida. Too bad I'm at work and can't listen to it here.
  4. Ok, I haven't read a lot of your posts so you may have stated it in another thread. I think the best way to start off a rational conversation is to answer this one simple question. Why do you want a Katana? I'm not going to make this into a multiple choice type of question by giving my opinions about why someone would want a katana. I and probably everyone else here would like to know what it is about a katana that makes it the perfect canopy for you. Tell us exactly why you think a katana is a better choice for you than any other canopy. If you don't want to hear scare tactics or generalizations about what could happen, then we need to know what it is about your chosen canopy or your chosen size that makes you think the canopy is right for you.
  5. LMAO Next time I buy a canopy from PD, I'll be sure to ask if it will be sewn together. Or if I will get the panels with "some assembly required."
  6. Then maybe you want to take up paragliding or handgliding. The more you get into the sport, skydiving becomes less and less about flying the parachute around (unless you get into swooping - but that's not really what I think of as "flying" its more of "landing"). And freefall is more about building formations than it is flying around solo. Of course you have wingsuit, but I've never done that so I can't comment.
  7. I totally agree. And I'm sure quite a few people also agree with this and therefore why it is probably impossible to raise the money to preform the stunt. If you can't produce enough lift to land on flat terrain or slightly downhill, whats the point? You're not really landing the wingsuit. I always wondered why you wouldn't just find a mountain slope that had a reasonable drop. Try to learn to fly the wingsuit to match that slope. Then wait for winter (snow cover) attach on some skis to your belly and land. That at least would impress me a little bit. And I'm sure it would cost significantly less money. And of course more dangerous as your screaming down the hill head first until you slow down.
  8. You can only be one of the truly cool kids if everything matches - container, jumpsuit, helmet, canopy, even reserve, altimeter, shoes, and hair color.
  9. Since no one else has taken the bait, I'll chomp down on the hook with the worm on it. How do you prepare yourself before a jump? I put on my jumpsuit, rig, helmet, etc. Wander aimlessly around for a while and wonder why manifest called "5 minutes to boarding" about 8 minutes ago. Whats the most nervous thing? After the freefall portion of the jump, reaching back and wondering how hard of a pull the pilot chute will be this time. whats the most exciting thing? Landing and knowing that you completed everything you set out to do on that dive and did it the best you could within your abilities. what's the process like before you take off? See question 1 followed by... Climbing into the back of a plane. Finding a seat sometimes on the floor. Buckling the seat belt. Hoping that "that 105 kg" guy with the big 230 main container doesn't sit right in front of you. Realizing that he is going to sit in front of you and squish you between him and the guy behind you. Wonder why it's so freaking hot in the plane in the middle of summer. And finely understanding why sardines are dead before they get put into the can. What do you think of just before you take a step out? UP - DOWN - OUT or READY - SET - GO what's the feeling like? It is different for everybody - only you can answer that. what does it feel like when you land? See above question. how would you describe the experience with 5 keywords exhilarating, simple, challenging, addicting, multifaceted please share any experience, feeling or knowledge Why is it that skydiving should be something that is so simple is really the hardest thing you can ever do.
  10. Ya, I knew it was one of those F'in
  11. No but didn't the FTC FCC (our government) threaten to fine the stations and/or broadcasters? I don't recall the specifics of the case and am too lazy (read: don't care) to look it up. Or was this a purely public outcry without the use and/or threat from the FTC FCC that got him fired. All I remember is a little thing about a super bowl half time show, CBS, FTC FCC, Janet Jackson, and something about a wardrobe malfunction. And I didn't even get to see it. edited because I don't know all of our federal commissions off the top of my head
  12. Just an FYI, Kim doesn't work at PD anymore. As I know nothing about the decision to let her go, I can't comment on why or what the status is of the demo program.
  13. One thing to keep in mind is that SDU is offering FREE coaching on Thurs nights at Sky Venture Orlando.
  14. That's the whole purpose of ISO certification. It's there to try to convince the (for lack of a better word) uneducated masses that this company is better than the rest. It really means nothing. The company I work for has ISO certification. All it means is that we follow the processes that we wrote. There is no external rules, regulations, code of conduct that we must follow. It's like this: I could write a process that says I must produce a widget with a failure rate of no less than 95%. As long as I follow the process, I can get ISO certified. Even though my widgets that I'm making and selling only work 5% of the time. BTW, this is me agreeing with you Remster...
  15. Another option would be to have that image "silkscreened" onto a piece of fabric. Then have UPT sew that fabric onto whatever panel you wanted to have the embroidery on. I'm not sure how this may effect the certification of the rig. But it would be a way for you to get all of the shades and it would look just like you wanted. To clarify, I'm not suggesting that the panel be replaced with the silkscreened fabric. Just sew this fabric on top of the existing panel.
  16. Sewing magnetics into your slider might make the slider stick together when you quarter it and pack it up. It probably wouldn't be that big of a deal on opening, but you never know.
  17. Lead is a non-ferrous metal so it (probably?) won't be picked up by walk through scanners. However if you were ever caught by a TSA person trying to "smuggle" lead shot through security, I would not expect to make it to your flight on time.
  18. Really? When did we start building train tracks in the Pacific ocean? And do conductors and crew have to hold their breath the whole time they are under water? I say the trains will never meet. Oh and for that other thing - the night jumps. Never done one and have no real desire to either.
  19. Anyone ever stop to think that the only reason that they want USPA sanctioned jumps is so that they can cash into the USPA insurance if something goes wrong? My guess is that you can't collect on the insurance if the USPA does not sanction your jump.
  20. Or just talk directly to Kim to set something up;
  21. It was a lot of fun - SDU should do it again. From my perspective, the comp ran very smoothly and I wanted to make a public thank you to Kim for all the work she did. I saw her run around almost continuously making sure things were happening, judging, greeting people, and presenting awards. Your efforts were not lost on some of us. Thank you, get some rest, and do it again real soon!
  22. You can do tracking in the tunnel. All you need is a coach who will hold you by your shoulders. I've done it several times. It also gives you instant feedback as to what body position gives you the most forward movement by the pressure on your shoulders. Personally, I steer with my feet. Small movements from the symmetrical are all that is needed to make heading changes.
  23. If it was "too good to say no", then I say turn right around and sell it for a nice profit. Just because you have it does not mean you have to jump it. This could be a good way to earn some extra money for jumping.