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Everything posted by 4WayXena

  1. Aww Shucks!!!! It was a great way to end my day of RW training with some girls on Spaceland Elektra. And I loved taking out my freefly suit to freefly in rather than as a "I've got a skinny ass, no arching student" jumpsuit. I suppose I owe beer because that was the first train exit I've done that didn't got to hell right off the plane. And then to hold a sit right after that was waaaaaaaaaay cool. The best part of the day tho was seeing Walt again. Ladies, if you like boys, Walt's one heckuva catch. He's just awesome!!! His "shit eating grin" turns a light on in my heart and he gets a big grin from me in return. He's not on crack, he's just genuine and alive - something you can't say about everyone on this planet. God Bless his stall truning little heart! I hope he makes an appearance out here at SkyFest. Spaceland's paved the runway so mud should be 75-100% less this year. Just hope J buys a couple of cases of sacrifice beer and hires 4inRelation to drink it to keep the skies clear! Hope everyone has an awesome Sunday! Kirsten (4wayXena)
  2. Indeed I can. On a good day I can count to twenty--if I take my shoes and socks off. And 23 if he takes off his pants
  3. You just had to go pubic with that one! Oops! I meant public! That's just sssoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo WRONG!
  4. Yea, it still happens though I've femmed out a bit. Usually it's older foreign guys or short older Mexican ladies. I almost got hauled out of the Ladies Room by security at the Ft. Worth Natural Science Museum when two little Mexican ladies started hollering "Caballero. Caballero." I was let go as soon as I spoke to the guard and showed him my ID.
  5. Leather Load??? That would be interesting... Can I borrrow some chaps? I wear extra long but I don't know how a pair of freefly pants will look under them - LOL!
  6. Ummmm.... Neither her, her bf, nor any of the press willing to publicize her near Darwin award winning performance has shown any reasonable sense. What would happen to the DZ should she do something else stupid, go in and have tons of National Press there to cover it? I'd think most DZOs would say no thank you. And if her return to skydiving were uneventful, then what? Do we really want people who've dragged this sports image thru the media to be our poster children to the rest of the world? Will her baby be some kind of twisted Harry Potter type because "he's the boy that lived?" Kudos to Shana and her BF for taking a tragic accident and turning into opportunity. Just wish they had done something truly remarkable and amazing rather than almost killing Shana and her child... I just don't know what to think about this anymore. Suppose I'll just go smoke jump into a raging forest fire to save 10 families and their homes. And at the end of the day, I'll hit up all the homeowners for some cash and hassle the media about how cool I am.
  7. And if the weather sucks tomorrow - as it should according to Dr. Neil - get your ass out to the bar! That is, after you guys get done creeping all of your blocks and randoms and doing the exits cause it's raining all freaking day... I will make an appearance there myself later in the day.
  8. Try playing that game while walking on the plane with a 20way team It's especially cool when the folks in first class look all nervous.
  9. Are there any members of the Rodriguez Brothers going to the Boogie? I want to join up Will someone adopt me?
  10. I don't think GATTY really exists and is just some asshat trying to cause trouble. See his profile for further info. PS - if I could figure out how to get the slime out my computers RAM from GATTY's pm/avatar I would. If I knew how to forward that pm to Remster or any other mod, I would so this joker can have his account revoked.
  11. I'm not going to the WFFC. Even tho it'd be fun to hang with a bunch of skydivers that I haven't seen in a while, I'm just not up for that kind of lunacy. I see enough stupid skydiver tricks at home on weather days... Like knee boarding thru the landing area (sans water) behind a pick up truck... Or the human/creeper slingshot which also involved pick up trucks... Hmmmmm. Sounds like people only get hurt at the DZ when bad weather, alcohol and pick up trucks are involved?
  12. So a rich guy buys a bunch of land and says people can live and work there if they abide by his strict rules. What's the problem again? Sounds like Walt Disney's original intention for EPCOT. Or Henry Ford's company living compound for all of his employees in Dearborn around 1910-25 which is now Greenfield Village and the Henry Ford Museum. Or sounds kind of like the Jamestown settlement in Guyana.
  13. Famke Jansen - she's been in a ton of movies lately. She's also Jean Grey in the X-Men movies. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
  14. How about an old fashioned "Hit and Chug" contest on the last load of every day? We don't have to do drag but we can certainly do a lingerie jump... Of course in the evenings there's always the Booze Luge - not necessarily a contest but a cool way to take a shot. The ugliest rig contest was already run by the guy who hijacked John Rich's avatar which features a brown, orange, red and white Racer with a ripcord (no shit) deplyoment system. I still love you Mr. Rich even if your gear makes me cringe I'm sure Mark and I can come up with something. After all, aren't we all here for the entertainment?
  15. Damn, you are a tease!!! Walt maybe....
  16. Shit, why aren't *you* on the list?!!! Hell, I'd consider getting a sex change *and* going gay for you! (Of course, I'd want to take you for a test drive first) 4wayXena delivers a gentle bitch slap to Walt to remind him that there will be no test driving while he still has a d!@k and body hair.... Book those plane tickets for Sweden and we'll talk when you get back
  17. added - Dr. Ruth So there was a vote for Queen Latifah... Let's add some others Ruth Bader Ginsburg (Supreme Court Justice) Janet Reno Chyna (the wrestling star) Susan Lucci (come on you could get lost in the neck rolls her plastic surgeon hasn't fixed yet) Barbara Bush (see above comment about Susan Lucci x10) The fat scary chick that lives in the apartment next door and her gf - eeeeeek!
  18. Thanks for the reminder to check my passport. I'm good for another couple of years, though I might want to get a new one since my picture totally sucks! Should we have a contest for the worst passport picture?
  19. EEEEEEWW! STOP! Those are almost enough for me to hop to the straight side of the fence! Girls to really go lesbian for... Angelina Jolie Scarlett Johansen Famke Jansen (especially as Xenia Onatopp) The girl that plays Shane on the L Word The US Women's Pairs Beach Volleyball Team - like they're not already together...
  20. Hey there Scratch! Glad to see you kind of joining in the fray... come play in the Bonfire, huh?
  21. Don't care what you jump as long as you bring a bumper suit so I can see you in the air across from me. Then I'll have to run to the store for a case of beer since it will be the first time we've jumped together - Mr. Fruit Salad Canopy Guy! That would make an excellent Real Men of Genius beer comercial on the radio!!!
  22. WAY TO GO!!!!!! Mark, you so totally ROCK! Keep going after the sponsors and keep getting the energy behind this event. There are even folks here at Spaceland interesting in coming up to Montreal. FYI - I love my Javelins and was just kidding about the Racers :^)
  23. Oh No now the Racer will be thought of as the GAY rig.... Well I always knew Racers SUCKED but didn't know they sucked that way????