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Everything posted by 4WayXena

  1. You JM the 82nd airborne??? I'm in total awe of you Miss Thing! Especially jumping a those icky rounds! Guess I would have known that if I'd stayed up all night drinking with you and Chuck at Skyfest.
  2. Clear Lake reporting in, too :^) Not much happened here. Section of fence blew down in the backyard. Our asshole neighbors behind us didn't even bother to pick up their toys before they skipped town. Had the storm been actually hurricane level around here, their gas grill would have wound up in my dining room! So now I'm battling this strange mild flu-like virus the gf brought back from her cruise in Italy. She got here just in time for us to pack up and leave ahead of the hurricane. We apparently didn't lose power thru the storm. The clocks were all fine and the ice slivers in the bottom of the cube tray hadn't melted. I'm going to hack up part of my lungs, take a short nap then get on my weekly con-call. Congratulations Houston! Dodged another one!
  3. "Maybe there should be a category for Black Humpers. When you hump someone's leg and they die laughing!" Thanks! I almost shot soda pop out of my nose and all over my keyboard!!
  4. Me and the gf were smart and got on the road early yesterday afternoon. It took us 4 hours to get from Clear Lake to Tomball - Sheesh! We topped off last night just in case it got wierd for gas and now there's none to be had. Ice is scarce but it can still be had/\. Tell us where you've run to
  5. So when he farts in bed does he pull the sheets up over your head and refuse to release you until you've graded it? Divorceable offense, that one.
  6. Regular Dr. Doolittle, ain't ya? Names for the armadillo - Splat Fluffy Speak! (you'll get it if you're a fan of The Tick) Robin Have fun feeding the critters!
  7. All loneliness is self inflicted - unless you're stranded on a desert island. Humans are social and long to be a part of something. This is how we get conformity, social rules, and the other ugly things like religion and society. Earlier in our programming it was a part of survival - the bigger the pack the better the chances. Now we are expected to fit in and join because that's just what you do. And when there's no desire to join in the reindeer games, we feel left out. We stay away from the rest of the group and feel slightly disenfranchised/Lonely. And with the technology at our disposal, why should we join in? There's TV, video games, the internet, etc. which all fracture our social strata because no one wants to come out and play. Truth is no one is out playing anymore.
  8. And here I thought I was going to get dinged for being a whiner Thanks!
  9. I'm lonely all the fucking time... At home I'm lonely because I can't talk to the gf without a bunch of passive aggressive shit raining down on me. At the DZ I'm lonely because I think I don't fit. And in some ways I don't fit because no one else on the DZ is gay - though the guys claim to be lesbians trapped in men's bodies. And some of the girls are intimidated by me, I think, because I don't act, dress, or look like them. When I go out to the girl bar - I definitely don't fit because my life doesn't revolve around living in a dyke bar. I care about more than partying and going to the bar every Saturday or who's sleeping with who. And dammit I refuse to dress like a tart with my gstring hanging out - eek! Even if regular women's clothes fit me, which they don't. At work, I'm the boss so no one wants to talk to me for fear I'm gonna be some major asshole and hold something against them if things aren't going right. Which I wouldn't. It's tough trying to figure out a place in this society when it's not made for you. It's not really made for any one person, but a dumbed down collective. And when you make alterations to make the world fit, society bags you for it. Makes you pay the price for being different in ways both subtle and obvious. I don't want to be out here by myself - I just haven't met enough people to hang out here with me, yet. There aren't enough of us out on the edge to flip the whole fucking thing over, either.
  10. "My parents think I'm studying" "OU Skydiving - How's that for an elective?" "My other Major is Freefall!" "Intramural Sports are for pussies!"
  11. The latest on Rico... I went to go see him yesterday. He's doing pretty good. Color is good. He's speaking, albeit very quietly, and he's getting sensation in his arms and a little bit of movement back in his right hand. They've taken the Halo off. He's also being weaned from the respirator. Angie, his wife, says he will be off the respirator by the end of the weekend. Keep your fingers crossed. Once the respirator comes out, he can start getting to work on some hard core physical therapy. He's still at the Hermann Continuing Care facility on Gessner in the Spring Shadows area of town. They will keep him here for a while longer until his movement gets better. Unfortunately, the poor guy doesn't have much to do all day but watch the few crappy TV stations they have, and watch the sunlight cross the floor in his room. If you haven't gone to visit him yet, WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR? Go see him. He could use the company and the good ju-jus! Be sure to bring magazines and sweets for both Rico and Angie. Anything to keep their spirits up. Thanks to everyone who signed the Ballunar Festival ballcap. He thought that was pretty neat and appreciates everyone thinking about him. I would have gotten more signatures on Sunday but we did get weathered out, sorry. FYI - Memorial Herman Continuing Care Center 3043 Gessner Drive, Room 2432-B Houston, Texas 77080-2597
  12. Martini's are a girls best friend if you remember some very simple rules 1) Martinis are like breasts. One isn't enough and three are waaaaay too many! 2) Don't FUCK with the olives! 2 Fat, delicious, briny, PIMENTO stuffed olives is the correct number. (See above rule about martinis) 3) Olive juice from jalepeno stuffed, blue cheese stuffed, dog turd stuffed, whatever olives just totally screws up a potentially great dirty martini. If you gotta have the she-she olives at a party, please provide your guests with the option of some Dirty Tony's olive juice to mix with instead of that other foulness. It's like serving Nacho Cheese Doritos with your best salsa, otherwise. 4) Vermouth should only make a cameo appearance in your martini (i.e. rinse the serving glass with it and pour the excess out). 5) Rocks martinis are served in a Rocks glass. Straight up martinis are served in a martini or shallow champagne glass. Even if you are camping, martinis deserve a glass receptacle, not a plastic cup. Metal martini glasses would be okay if I could find some - sheesh! I'll get off the bar now and go back to swilling my drinks! Remember Dorothy Parker's classic limerick next time you enjoy a martini I love a good martini Two of them at Most Because three I'm under the table And four I'm under my host!
  13. Tony, Send me a pm so I can send you my address. Then you can send me the picture you've been promising me for three freaking years!!!! Kirsten P.S. Who else loves you enough to GIVE you a roll of 3" wide gaffers tape?
  14. 4WayXena

