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Everything posted by JaapSuter

  1. And because saying you got BASE gets you hot chicks dudes! I mean take a look at the hotties hot studs that Abbie has gotten.
  2. Or a bucket full of luck... Show me a thousand jumps from a hundred objects, and I'll compliment your ability to negotiate a wide variety of risks. Until then, the best we can do is assume, and hope for the best. In a way, getting your BASE number in 27 jumps might just be a great strategy. Spreading your risk over the least amount of jumps can be a life saver. That begs the question, maybe we're better of skipping skydives all together, and getting our BASE numbers in just four jumps. For the record, I got my BASE number in only 39 jumps, so I'm no better. Sarcasm.... out.
  3. I don't know about Carl Boenish, but I recently did an extremely long static-line at a local terminal wall. When I finally rapelled to the ground, it turned out I didn't even need a canopy anymore. Sorry, couldn't resist ....
  4. "Awesome, schedule your course and I'll ship the rig to Jimmy so you can borrow it for free during the course. Afterwards, I'll talk to Jimmy and decide on whether or not I'll sell it to you. Meanwhile, try finding a mentor in whatever area you consider home."
  5. Does anybody have any experience with this camera? User reviews online seem mixed so far. Generally JVC is not known for its quality, but this thing looks pretty sweet. It's 3-CCD (albeit a poor one), and allows recording to Flash SD cards (as well as microdrives). SD recording doesn't care about shocks and vibrations, so it'd be great for BASE and skydiving. It also has a great size and shape for helmet top-mounting. Any opinions? Thanks, Jaap
  6. So true, so true... Unfortunately it's not helping with the ladies. It's great for job searching though. Apparently people think BASE jumpers have qualities that are cross over into other areas of life; Like temporary insanity...
  7. Don't think the older generation didn't bask in the glory. Remember that Carl Boenish didn't even jump himself when he first ascended that big cliff in California; he was too busy filming others. There are plenty of people that jump of other people's balconies after asking permission. There are also a few who have jumped cranes with permission. One particular case in Atlanta comes to mind...
  8. Hey Walt, Do you mind if I copy this one into the story section of BASE WIKI? Thanks! Jaap Suter
  9. In my opinion having 14 jumps makes you a dumb ass already, but that comes from a guy who's hoping that his best friends will piss on his grave and nominate him for a Darwin when he smokes in BASE jumping.... Don't ever forget that we're really just a bunch of monkeys having a good time...
  10. I want to stress very clearly that I never called the deceased a dumb ass. In the hypothetical scenario where somebody would do rope work in 109 mph winds, I would lean towards an assesment that indicates poor risk managment. However, I do not have sufficient facts to see how close the actual event is to the above mentioned hypothetical scenario. So let's refrain from calling people dumb-asses.
  11. Doesn't that information turn a sad fatality into a nomination for a Darwin award? Don't get me wrong, it still sucks. I don't have sufficient nor reliable information, but doing rope work in 109 mph gusts can be considered poor risk management.
  12. Fuckin' eh... ....fuckin' eh...
  13. JaapSuter


    What kind of anti-radical stance is that? Real huckers land in the tranny of the next jump below the one you're taking off from...
  14. Nope. I'm only a little kid, but I couldn't agree more.
  15. I felt like that recently after visiting some UK jumpers.
  16. Yeah, I hear ya. I need to stop doing that. I rarely listen to Saybia, Dredg, Jeff Buckley, Keane or Coldplay these days. Mmmm, come to think of it; maybe I should grab Saybia again, it's been a while. James Blunt eh? I'll have to look into that!
  17. Any Damien Rice fans here? I've been listening to 'The Professor' over and over again. I can't get enough of it. Le fille dance... (insert romantic smiley here)
  18. Glad to hear you're still alive. Now hurry up and move your ass to Vancouver. We need somebody experienced with Ontarian winters to get our lazy asses into gear and jump in the cold. Did a jump in -1C/29F last week, I'm sure that's warm for you...
  19. Can you tell your friend to get in touch with me?
  20. I was recently told about something called "skydiving". Apparently you can pay money and somebody takes you up in a plane and then you can jump out of it. The guy even assured me it was legal, and the chances of object strike were minimal. Crazy...
  21. Interesting, I've recently wondered about this after seeing the footage. Do you know anything about the decision making process that led to this? Is there a BD playbook that handles such a situation? How many people decided to stop jumping for the day? I'm not implying it was the wrong decision; I can see arguments either way. I'm just curious. Thanks, Jaap
  22. Just got home... No jumping, but proper drinking. Thanks guys! Great to see you. My contribution to a 9 AM meeting the next day was not very useful. Next round is at my place!
  23. More meetings tonight unfortunately. I'm caught up from 8 AM till 11 PM. Tomorrow is the plan! I'm grabbing the train from Guildford to London probably around 6 PM. The plan from there is to jump, drink and then get the Sultan of Brunei to pay for strippers. Can't wait!
  24. Fuck, way to up the pressure there guys... I'm seriously caught up in work here, being in meetings all day long, since I got here, till I'm leaving. I've talked to Evil Ivan earlier today though and it appears we'll be hooking up on Thursday. If somebody has a 240/60/80 for me that I can pack myself and an object that is forgiving as far as forward speed goes (span, overhanging antenna or antenna with massive tailwind), you might be able to pursuade me into killing myself. I'd love to get a jump in with you tossers! Reaching me is pretty hard. I'm only able to check my email about twice a day here. My cellphone doesn't work here unfortunately. Anyway, it appears Evil Ivan is coming up with a master plan for Thursday, so I'm looking forward to drinking and maybe jumping with you guys. I haven't even met you fuckers, and I'm already overwhelmed by the hospitality. I just turned on the TV and both BBC 1 and 2 were running adds: "Have you seen this Canadian BASE jumper? We want to buy him beer!" Incredible...
  25. JaapSuter

    Turkey Jumps

    Only morons jump in fog like that. I'm still picking branches out of my canopy...