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Everything posted by packing_jarrett

  1. Vectors with precision mains are always pro packed. Strong with set 400's are "supposed" to be roll packed like it says in the manual but we also pro pack them. My dads racer tandem with a flight concepts 9 cell reserve (used as a main) is flat packed. Hope that helps
  2. because when using these "short-recovery" canopies you have to be dead-on to have a decent swoop.Quote I believe I learned how to swoop with some of the shortest recovery canopies out there, batwing and stiletto's............uuuuuh. I had something important to say but I forgot. Oh I also learned how to do my thing under my sabre 135. Which has a longer recovery arc then my stiletto 120 IMO. After going to a crossfire 99 which has a long recovery arc relatively speaking I found it much easier to get my initiating altitudes right. But wait! Just for shits and giggles when I jumped my sabre 135 I was really having fun with it. I immidietly started getting back into the groove of that. My reasoning like stu said is that if you learn on the shortest recovery arc then the longer recoverying canopies give more room for error when trying new things. Did I say that right??? Na' Cho' Cheese
  3. dude thats pretty fucked up. Its not your fault that you can't physicaly make him stay out of your dive. Except make him go before you. Dude I'd be pissed. my .02 Na' Cho' Cheese
  4. is there a website? Na' Cho' Cheese
  5. 1 casa 2otters 1porter 1 soloy conversion 207 Na' Cho' Cheese
  6. I have a black belt. TKD ata. It took me from 5-10 years old. Na' Cho' Cheese
  7. Octupus. Do I need to say more? Na' Cho' Cheese
  8. IMO the racer *gasp* seems to be the slimmest/contoured container out there. My dads racer nos is a lot thiner and sits more in the back than my buddys mirage MZS which holds 69 sq ft less material. All the "other" containers sit way off your back, relatively speaking. my .02 Na' Cho' Cheese
  9. slotperfect billvon loudiamond skymonkeyone imgr2 fields mark Andrewwhyte bbarnhouse chutingstar tonyt raefordite vidiot(?) riggerrob packing_jarrett brettpobastad I can't wait. Will jumpshack be there again? Na' Cho' Cheese
  10. DUDE! Did I get ripped off?? I spent $500 for an S1. Had 15 jumps. What do s1 run for these days?... well I guess 200 bucks. That sounds like a good deal. Na' Cho' Cheese
  11. YEAH!EAH! Made my first tandem when I was 9 Started doing the static line when I turned 14. Now I'm 15 with like 350. So I'm going to say 14. Mullins started extremely young. I asked Zach and he said he started when he was 11 Na' Cho' Cheese
  12. Dude you stole my sig line idea man! Na' Cho' Cheese
  13. First of all tell the pilot what your up to before doing anything dealing with the airplane itself. But when I was into the bathangs I told the pilot to pick up the airspeed which pretter much glued my feet to the leading edge. Na' Cho' Cheese
  14. Ah they don't have 4 flaps anymore. We're were packing the 2k3 style and it has 5 flaps. Like 2 bottom flaps. It seems worthless imo. It worked just fine with the 4 flaps. Na' Cho' Cheese
  15. HA! we have a corsair for sale $375. Its pretty crappy, and I can't put it around my shoulders its so uncomfortable. As for others I'm going to have to order a new power racer farely soon and use my other racer for just my wingsuit. Na' Cho' Cheese
  16. probably fit tight. Do-able but tight. Na' Cho' Cheese
  17. DUDE! PLEASE! I didn't forget anything. Actually I did forget regular Javelins. I'm not including tandem rigs. If you want I have the OTHER option. I can't change the options so moderators if you can, add javelin in there. please Na' Cho' Cheese
  18. This is a post that everyone can participate. Which containers do you own. Edit: post pics if you have them if this has been done before can you post link please. Na' Cho' Cheese
  19. YES! Finally got a picture of me! Usually I do all the video. Man I'm stoked. Na' Cho' Cheese
  20. I'll vouch for someone at the dz who doesnt get on here. He has 50 or 60 aff jumps and still hasn't gotten on solo status. I think he's on level 4. on the other side of training... I got off student status in 20 static line jumps Na' Cho' Cheese
  21. I have one and you can't have it Dude, try ebay Na' Cho' Cheese
  22. DUDE! I like it when all goes well A few months ago we had a guy doing a Skysurf Jump and had a malfunction at 5500 and his freebag and main landed on out hangar. Not the neighbors roof but out roof. It was easy to find :) but hard to get. Na' Cho' Cheese
  23. All of the sudden I'm making wierd faces when I swoop. When I start to turn= When I'm on the rears= When I transition to toggles= When I come to a stop= Na' Cho' Cheese
  24. If I was you: Get through your training Listen to your instructors. Buy a racer 350cu''/350cu'' Cypres/ Vigil PDR 160 borrow gear until you can safely jump a sabre2/ safire 150 Na' Cho' Cheese
  25. Yeah dude they worked out nice. My first jumps with a gti had you wing grippers so I decided to go with grippers again. Like on jump 5 or 6 I decided to try not to use them and it felt wierd. I really like them. Thanks. Na' Cho' Cheese