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Everything posted by gowlerk

  1. Yes, all that is true. The photographer retains the rights to commercial use, but the customer owns the right to display the work. None of that affects its value or use as evidence. No one has the right to deny its use in court.
  2. Like any other pictures commissioned by a customer. They belong to the photographer. Who may or may not have an agreement with the DZ that says they belong to the DZ. Even if they supply a copy to the paying customer, they still own the footage. If the customer shoots the footage, he owns the rights to it. In the USA. As far as evidence goes it is possible to subpoena any evidence. And it is illegal to destroy evidence. It doesn't matter who owns it.
  3. There actually are no "anti AR-15 nuts". There are a bunch of people who want to limit access to rifles with large magazines and close quarter fighting designs. Just because they don't know the details of the different models does not make them nuts. Gun nuts on the other hand, now those are for real. Always remember the brave children who died defending your right to bear arms. Freedom is not free.
  4. Yes, I know. those are the most successful scams. They prey on people who have a high level of desperation, and are willing to try anything. Looking for help here is probably of limited use. I spent some time looking at and Googling this. I could not find any single trustworthy source endorsing it. Just easily faked testimonials. That's why I came to the conclusion I did. Good Luck
  5. I'm ok with him not pulling the handle. I'm not even a little ok with the fact that he did not have his hand on it. And he needs line twist training as well. He is probably a rookie, he definitely is poorly trained. Videos of under performing TIs on YouTube. One more good reason to not let the passenger hold their own camera! So your ok with tandem instructors not executing the correct procedures. ie. Not pulling the reserve handle. Simply take a look at a recent SB from a non-tandem gear manufacturer about some RSL shackles - they can become disconnected. If he's missing the obvious and not pulling the reserve handle on a cutaway - what else is he deviating from. Yes, my plan for tandem cutaways is too observe the result first before pulling the other handle. Most times the reserve will be open before I have confirmed a successful cutaway. My hand would be ready to either deploy or to deal with another potential problem.
  6. If you are that old you should be able to recognize a scam when you see it.
  7. I'm ok with him not pulling the handle. I'm not even a little ok with the fact that he did not have his hand on it. And he needs line twist training as well. He is probably a rookie, he definitely is poorly trained. Videos of under performing TIs on YouTube. One more good reason to not let the passenger hold their own camera!
  8. Most DZs don't allow it. We simply tell them about the 200 jump rule. Personally I don't allow it for two completely different reasons. The first is the same reason you can't bring your own popcorn to the theatre. The second is that I don't want the customer to be so distracted. Most people would probably reverse that order. I don't think there is a real "rule" against it. Even if there is it is like the rule about helmets. Ignored. All students are supposed to wear "shock absorbing headgear" in Canada according to CSPA. But lots of DZs do bareheaded tandem. It makes the video look better.
  9. Yes, I saw that a couple days ago. I did not think it was technically possible to slow the frequency down like that. Someone here knows I bet.
  10. It must be a real treat for you to be right. It happens so seldom..... Congratulations. I don't really blame you for your lack of graciousness. We do ride you hard here. How many posts are going to squeeze out of it? Always remember the brave children who died defending your right to bear arms. Freedom is not free.
  11. All the time I thought it was so that riggers would trim their finger nails before packing. I hate it when I have a rough nail and it catches on untreated lines. Where's my manicure set?
  12. Hey, one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter. One man's gouger is another man's capitalist. But I think Phil's point was simply that there is not a lot of difference between the evil of Shkreli and that of the Falwell's. They both profit from the AIDs afflicted community in one way or another. Always remember the brave children who died defending your right to bear arms. Freedom is not free.
  13. Rich older men paying attractive young women for a good time. Since when was that wrong? His marriage? Well, that's between she and he and his lawyer. Adultery? Come on, we're all adults in the room here. Other hookers who didn't get as much money? Winners and losers baby, not all women are worth that kind of money. Evangelicals? Bought them off too. Just used a different kind of currency. The currency of power. But always in the background lurks that pesky investigation. That one with the power to subpoena records and look into the money trail. Dark days are coming for the dotard. Always remember the brave children who died defending your right to bear arms. Freedom is not free.
