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Everything posted by DZJ

  1. So just to get this analogy straight in my head: if the Neo-Cons 'win', America comes back to the British Empire, right?
  2. Meanwhile:
  3. Just out of curiosity, suppose this guy does spectacularly better than expected, what share of the vote might he get - 0.5%? 1%?
  4. Given that you think blasting women and children into bloody chunks qualifies as anything other than a terrorist atrocity, I'd say Skyrad would be perfectly entitled to ignore you.
  5. DZJ

    Free Speach?

    On a different note, what's the Constitutional basis for making kids pledge allegiance in the first place? I've always thought the very idea flies in the face of America's proud history of permitting and protecting dissent, and of promoting individualism.
  6. "I've still not forgiven you for Agincourt, Crecy, Joan of Arc, Trafalgar, Waterloo, or Mers el Kebir...."
  7. DZJ

    Words fail me

    The Glorious Dead....
  8. Re: Caught another Al-Qaida fucker person who isn't Osama bin Laden..... Sorted.
  9. Quote Here is one link to the entire story. I still don't see any reference to shooting one of the burglars in the back. Then again, so what?
  10. How many of those said that he was the son of [g/G]od?
  11. DZJ

    London Mayor

    Agree about the BNP - I saw that BNP twat's Assembly seat acceptance speech, he sounded like a thug in the best Munich beer-hall tradition. Even if they can't agree on anything else, I hope the other parts freeze that cunt out of decision-making.
  12. No, it isn't. It *has*, however, deprived British citizens of the most effective form of self-defense against the criminals that ARE knifing and shooting people in the commission of crimes. This is a red herring I'm afraid mate. Legal gun owners weren't carrying firearms for self-defence before the ban, and keeping them unlocked at home would violate the terms of their licence, which require firearms to kept securely.
  13. No such luck, it was a radio interview!
  14. I heard an utterly hilarious radio interview on this subject between the BBC's John Humphrys and an Israeli spokesman whose response to every question was 'We do not discuss this'. He even acknowledged there had been an attack (one time saying something like 'We do not talk about the attack') but it was the most extraordinary example of hoping an issue will go away if you don't talk about it.
  15. Just to be clear, you're not trying to make a point about American guns laws using a study about Australia, are you?
  16. Sorry mate, but I think your characterising the final commandment as 'advocating lack of ambition' is a bit of a stretch. As far as I can see, all it's saying is that you shouldn't covet that which is not yours.(Would coveting your neighbour's wife be 'ambitious'? Your post would imply that would be a good thing). It doesn't say anything about not earning those things for one's self.
  17. Did I just hear a Fox reporter concede that Obama 'has a good shot at being the next POTUS'?
  18. nonsense, a REAL MAN would disable the gearing, sharpen and then dull the blades using the callouses on his fingers (just show he can), tie 3 cinder blocks around his waist, and then go out into the lawn and chew the grass to the appropriate height kids just don't know how easy they have it nowadays Bill, didn't your family live in a cardboard box at the bottom of a lake? Used to have to get out of the lake at six o'clock in the morning, clean the lake, eat a handful of 'ot gravel, work twenty hour day at mill for tuppence a month, come home, and Dad would thrash you to sleep with a broken bottle, if you were lucky! Only a broken bottle - oh the luxury!
  19. So you think the solution is to assassinate government leaders? (Note to readers: An "SMLE" is a British rifle, called a short-magazine-Lee-Enfield.) Funny, I read that as a suggestion to rebuild the British Empire. Nothing likely to make people at home feel better than invading some far-off country and massacring the locals with massive amounts of firepower... oh, wait, hang on a sec.... (Oh, and fyi your name for the SMLE has a couple too many hyphens in it!)
  20. A badger in zombie form, perhaps. In any case it's amazing how fast he seems to be metamorphosing (decomposing?) into John Major.
  21. Personal responsibility, integrity and pride are no longer taught in public schools by the fucking teachers. Aha, so it's the fucking shit teachers' fault! Incidentally, dear American cousins, I hear that Prime Minister Brown is visiting your shores at the moment. Could you do us all a favour and hold on to him for, oh I don't know, forever? It's just he's the most boring bloke in the whole world and life would be more interesting without him. Thanks in advance, -DZJ
  22. I quite agree, I watched the programme on iPlayer yesterday and there seemed something pretty perverse about the shooting gallery-type 'hunting' on offer. [It also occurs that if you handed these 'hunters' a spear and said 'Off you go, don't come back till you've killed a lion' in true traditional fashion there wouldn't be quite so many chunky Americans queuing up for the 'experience'.]
  23. I thought snobbery was a requirement for being a politician - if you think you're clever enough to lead [x] hundreds of millions of people, don't you pretty much have to think you're better than the rest?
  24. Suppose, for arguments sake, that a smoking ban did result in more road accidents with fatalities, and that the increase cancelled out any decrease in the fatality rate of smoking-related cancers. Would it be worth reversing the ban to make the roads safer, or better have dangerous roads but less people sick? Or would it not make an iota of difference?