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Everything posted by BDashe

  1. yyyyyyup, now kick yourself in the nuts, put some soap in your eyes, rip your shirt, drink a bottle of cheap rum, go to the nearest strip club and demand the champagne room. Strippers love homeless guys. now, wipe the sand out of your vagina, and follow this instructional video: "You’re talkin’ to me about stuff…why? I’d rather see your titties." "No I don’t have feelings cause feelings are gay." So there I was... Making friends and playing nice since 1983
  2. I've got a 163 or 165 wide (dont remember) im debating tuning up or selling and getting all new sh*t including boots/bindings. I'll know in the next couple weeks. I'm 6'1 and use size 12 boots. perfect sized board for me for all mountain stuff. I would love to see a 5'3 chick on a 165, must float over the pow. So there I was... Making friends and playing nice since 1983
  3. Here is the deal. Liberals have great ideas, their principals are morally sound. It is very easy to sell the principals of the democratic party because everybody has wants/needs. Almost all needs must be paid for. Now, the problem is you have to DO something to get the basics in life vs. just existing. Taking care of the basics in life truly doesnt take much effort. So back to the Dems having great ideas. The problem is, the way government works, there is no way to justifiably pay for all the 'programs' that will likely fail miserably at the leadership of a bunch of bureaucrats. The only reason why you can consider me 'right wing' is because at least the right wing recognizes that all bureaucrats, even themselves, can hardly do anything right so we should only fund the necessary programs. Now, feel free to pick that apart and show me all the ridiculous programs righties have voted for, but my point remains valid. In general, left = more programs that will fail miserably, Right = less programs that will fail miserably strictly because there are less programs to fail. so, your 'meaningful reform' is sure a great idea, but it is destined to fail miserably or operate in the most inefficient manner possible simply because the government is running it. That's called realist vs. idealist. Free everything sounds amazing, but it'll never work. it's hard being on the naysayer side because the opposition makes soda in the water fountains sound so darn easy and great, especially with the current person who is selling it. Sucks, cuz it's gonna take a few years for reality to sink in. So there I was... Making friends and playing nice since 1983
  4. Flying in my citation X to my beach house in Kona where my 50' sportfish is anchored. ...Oh wait... this isn't what i would do if i was rich? So there I was... Making friends and playing nice since 1983
  5. I got a few of em. My dad and I are gonna use them as clay pigeons when we to to TN for Thanksgiving
  6. I've used my cell phone for a phone call (at that time it was a blackberry pearl) above 10,000 feet descending into Kona, Hawaii in the middle of the pacific. My guess is I was between 12-14000 feet at over 300 kts... again, in the middle of the pacific ocean. So there I was... Making friends and playing nice since 1983
  7. Our 'engineers' (handy-men) have starting salaries of just under $40 per hour, not including overtime or graveyard. Same price for the touch-up painters. Our bussers ear $18 per hour plus tip-outs, dishwaers are $20 per hour. We had waste management strikes a couple years back- the trashmen earn salaries in the 75-85K range PLUS benefits. The BART train operators earn 63-75K annually + benefits. The best part? THEY ALL THINK THEY ARE UNDERPAID. The average manager at my property (1900+ guestrooms, we do over 120 million annually on average) makes between 45-55K... Welcome to the way the world works now. Dock workers get paid six figures now, and we wonder why we can't compete with the global market, the rest of the world ISN'T insane like our workforce. end rant Brett So there I was... Making friends and playing nice since 1983
  8. "you hate the 40 hour work week, paid overtime, civil rights, the ability to join a union, paid holidays, and all that other offensive liberal crap that has taken over" Yyyyyyyyyyyup! When our dishwashers, bussers, and touch up painters all get paid more than the majority of management, things have gone too far. But I digress... Obama for president of the world! So there I was... Making friends and playing nice since 1983
  9. hotels, we're always open, even in sales. i got the 4th of july off and memorial day so far this year. i think our office is closed thanksgiving and xmas. So generous! So there I was... Making friends and playing nice since 1983
  10. you for parroting me. I don't think Americans get how sick the rest of the world is of us. You have the US at 4% of the world, 2% are conservatives, so that measn 98% of the world disagrees with conservative US Americans with the exception of a few Britts and others. I think it's easily 90% of the world disagrees with that the US has been doing and wants a change. Obama is that change and they are encouraging the US by promoting Obama via Nobel. Questioning it and calling it stupid makes as much sense as wondering why the R's chose Palin. Dude, seriously? There are about 30,000 skydivers in the US, so 99.99% of people in the US dislike skydiving. Talk about apples to freaking watermelons. By your logic, 98% of the world also disagrees with liberal Americans. I just think it is absolutley gut busting hysterical that you try to link the Norwegian Nobel Committee to the American tax structure. Blinders much? Hey, at least you're focused. You should review the film Office Space, they have an excellent product in there that'd be a great gift idea you can send to your family- a jump to conclusions mat. edit: "I think it's easily 90% of the world disagrees with what the US has been doing and wants a change." Excellent statistic you grabbed from thin air as well, btw. Who gave you that buzz word 'change?' So there I was... Making friends and playing nice since 1983