  14. Oh Karma, how delightful you can sometimes be. I wonder how many tears were shed by those who could no longer afford that drug. I know his sentence had nothing to do with that, but rather stealing from his shareholders. But Karma is like honey badger, it just doesn't care. http://time.com/5193670/martin-shkreli-prison-r-securities-fraud/?xid=homepage Always remember the brave children who died defending your right to bear arms. Freedom is not free.
  15. I think that actually works against Trump. The constant low level noise about Russia just causes people to build up an immunity to it. If it goes away for a while it will make a bigger slash when it returns into focus. Always remember the brave children who died defending your right to bear arms. Freedom is not free.
  16. Maybe so. But in this case he used his lawyers to take advance of her basic human greed, not to bully her. She did not have to take his money. And I'm sure she was handsomely rewarded for her original services as well. There is no reason at all to feel sorry for Stormy. Just as there is no reason to feel sorry for Melania. They both knew what they were getting into. That said, I hope they both find a way to screw him over! Always remember the brave children who died defending your right to bear arms. Freedom is not free.
  17. http://time.com/5193461/martin-shkreli-lawyer-punch-face/?xid=homepage Does anyone like this guy? His mother? Always remember the brave children who died defending your right to bear arms. Freedom is not free.
  18. Maybe they won't sell you the AR-15s you need. But they will stock you up on vittles. http://time.com/money/5193154/costco-doomsday-preparation-emergency-food-kit/?xid=homepage https://www.costco.com/Nutristore-1-YEAR-Premium-Food-Kit-36%2c000-Servings.product.100302316.html Marketing at it's finest. And if I know Costco, probably at a huge savings compared to prepper specialty stores. Always remember the brave children who died defending your right to bear arms. Freedom is not free.
  19. Yes, it seems likely the DZO knew and did not care about his sexual preference. He was not fired for that. He was fired for his behavior it seems. Unfortunately part of the behavior was informing the customer that he was gay. That seems to have muddied the waters enough to make it an issue. Always remember the brave children who died defending your right to bear arms. Freedom is not free.
  20. There 16.3 million active conceal carry permits in the USA. Over 429K of those are in Virginia. They are increasing at a rate 1.6 million every year lately. It's a good thing most people leave them at home most of the time. Don't count on that staying the same forever though. Always remember the brave children who died defending your right to bear arms. Freedom is not free.
  21. More than likely what his instincts really tell him is to brag about his porn star liaison. That would be more his style. Being POTUS is cramping him big time! Always remember the brave children who died defending your right to bear arms. Freedom is not free.
  22. You must be kidding. Men shoot their women with such alarming regularity that it only gets reported locally unless they kill the whole family. A woman who shoots and kills an abusive husband is almost certainly going to go to jail for many years unless they can prove they were in imminent physical danger. This is one of the most fallacious pro-gun arguments I've ever heard. Congratulations. Edit to add, it was just pointed out to me below that you likely were not using this a pro-gun argument. Just to point out a flaw in a plan. Had me going there for a while. Always remember the brave children who died defending your right to bear arms. Freedom is not free.
  23. You must be still a bit of an outsider in America. I seldom hear native Americans expressing this obvious truth. They are too afraid of censure from their peers. Always remember the brave children who died defending your right to bear arms. Freedom is not free.
  24. You mean like the Vegas shooter? Blaming youth is incorrect, although you are correct that it almost exclusively involves men. Other countries have unemployed youth, but few mass shootings. I wonder what is wrong in America. What could the difference be? The underlying problem is the gun culture. It is so painfully obvious. Why are all y'all so unwilling to just admit that? Always remember the brave children who died defending your right to bear arms. Freedom is not free.