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Everything posted by gowlerk

  1. gowlerk


    Well, that much is true. There does seem to be a certain disdain and mockery of the request for a citation though. As if somehow it is not reasonable.
  2. I just checked out the performance. It seems perfectly appropriate to me that at an event like the Super Bowl the anthem should be turned into a showtune. It suits the whole American ethos.
  3. gowlerk


    Despite all your complaining about being called out you have still posted no evidence that wearing a mask causing respiratory diseases. You seem to be outraged that you were challenged. As in I was wrong to not just let your false news pass. What would you suggest that I do when someone in a forum like this posts something that is clearly as wrong as what you did? Why are you even here if you can't stand the heat?
  4. And today Trudeau's cabinet invoked the Emergency Act. For the first time ever. https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/emergencies-act-explainer-1.6351504
  5. Where did I recently read that the wheels of justice grind very slowly, but they make a fine dust?
  6. As usual I also rooted for the underdog. And my life wasn't altered either.
  7. They don't care, you are no longer in their target demographic!
  8. Did the Stones ever perform the US National Anthem? Or God Save the Queen for that matter?
  9. Thank you. A very poetic word I just learned.
  10. Slavery was one of the foundations of the USA. As others have pointed out it was so foundational that it is part of the constitution and a constitutional amendment was needed to end it. My understanding of CRT is that some of that foundation still remains. It has only been partially washed away by time. Your understanding of it is different from mine but I do not believe that CRT is used to teach that the USA is all about race, only that race still matters more than it should in America.
  11. Lacrosse is Canada’s official National Game.
  12. Or skiing, motorcycle racing, or drunk driving or any number of risky activities. All covered 100%. At least it is in Canada. Same as cancers that might be caused by smoking, or liver disease from drinking. Or Covid that is vaccine preventable. Or suicide attempts. All covered,
  13. gowlerk


    Hey, I have a friend who is mostly otherwise sane, and full vaxxed, tell me that he is starting to think that maybe there is something to the Ivermectin use story. He heard somewhere that a well spoken doctor was saying that many patients have been recovering after using it. I gently pointed out that most people recover without taking anything. He was thinking about it when I left. My wife nursed a woman who had two close family members die of covid. After the the ventilator was removed she said that "the Ivermectin didn't work" and that "maybe she would think about getting vaccinated now".
  14. gowlerk


    I'm in Canada. I can go to the safe injection site.
  15. gowlerk


    Who does? But I think I may be getting addicted to these injection drugs. I've been jabbed 3 times for covid, plus the first flu shot in many years, and tetanus plus diphtheria. Now I want more. I'm becoming a slave sheep!
  16. Of course I am not from UPT, but I know this to be true. From page 18 of the current manual: Vector 3 spring‐loaded pilot chute: o V326‐V397 container size use P/N: 022‐001‐000 o V300‐V320 container size use P/N: 022‐001‐001 From page 39: WARNING If you are packing the V300 container size, check pilot chute compatibility. This container must ONLY use Reserve Pilot Chute P/N 022‐001‐001 which is easily identified by the RED cap. The part number is also located on the envelope stamp. The V300 container incorporates a warning label on the underside of the center flap which is also RED to correspond with the top of the pilot chute. NOTE V303‐V397 container size s are compatible with both Reserve Pilot Chutes manufactured by UPT.
  17. The problem with this analysis is that podcasts can be and mostly are listened to at any time the listener chooses. No one listens to them live. That is the whole reason it is a podcast.
  18. It is not surprising in such a polarized time that we all make so many assumptions of each other as if there are only two possible sets of beliefs.
  19. Interesting to me is that the guy who started it was raised in a strict christian fundamentalist family and came to reject the beliefs in his teens. Gives me some hope.
  20. Bill was just providing an example of the flaw in interpreting poll data using your name. Harden up Francis.
  21. gowlerk


    No requirement. If you post false news like you did you may be called out. I was only asking for a citation to point out that you likely had no real basis for the claim and to give you a chance to supply one so I could refute it. The fact is that what you posted is completely false and when you make such claims you risk having a request to defend it.
  22. gowlerk


    Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof. I rather suspect you got this information from Tucker or some such talking head. I am not in the habit of chasing around trying to prove a negative. You should know better than to ask.
  23. gowlerk


    Citation please. This is false news.
  24. Some get lucky and stay healthy into advanced old age. Don't be too cocky, Phil and airdvr are both right, things can change quickly. As I keep reminding myself. Touch wood.
  25. https://birdsarentreal.com/ Wake up