  11. Ahhhh, I get it now! The nobel peace prize is there to raise taxes on the wealthy in america and redistribute it in America, and also to promote universal healthcare in America. Of course! How could we have missed something so obvious? forget the rest of the world, they did it to encourage the left's agenda strictly inside the United States. And the award for most irrelevant post goes to... So there I was... Making friends and playing nice since 1983
  12. what's a 3 day weekend? We don't get those... So there I was... Making friends and playing nice since 1983
  13. So party first, country second. Thanks - got it. I don't see where he said that, it appears to be your bais' interpretation of his statement. I agree with what pretty much everyone else said to the OP wrt why it is not deserved. I'm not looking at purely wins and losses, we don't all live by a pluses and minuses 'victory ledger.' Some of us choose to ask 'why?' Both parties let us down frequently with the answer to that question. To me, the more things a government tries to DO, the more frequently they will disappoint. I think Obama is wondering why the heck he got it, I think it may make him nervous because he knows it is undeserved judging by what he said in his speech. He will obviously keep it positive because he has to, the guy is very good with words. So there I was... Making friends and playing nice since 1983
  14. from the article: "The deadline for nominations for the peace prize was February 1, so someone nominated the President of America for his achievements 11 days into his presidency. So does the prize come with a box of cracker jacks, or in one? just to further the ridiculousness: "Nominations for the prize had to be postmarked by February 1 -- only 12 days after Obama took office. The committee sent out its solicitation for nominations last September -- two months before Obama was elected president. " Wow...I suppose it goes in line with my generation's view on the world- always demanding instant gratification, without having worked hard for any ends. So there I was... Making friends and playing nice since 1983
  15. Many of the confusing ones can be summed up into 3 categories unspoken by men where we will make up any excuse so as to try to not hurt your feelings and subsequently attempt to nail your friends: You're clearly not going to hook up with me without more commitment, so I'm done trying. or I've gotten as much s*x out of this as I want from you, so I'm done f*cking you and would like some strange. and finally, I'm not attracted to you anymore (or potentially ever was), so we're done f*cking. This would be "relationships" lasting in the 4 months or less phase. anything over about 4 months is getting into a more serious legitimate break-up scenario where truth generally is spoken. So there I was... Making friends and playing nice since 1983
  16.,-120.684814&sspn=2.090399,3.521118&ie=UTF8&ll=38.233865,-121.404419&spn=2.066701,5.603027&z=8 A. skydive lodi B. Sacramento Int'l C. Oakland International D. San Francisco International E. San Jose International 1 inch= 20 miles
  17. Yeah... education is for suckers! You could potentially learn facts, languages, cultures, and shit. So there I was... Making friends and playing nice since 1983
  18. I disagree. Obama is a community organizer from Chicago. Does he get to wear a cape with that title? ...I've always wanted to wear a cape... So there I was... Making friends and playing nice since 1983
  19. hate is such a strong word... let the public know it shall now be referred to as 'man made negative emotion towards another man (or woman)'
  20. Rio wins! Maybe the US needs a new sales rep... So there I was... Making friends and playing nice since 1983
  21. How many fingers and toes did you have amputated from frost bite jumping in CO in those months? ha ha ha! F*CKING COLD!!!!! So there I was... Making friends and playing nice since 1983
  22. Mmmmm, I still disagree. small resort destination DZs are quite clearly there for the toursists. There is a guy operating on the big island of hawaii I called about 3 years back and he he told me it would be unlikely for me to jump even if i had my own gear. His story was almost identical to the OP's. I had about 150 jumps at the time and was able to determine he had a business to run and i didn't fit into the business plan. no harm no foul. Yeah, woulda been awesome to jump there, but in both cases the DZs were pretty clear. I opted to enjoy my vacation elsewhere, not a difficult decision to make given the warning signs in both scenarios. So there I was... Making friends and playing nice since 1983
  23. Not angry, just severely disappointed... again.
  24. My guess is at least one of those three will be cheaper to altitude than Mile hi, and you'll get more than 12.5. Oh, and by the way, so cal is awesome. Don't forget your beach cruiser. So there I was... Making friends and playing nice since 1983
  25. doing some self promotion last Saturday...