    Harry Potter

    Total Harry Potter geek chiming in.... JK Rowling is going to write one more Harry Potter book and that's it. Sorry folks :^( I love those books too. I bet anyone $100,000 that Harry finds one of the horcruxes in Grimmauld Place. Kreacher's stashed it with some other Black family heirlooms.
  15. Would you also do the ex-girlfriend gig, too?
  16. Kirsten knows all about barb wire fences. -- Hey man, that wasn't me that landed thru the middle of the barb wire fence. Stephanie "the anti-Tammi" Grover did that. I landed in/under a tree about 25 yards away amazed all of my body parts were intact and working. Neither party was injured in the performance of Stupid Skydiver Trick called "jumping in really fu
  17. You were Tom's Bee-otch! LOL Maybe your new dz.com handle should be TJB (Tom Jenkins Bitch). Well I suppose we gotta get your happy ass to the tunnel and really make a skydiver outta you! And you still have to do your SCR ceremony. I suppose we could get that done on Saturday night.
  18. Even though I could take the credit for sparking your SCR Eric, I didn't. Sometimes SCR's just spontaneously come together. It was sooooo cool seeing your face in freefall . It was a great skydive and an awesome way to end the weekend. Thanks again for the fun!!! Thanks to Tom Jenkins for organizing such a cool jump!! Onto learning the Jedi art of the Mantis!!!!! See you next weekend! Xena
  19. Step 1 - Get a can of GEL shaving cream. It's gotta be the GEL type. Step 2 - Freeze the can overnight. Step 3 - Poke a hole in the side of the can Step 4 - Put it in a dresser drawer and wait for the gel to thaw. As the gel thaws, it squirts out the hole and all over the inside of the dresser drawer. Got 5 drawers? Use 5 cans.
  20. Or "Manimal" after the ungodly experiments the Animal Husbandry College conducted? Miss you, Walt - still haven't broken the 28 pies and a cheesecake record on anyone else!
  21. Is this my guy Eric? Hey man, even if you're jumping with other newbies on your belly, let me know. I have some drill dives for two people to work on belly skills. And if I'm not with a student, I will gladly jump with you and help you work on some more advanced skills - no $$. Please don't go completely to the Dark Arts just because you can't find anyone else to jump with this early (awiaiting flame storm for this comment ) Remind me to hook you up with Curtis. He's pretty into this stuff too and you guys could compliment each other well in freefall - similar skills and body types.
  22. Wow I look really drunk in that picture... Awesome meeting you Cora! And next time I'll give you a tall chick hug and show you the meaning of the word snuggle. Kirsten
  23. Wow! The old fucker is still kickin'? Happy Birthday from the really tall Texas Skydiver Chick!
  24. Nanabanana!!!! I had a total blast on your SCR! I love getting people right off the door, or at least trying to Thanks for the great jump! Tell Bob I owe him a Shiner!