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Everything posted by gowlerk

  1. Just a guess, but I'm thinking "flip through" in this case is referring to a three ring with the middle ring flipped through the large ring. Not what we usually use the term for. I'm wondering about what kind of "high performance wing" though.
  2. Reading that left me with nothing to say. I'm still chewing on it. It is an extraordinary thing to read. It should be fiction, and I know it isn't.
  3. God is an invention of Mankind. Every person has a right to their own interpretation of the God myth. And every single person does. No two people, even members of strong religions, think of God in the exact same way. We are all individual snowflakes. God stands as an icon for all the things we can never know. How else could we all cope with our mortality? You can deny God or believe in God. It makes no difference whatsoever to any of the mysteries we face. None of us can ever know. Always remember the brave children who died defending your right to bear arms. Freedom is not free.
  4. Clinton lost. Get over her. Why are you going on about her so much? Always remember the brave children who died defending your right to bear arms. Freedom is not free.
  5. Mitch McConnell, a man I admire for his intelligence and hate for his policies put this best. He said "winners make policy, losers go home". Always remember the brave children who died defending your right to bear arms. Freedom is not free.
  6. To no one and to all. Stephen Hawking is in the same place we will all end up. There is but one place and we all share it. God told me. Always remember the brave children who died defending your right to bear arms. Freedom is not free.
  7. Move to Winnipeg for the summer. JumpInfo Gimli. We’ll take care of getting you COP.
  8. The magazine would be illegal. 25 yo would not exempt it. Edit, I would allow you to keep it if you modified the magazine to limit it to five loads. Always remember the brave children who died defending your right to bear arms. Freedom is not free.
  9. Yes, For the same reasons Jared Kushner deserves a top secret security clearance. Security only matters if it affects the dotard's secrets. Everything else? Share with Russia or whoever. Always remember the brave children who died defending your right to bear arms. Freedom is not free.
  10. All of them. Or to be more accurate, their large magazines. If I were writing the rules, I would hire an expert to help me sort some of it out. AR type rifles would not be banned, but restricted. Large magazines would be banned, with very large penalties for non compliance. Always remember the brave children who died defending your right to bear arms. Freedom is not free.
  11. Yes, all that is true. The photographer retains the rights to commercial use, but the customer owns the right to display the work. None of that affects its value or use as evidence. No one has the right to deny its use in court.
  12. Like any other pictures commissioned by a customer. They belong to the photographer. Who may or may not have an agreement with the DZ that says they belong to the DZ. Even if they supply a copy to the paying customer, they still own the footage. If the customer shoots the footage, he owns the rights to it. In the USA. As far as evidence goes it is possible to subpoena any evidence. And it is illegal to destroy evidence. It doesn't matter who owns it.
  13. There actually are no "anti AR-15 nuts". There are a bunch of people who want to limit access to rifles with large magazines and close quarter fighting designs. Just because they don't know the details of the different models does not make them nuts. Gun nuts on the other hand, now those are for real. Always remember the brave children who died defending your right to bear arms. Freedom is not free.
  14. Yes, I know. those are the most successful scams. They prey on people who have a high level of desperation, and are willing to try anything. Looking for help here is probably of limited use. I spent some time looking at and Googling this. I could not find any single trustworthy source endorsing it. Just easily faked testimonials. That's why I came to the conclusion I did. Good Luck
  15. I'm ok with him not pulling the handle. I'm not even a little ok with the fact that he did not have his hand on it. And he needs line twist training as well. He is probably a rookie, he definitely is poorly trained. Videos of under performing TIs on YouTube. One more good reason to not let the passenger hold their own camera! So your ok with tandem instructors not executing the correct procedures. ie. Not pulling the reserve handle. Simply take a look at a recent SB from a non-tandem gear manufacturer about some RSL shackles - they can become disconnected. If he's missing the obvious and not pulling the reserve handle on a cutaway - what else is he deviating from. Yes, my plan for tandem cutaways is too observe the result first before pulling the other handle. Most times the reserve will be open before I have confirmed a successful cutaway. My hand would be ready to either deploy or to deal with another potential problem.
  16. If you are that old you should be able to recognize a scam when you see it.
  17. I'm ok with him not pulling the handle. I'm not even a little ok with the fact that he did not have his hand on it. And he needs line twist training as well. He is probably a rookie, he definitely is poorly trained. Videos of under performing TIs on YouTube. One more good reason to not let the passenger hold their own camera!
  18. Most DZs don't allow it. We simply tell them about the 200 jump rule. Personally I don't allow it for two completely different reasons. The first is the same reason you can't bring your own popcorn to the theatre. The second is that I don't want the customer to be so distracted. Most people would probably reverse that order. I don't think there is a real "rule" against it. Even if there is it is like the rule about helmets. Ignored. All students are supposed to wear "shock absorbing headgear" in Canada according to CSPA. But lots of DZs do bareheaded tandem. It makes the video look better.
  19. Yes, I saw that a couple days ago. I did not think it was technically possible to slow the frequency down like that. Someone here knows I bet.
  20. It must be a real treat for you to be right. It happens so seldom..... Congratulations. I don't really blame you for your lack of graciousness. We do ride you hard here. How many posts are going to squeeze out of it? Always remember the brave children who died defending your right to bear arms. Freedom is not free.
  21. All the time I thought it was so that riggers would trim their finger nails before packing. I hate it when I have a rough nail and it catches on untreated lines. Where's my manicure set?
  22. Hey, one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter. One man's gouger is another man's capitalist. But I think Phil's point was simply that there is not a lot of difference between the evil of Shkreli and that of the Falwell's. They both profit from the AIDs afflicted community in one way or another. Always remember the brave children who died defending your right to bear arms. Freedom is not free.